Tutorial 3 Review Questions Instruction: Discuss Among The Team Members and Provide Answers To The Questions and Present It To Your Lecturer

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Tutorial 3 Review Questions Instruction: Discuss among the team members and provide answers to the questions and

present it to your lecturer. 1. Construct an EFE Matrix and IFE Matrix for any organization of your choice. a) EFE Matrix Key External Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Opportunities 1.Focus in certain niche sector 2.Government cooperation 3.Awards and recognition 4.Global expansion 5. Continuous future projects

Threats 6. Slow demand from customers 7. Many competitors 8. Weather 9.Economy slowdown 10.Increasing resources price 11. Political 12.Community

b) IFE Key Internal Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Strength 1.Raw materials supplied from subsidiaries 2.Financial strength & good track record 3.Employee welfare Employee Share Option Scheme 4.High market share High dividend 5.Good reputation & image good project completion time 6.Good & effective leadership- Experienced & annual training 7. Effective human capital- scholarship to students

Weakness 1.Revenue decreased for one of the subsidiary 2.Decreased of cash generated from operating activities.

2. Develop a Competitive Profile Matrix for any organization of your choice.

Critical success factors 1. Advertising 2. Product quality 3. Price Competitiveness 4. Management 5. Financial position 6. Customer loyalty 7. Global expansion 8. Market share ### Finalized Critical success factors will be determined later

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