Painted Promises: by Benjamin Lochery

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For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do us part.... Karina cautiously rounded the oval curve in the road, switching off the radio baying out her mother's deep, smoky voice, another number one hit on the countrywestern charts. She privately wondered what the public would think about her mother if they knew she had abandoned her only child years ago - perhaps the best-kept secret in the music industry, Karina went on to decide. At least, she supposed it was, as she had only been briefly exposed to the media during her thirty-one years of life. Fame and fortune had found her mother Lee, catapulting her from the foothills of Tennessee to the top of the country music charts. Smash hit after hit took its toll on Karina's father, Lee not only abandoning Karina - but him as well, the quagmire leaving Karina with life-long scars. It had happened on her sixth birthday, the day her father had taken her to one of Lee's sold-out concerts. Backstage, a bitter brawl had developed between him and her mother, her father leaving in a state of fury, taking to the road at an unsafe speed. Karina remembered how terrified she had been - and then, the tragic crash that followed leaving her father dead and Karina critically injured.or better, for worse,


for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do us part.... Karina cautiously rounded the oval curve in the road, switching off the radio baying out her mother's deep, smoky voice, another number one hit on the countrywestern charts. She privately wondered what the public would think about her mother if they knew she had abandoned her only child years ago - perhaps the best-kept secret in the music industry, Karina went on to decide. At least, she supposed it was, as she had only been briefly exposed to the media during her thirty-one years of life. Fame and fortune had found her mother Lee, catapulting her from the foothills of Tennessee to the top of the country music charts. Smash hit after hit took its toll on Karina's father, Lee not only abandoning Karina - but him as well, the quagmire leaving Karina with life-long scars. It had happened on her sixth birthday, the day her father had taken her to one of Lee's sold-out concerts. Backstage, a bitter brawl had developed between him and her mother, her father leaving in a state of fury, taking to the road at an unsafe speed. Karina remembered how terrified she had been - and then, the tragic crash that followed leaving her father dead and Karina critically injured.


The physicians had marveled while the traumatic experience had encouraged her to help others like herself. Quickly, she had become well-known in her field, performing miracles at times when hope had been lost. Karina knew that there was nothing like experiencing a disability firsthand, and she held an understanding that few possessed. All these years, yet not one word from her mother. Bitter memories - bitter memories that she refused to allow to taint her new life. Best to keep the past in the past, particularly when the past wasn't good. The reflection of the golden beach bathing in the halo of the mid-day sun brought her back from the past. The foamy sea had been lying parallel with the highway for the last mile and she considered it dazzling. She made a quick promise to herself that she would seek out its blue depths after she had settled into her new assignment at Donavan Manor. The assignment had popped up quite quickly, an earnest plea from one of her closest friends and business associates, Doctor Joel Winston. She remembered their conversation well as he had filled in the blanks regarding her new patient, Coty Donavan.....


" No one has managed to handle the old buzzard," he had offhandedly commented, his handsome face fanned in wrinkles, his personal life connecting with a mid-life crisis. Joel had continued, " The Donavan's have ripped through dozens of qualified therapists and nurses, Karina. As a favor to me, please say that you'll postpone your vacation and accept the position. You're quite the miracle worker and if anyone needs a miracle, Coty Donavan does." As she stood studying his troubled face, he had tempted her with, " It's a large manor with a private beach. Sort of like taking a vacation while getting paid." " Joel, you don't have to bribe me," she had told him, delivering a light laugh which had ironed out a few wrinkles from his tense face. " You know that I can't say no to a challenge." Then she quickly amended, " More importantly, to anyone who urgently requires my services - as it appears is the case with Mr. Donavan. Sounds like a big challenge alright." He had handed her a manila envelope, then went on to provide a few brief details concerning the Donavan's. " You owe me one. You know how long I have counted on a break," she had reminded him during the exchange.


" Are you hinting that you'd like to make use of my bungalow in England?" Joel had asked for clarification. " Oh yes." " Fine, I'll do that for you. Would only be right," he had relented. " Just get back with me after you finish with Mr. Donavan and you can have the keys for as long as you like. Now as to Mr. Donavan, his disabilities stem from a rather tragic accident. It's all in the folder," he had told her, nodding towards the manila envelope. " Age?" " Sixty-five." " Permanent disabilities?" she had asked, deciding to review the contents of the envelope later that evening. " I strongly feel they are temporary, possibly in part due to a physiological blockade." " I see." " It's the left arm that was burned so badly," Joel had continued. " Mr. Donavan is a sculpture and judging from his history with the therapists, it appears that he may fear that he will never be able to sculpt again. The world would certainly suffer for that loss," Joel had contemplated, his tone very sober - even for Dr.





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