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Diamondra n2 TS


So I followed the rescue of their unit who were caught in an ambush ... because I think that it was the biggest scoop of all time. Along the way, while the Lieutnant McCormack continued his way to the valley, I stopped because I thought I heard a noise behind us. By not hearing any noise behind him, Lieutnant McCormack turned around and noticed that I had been given up to several meters back ... he cried out "Mark!!". I heard the echo of his voice but not him. The fog that blocked the way ahead of me to distinguish myself viewing of the images I could see. After a few minutes walk the fog has finally cleared, the path lit by the glow of the sun and familiar faces appeared to me as if by magic. It was the Lieutnant McComack and unity ... we were only five kilometers to go before reaching the valley, where the ambush took place. Arrived a few meters from the battle scene, Lieutenant McComarck took the initiative to hide in the bouissons before a cons-attack in order to avoid more injuries. In due course, a machine gun in hand, take my camera to my, the Lieutnant stood up, walked toward the enemy and has taken several gunshots. I, on my side with my camera, I do not hesitate to take a picture the whole scene ...

As the army commander in Afghanistan was not aware of the situation, because the Lieutnant McComack had liquidated many of his men, he decided to kidnap me to be able to see the face of one who has murdered his soldiers. Without realizing it, an Afghan Army soldier walked up to me, put a hood over my head and I boarded with him without the Lieutnant McCormack noticing. But as soon as a truck route took enemy, he quickly realized that I was kidnapped ... he would follow the truck but it was impossible because their truck was going faster than the Lieutnant. I was taken to a tent camp of troops from Afghanistan, and I was kind of attached to a beam that was holding the tent in place .. Then they took off the hood that I had on my head. The army commander walked up to me to take the camera, but he did not suspect that the camera was not with me but to the place of ambush. Because when I was hooded soldiers head, the unit fell just ahead.

Then the captain asked me where did I put the camera where he could see the murderer of his soldiers. I tried to describe the habits of Lieutnant but as commanders had in mind that their army and did not even try to visualize the desription that I gave them Lieutnant. So for me to talk more, they tortured me until I tell them where the camp was. They shot me in the right leg, which was not very common among other opposing camps, because just imagine that every time they participated in an ambush I always do and always remove the same thing. And after many tortures, the commander realized that he could never get more information about the camp that I've given him ... for a change then he asked me what I was doing in the camps where I go on a mission. And so I tell him all my life .. few minutes later, the arrival of Lieutnant McCormack to deliver me, the army commander Afghanistanaise had not been as happy as this moment ... because finally, someone one could get rid of me so that his ears could rest in peace.

Alors je les ai suivit pour le sauvetage de leur unit qui ont t pris dans une daprs moi ce pourait tre le plus grand scoop de tous les temps. En chemin, alors que le lieutnant McCormack continuait son chemin vers la valle, je me suis arrt car je pensais avoir entendu du bruit derrire nous. En nentendant plus aucun bruit derrire lui, le Lieutnant McCormack sest retourn et avait remarqu que javais t abandonn plusieurs mtres en cria Mark!!!!!!. Jentendit lcho de sa voix mais pas lui. Le brouillard qui barrait le passage juste devant moi mempchais de bien distinguer les images que je pouvais visualiser. Aprs quelques minutes de marches le brouillard sest enfin dissip, le chemin clair par la lueur du soleil et des visages familiers me sont apparus comme par enchantement. Ctait le Lieutnant McComack et son nous restait plus que 5 kilomtres parcourir avant darriver la valle, l o a eu lieu lembuscade. Arriv quelques mtres de la scne de bataille, Lieutnant McComarck a pris linitiative de se cacher dans les bouissons avant une contre-attaque pour pouvoir viter encore plus de blesss. Au moment venu, une mitrailleuse la main, mon appareil ma tienne, le Lieutnant sest lev, sest avanc vers lennemi et a engag plusieurs coups de fusils. Moi, de mon ct, avec mon appareil photo, je nest pas hsiter prendre en photo toute la scne... tant donn que le commandant de larme Afghanistan ntait pas au courant de la situation, du fait que le Lieutnant McComack avait liquid plusieurs de ses hommes, il a donc dcid de me faire kidnapper pour pouvoir voir le visage de celui qui a assassin ses soldats. Sans me rendre compte, un soldat de larme Afghanistan sest avanc vers moi, ma mis une cagoule sur ma tte et ma embarqu avec lui sans que le Lieutnant McCormack sen rende compte. Mais ds quun des camions ennemi a pris route, il sest rapidement rendu compte quon ma allait suivre le camion mais ctait impossible car leur camion allait plus vite que celui du Lieutnant. On ma emmen sous une tente au campement des soldats de lAfghanistan, et on ma attach un genre de poutre qui tenait la tente bien en place.. ensuite ils mont enlev la cagoule que javais sur la tte. Le commandant de larme sest avanc vers moi pour me prendre lappareil, mais il ne savait sen doute pas que lappareil ntait pas avec moi mais plutt lendroit de lembuscade. Car lorsquun des soldats ma cagoul la tte, lappareil est tombe juste devant nous.

Alors le commandant ma demand o avais-je mis lappareil o il pourrait voir lassassin de ses soldats. Jai essay de lui dcrire le Lieutnant mais comme dhabitudes les commandants navaient en tte que leur arme et nessayaient mme pas de visualiser la desription que je leur donnait du Lieutnant. Alors pour me faire parler encore plus, ils mont tortur jusqu ce que je leur dise o tait le campement. Ils mont fusill dans la jambe droite, ce qui ntait pas trs courant chez les autres camps adverses, car figurez-vous qu chaque fois quon participait une embuscade je me fais toujours enlever et cest toujours la mme chose. Et aprs plusieurs tortures, le commandant sest rendu compte quil ne pourrais jamais tirer plus dinformations sur le campement que ce que je lui ai donn...alors pour changer un peu il ma demand ce que je faisais dans les camps o je vais en mission. Et je lui ai donc raconter toute ma vie..quelques minutes aprs, larrive du Lieutnant McCormack pour me dlivrer, le commandant de larme Afghanistanaise navais pas t aussi heureux que cet enfin, quelquun pouvait se dbarrasser de moi pour que ses oreilles puissent se reposer en paix.

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