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CALENDAR OF CORPORATE EVENTS Corporate Name Headquarters website Investor Relations Officer Mills Estruturas e Servios de Engenharia S.A.

Estrada do Guerengu, 1381, Taquara, Jacarepagu, city of Rio de Janeiro state of Rio de Janeiro Name: Alessandra Eloy Gadelha E-mail: Telephone(s): 21 2123-3700 Fax: 21 2123-3793 Name: Alessandra Eloy Gadelha E-mail: Telephone(s): 21 2123-3700 Fax: 21 2123-3793 Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro Valor Econmico

Person responsible for the Investor Relations Area Newspapers (and locations) in which the Company publishes its corporate acts

The Company is subject to the Market Arbitration Chamber, as per the Arbitration Clause in its bylaws.

Reference Form for the current fiscal year (12/31/2010) EVENT Delivery to BM&FBOVESPA


Quarterly Information - ITR EVENT Delivery to BM&FBOVESPA Related to the 1st quarter Related to the 2nd quarter Related to the 3rd quarter Annual Shareholders Meeting EVENT Publication of the Call Notice Delivery of Call Notice to BM&FBOVESPA, together with the management proposal, if any Annual Shareholders' Meeting Delivery of the Annual Shareholders Meeting resolutions to BM&FBOVESPA Delivery of the minutes of the Annual Shareholders Meeting to BM&FBOVESPA Meeting with Analysts EVENT Meeting with Analysts open to the attendance of other interested parties, will be held at Centro de Convenes Bolsa do Rio - sala Arco do Telles - Centro - RJ at 6:30 p.m.

05/13/2010 08/04/2010 11/10/2010

N/A N/A 03/12/2010 N/A N/A


Conference Call EVENT Comments on the 1Q10 financial results. Time: 12:30 p.m. Attendance via the Companys website ( Comments on the 2Q10 financial results. Time: 11:00 a.m. Attendance via the Companys website ( Comments on the 3Q10 financial results. Time: 12:00 a.m. Attendance via the Companys website ( Conferences EVENT BTG Pactual Brazil Outlook 2010: Infrastructure in Focus Latin American 2010 - BTG Pactual New York CEO Conference Goldman Sachs - Second Annual Latin America and EMEA One-on-One Conference




07/07/2010 10/6-7/2010 12/2-3/2010

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