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Business Law

The problem mentioned in the case can be discussed broadly under the Contract Act 1872. Contract Act 1872 is the governing act for regulating any types of contracts according to the law of Bangladesh. Contract Act 1872, constructed based on the English common law, was passed by the British parliament with a view to ruling the colonial Indian subcontinent. Law of Contract deals with nature, formation, operation, interpretation and dissolution of the contract. There are various ways for a contact to be dissolved. Breach of contract is one of those ways which means failing willy-nilly to perform any term of a contract without a legitimate legal excuse. In this case we are discussing about, there is a clear breach of contract by one party (the promissor). Breach of contract is followed by section 54 of the Contract Act 1872. When there is a breach of contract the affected party can always ask for one or other of some remedies like damage, Specific performance, injunction, cancellation of the instrument and rectification of the instrument considering the conditions under which the contract was made. Damage is viewed as universal remedy for the breach of contract. Depending on the situation the damage can be nominal or substantial. Whatever it is, the victim always holds a right to sue for damages. Unlike damage Specific performance is a discretionary remedy not a matter of right. Only the court holds the right to decide whether it can be granted or not. Like specific performance Injunction is another remedy for breach of contract which is discretionary in nature. Most importantly the condition of having negative agreement, either expressed or implied, in the contract must be fulfilled before a party can ask for injunction. Section 57 of Specific Relief Act 1877 needs to be referred here in order to clarify whether the victim can ask for injunction or not. The case is about two Indian idols who were brought into a contract with Ollo Bangladesh for singing in a whole day concert. However, after their arrival in Bangladesh they suddenly made a contract with another sponsor who offered them more amount than Ollo. Now, Ollo is taking it as breach of contract and thinking of what step they can take against the singers because of facing a huge loss due to it. Firstly, Ollo is thinking about their damage which is tremendous as all arrangements were done considering the concert. The word damage means monetary compensation for loss suffered. Whenever a breach of contract takes place, the remedy of damage is the one that comes to mind immediately as the consequences of breach. According to the law, damage is an award, normally
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of money which is said to be paid to a person as compensation for loss or injury. Damage can be claimed in every case but the rules for damages can and frequently do vary based on the type of claim which is presented. There can be two types of damages-nominal and substantial. Nominal damages are accepted to follow as a conclusion of law when breach of contract has been proven. Usually, the rule as to the measure of damages for breach of contract is the actual loss sustained. The term nominal damage means a small sum awarded to a claimant whose legal right has been precisely violated. Nominal damage constitutes a subcategory of general damages . Moreover, Nominal damages are recoverable where some legal right has been infringed, but no actual loss or substantial injury has been sustained. Nominal damages are awarded in recognition of the right and of the technical injury resulting from its violation. They have been described as a peg on which to hang the costs. It is a small sum awarded in recognition of a technical injury which has caused no substantial damage. Though the nominal damages are not compensation for loss or injury but it is the recognition of a violation of rights, in the absence of authority limiting an award of nominal damages, the nature of nominal damages compels that the amount be minimal. These are not only recovered where no actual damage resulted from an ascertained violation of right but also where actual damages have been sustained, the extent of which cannot be determined. However to recover damages for an emotional injury greater than nominal damages, a plaintiff must present evidence of an emotional injurys character and severity. It requires specific evidence of the nature and extent of the harm. However, in certain cases, a plaintiffs testimony may be sufficient proof of mental damages.

1. General damages are those which the law presumes to flow from a twisted act. It may be awarded without proof of any specific amount to compensate the claimant for the injury done. Page | 2

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Substantial damages are special damages which compensate the claimant for the quantifiable monetary losses suffered by a particular claimant. In the case of substantial damage claims made in some areas of law prevent the claimant succeeding in its claim unless it proves to the satisfaction of the court that it has suffered special damage. For example, extra costs, repair or replacement of damaged property, lost earnings, loss of irreplaceable items, additional domestic costs, and so on. Even they are seen in both personal and commercial actions. Special damages can include direct losses such as amounts the claimant had to spend to try to allay problems and consequential or economic losses resulting from lost profits in a business. Special damages basically include the compensatory and punitive damages for the tort committed in lieu of the injury or harm to the plaintiff. Here, Indian idols have to pay substantial damages to the Ollo Bangladesh. As mentioned earlier, Substantial damages are special damages which compensate the claimant for the quantifiable monetary losses suffered by a particular claimant. It means, if one party suffered from loss by another party, than the party has to compensate to the sufferer party. For example, if Mr. Rahim is supposed to deliver a machine to Mr.Karim within 3 days, because without the machine an important order from a foreign client cannot be started. However, Mr. X delivers the machine after 6days and within those days Mr.Karim lost not only the clients order but also lost a huge amount of profit. Here, Mr. karim can ask for substantial damages to Mr.Rahim as he lost his profit from not taking this order. He asks for average amount of profit as compensation from Mr.Rahim.

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From this case we can see that, at first Indian Idols agreed to sing for Ollo Company. Thats why the company makes all the possible arrangement for the whole day long concert. However, after their arrival in the airport, they make a contract with another sponsor as they offered them handsome money. This caused damage for Ollo Company. By refusing to sing for the Ollo Company, the Indian idols made a breach of contract with them. Not only that, the company made the whole day arrangement like-selling tickets, hiring auditorium etc. Now, all these are valueless. So, this causes a huge damage for the company. For their (Ollo Company) such type of damages they can asks for substantial damages to the Indian Idols , as from the definition we come to know that damages which bring about actual economic loss is called substantial damages. The Ollo Company can ask for the amount which they paid for their all arrangements and also the money which they had to pay back to the spectators for buying their tickets. Moreover, it is a Bangladeshi contract; and according to the Quasi-contract (Sec.-65), if any party takes advance money from another party and then the party makes a breach of contract then the party (which made a breach of contract) has to pay the advance money in full to the sufferer party. Here, Indian idols also have to pay all the advances to the Ollo Company. Point to be noted, if the Indian Idols had made a breach of contract which did not make any loss for the Ollo company, than the Indian Idols would have to pay the nominal damages(Footnote -1) to the Ollo Company.

2.Quasi-contract: An obligation of one party to another imposed by law independently of an agreement between the parties.

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In this case, the Ollo Company wanted to know why they could not have any injunction. An injunction rules an act that the court observes as necessary to justice, or it prohibits an act that is considered to be different to good principles. It is an extraordinary remedy; keep for special situation in which the temporary preservation of the status is needed.

In an easy way, we can say that, if any individual who has been given adequate notice of an injunction but fails to follow the court's order may be punished for contempt of court. For example to make a case against someone whose rights has been violated and necessary to have justice, money damages would be of limited advantage. Some common reasons for injunctions in Bangladesh are Stalking, Domestic violence, Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying (in some cases) etc.

Injunction can be different types; a preliminary or temporary injunction is the need for immediate relief. Preventive Injunctions a threatened injury or restrains the continued order of an ongoing mistaken, but it cannot be used to right a completed wrong or to undo that which has already been done. Mandatory Injunctions also restricted to control of an ongoing mistaken or threatened action but it is Specific Performance of an act. Such as, it has been issued to taking away of buildings or other structures wrongfully placed upon the land of another. Permanent Injunctions are continuous provided that the conditions that produced them remain permanent. According to the Contract Act, the singers cannot be compelled to sing for Ollo Bangladesh (Lumley Vs. Wagner). The singers have the wish or right to decide whether they will sing for Ollo or not. They cannot be hassled to do so. So, Ollo Bangladesh cannot force them to sing for them.

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What is more, as we can see from the case, it is an affirmative agreement rather than a negative one. It means that while doing the contract Ollo Company did not mention anything to the singers about not singing for any other party during that period. So, the singers are not obliged to make contracts with others during that time. In this situation, The Ollo Bangladesh cannot ask for injunction as there is no injunction on affirmative agreement. Point to be noted, during doing the contract, if Ollo Company had mentioned that the Indian idols cannot make any contract with others, The Ollo company could have asked for injunction as it would become a negative agreement then. In that situation, the Ollo Company could compel them not to sing for the other sponsor but they could never hassle them to sing for them (Ollo). Again, it is also mentioned in Sec 57 of Specific relief Act, 1877, if a person contracts to sell his good will to another person and after selling it the other person similar business close to the first persons shop and solicits his old customers to deal with him, this would be considered as a contrary to his implied contract though the first person did not mention anything about the shop setting while selling his good will. In this case, this would be automatically granted as a negative agreement.

3. Affirmative injunction refers to an injunction that requires a positive act on the part of the defendant. Outside divorce, most injunctions are negative. As an example- if A contracts with B and during the contract, tells B that, he cannot contract with anyone else during that period. This will be known as a negative injunction not an affirmative one. Page | 6

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Considering the above arguments, we can say that Ollo company cannot compel the singers to sing for them, but they can ask for substantial damages which they faced due to their denial for not singing. However, they cannot ask the singers not to sing for other sponsor because they did not mention in their contract that the singers cannot make any contract with other parties while singing for them. On the contrary, the Indian idols have to pay substantial damages to the Ollo Company and return the amount of money they had taken in advance to sing for Ollo.

Recommendations: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Name and ID: 1) Nandini Bhattacharyya2) Samiul Alam3) Shudipta Roy4) Noorjahan5) Nusrat Sharmeen Anika-10104060 6) Md. Zahid Imam 10104029

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