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1 PRIMARIA / 1st YEAR 1 Trimestre/1st Term Unit 1

Materials de clase: book, crayons, glue, pencil, pencil case, rubber, school bag, scissors,


Nmeros: 1-10. Formas geomtricas y medidas: triangle, circle, square, small, medium-sized, big Unit 2 Partes del cuerpo y la cara: hair, ears, eyes, mouth, nose; face, head, body, arm, hand, leg, foot, left, right. Imperativos: clap, stamp, stand up, sit down, open your book, colour.

Unit 3 Tiempo Atmosfrico: sunny, windy, raining, snowing. Ropas de invierno: coat, hat, wellies, scarf, gloves, sunny, windy, raining, snowing. Whats the weather like today? Its ... Put on your ... / Take off your ...

2 Trimestre/2nd Term Unit 4 Habitaciones de casa: bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room. Muebles: bed, sofa, bath, cupboard. La Familia: mum, dad, brother, sister. Preposiciones: Wheres the ...? On / Under

Unit 5 Nmeros 11-29 La ciudad: bus station, hospital, library, park, school, supermarket, sweet shop. Wheres ...? At the ... There is a ... next to the ...

3 Trimestre/3rd Term Unit 6 Profesiones: builder, bus driver, gardener, nurse, police officer, teacher. Verbo To Be: Im .../ (S)He is ...

Unit 7 Animales: bird, fish, frog, rabbit; elephant, monkey, parrot, snake, tiger. Adjetivos: big/small/ quiet/noisy/hard

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