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JasEnterprises AnISO900 01:2008Cert tifiedCompa any 60,Shreen nathjiEstate, ,PannaEstat teRoad,Rak khial,Ahmed dabad380023GujaratInd dia Phone:917922 2743454,55Fax:91792 22745062

Email:info@jasent m http://w www.jasenterprise.como orhttp://ww ww.pulveriser tp://www.pu ulverizerindia

Chapa ati mak king mac chines / roti / maker

Indian daily breads are called roti, chapati, phulka d and paratha. They a madeof finelymilled whole are f ecipescallfo orsaltor wheatflourandwater.Somere cooks that u salt and oil say it te use enderizes oil the c the dough. The tast of salt and oil in India bread te an nterfereswit ththeovera allmeal,asthebread doughin does no stay neutr ot ral/innocent in taste. In t ndian flat breads a use to s are scoop up cur rries and veg getables. We have Indian bre flour called chapati, flour in ead , ourstore. chinehasthe ecarousaldi isplaycookin ngandeasy,laborsaving g,oneperso onoperation. Chapati makingmac mi c will produce the same consis stent, freshly made roti, , The sem automatic roti, chapati machinew always p chapati! maticroti,cha apatimachin necanmake upto600floursemiautomaticroti,chapatiper r ThisJassemiautom epending upo skill of th chapati m on he making mach hine operato The semi or. iautomatic roti, chapati hour de machine eprovidesea asyofusean ndcleaning, saveslabor costsandensuresproductuniformi ity.Weoffer r chapati makingmac chinehighqu ualityrotitoenjoythenaturalaromaandflavorofwheat.It tisdesignto o alling in supe ermarkets, t tourist villas, suburbs an direct sale to the pu , nd ublic. It is pr roduce in all be insta contactingpartsarefoodgrade.Temperatur reisadjustab ble.

Constr ructionof fcommer rcialchapatimakin ngmachin ne

Mildste eelheavydut tyfabricated dstructureis scoveredwit thattractivestainlessste eelsheet.Alu uminumnon n stickcoa atedplates. Bottomplat teisfixedan ndheatedby yliquefiedpe etroleumgasorcompre essednatural gas. Upper plated is foot opera ated and it's heated by electric. He s y eating temperature is controlled by y staticcontrolpanel. thermos

Keyfe eaturesof fchapatim makingm machine

Uniqueandreliabledesi ign The semi automatic ro chapattis are highly effective as well as nonstop cont oti, s tinuous roti, , ducingproce ess. chapatiprod Machineisf fittedwithhe eavydutymildsteelfabr ricatedstruct ture Easytooper rate,savingt timeandlabor

JasEnterprises,AllRightsRese erved.(TermsofUse) pedandMan nagedbyJasEnterprises Develop

JasEnterprises AnISO9001:2008CertifiedCompany 60,ShreenathjiEstate,PannaEstateRoad,Rakhial,Ahmedabad380023GujaratIndia Phone:917922743454,55Fax:917922745062 http://www.jasenterprise.comor Operator needs no experience, production is rapid. The thickness of roti and size of finished productsareadjustable. Advanceddesignandsanitary Machineiseasytoassemble,cleanandmaintain Uniformproducts,reasonableprice,smallsize,easymaintenance Robustconstruction Lowspecificpowerconsumption Durablelonglife Operatingsystemofchapatimakingmachine Takechapatiflour(wheatflour)withwateratroomtemperaturepreparethedesiredamountofdough either with help of Jas dough mixer (floor kneading machine) or manual. After that, divide the dough intopeachsizeballseitherwithhelpofJasluvacuttingmachineormanual. Now, start the Jas brand chapati making machine set the thermostatic control at desired amount of temperatureand starts the liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas burner, which is fitted with the machine. After getting desired temperature, the thermostatic control will be cutting out the powersupply.Afterthatpleaseputdoughintopeachsizeballsbetweentwononstickplatesthepress thefootoperatedpaddlethusupperplatecamenearesttolowerplatethedoughwillgetdesiredsize becauseoftheweightoftheupperplateandheatfrombothsidewillcookedthenwhenbothsidesare done, then the color changes on the top & bottom and bubbles appear take off the pressure on the paddlethenupperplatewillbegoupsidethenusekitchentongs(chimta)toremovetherotifromthe non stick plates. Hold the cooked chapati over a medium flame and it will puff up immediately. Turn quickly to flameak the other side. Its manual machine thus it is depend on the working efficacy of operatorbuttentativeproductioncapacityis500to600chapatis,phulka,roti,andparathaperhour.

Thermostaticcontrol. 3metercable&3pintopasperis:1293. 2numbersnonstickplatedaluminumpolpat. 1numberliquefiedpetroleumgasorcompressednaturalgasburner(asbuyerinformattimeof placingorder). Operatorsmanual.

Doughkneader Luvacuttingmachine

JasEnterprises,AllRightsReserved.(TermsofUse) DevelopedandManagedbyJasEnterprises

JasEnterprises AnISO9001:2008CertifiedCompany 60,ShreenathjiEstate,PannaEstateRoad,Rakhial,Ahmedabad380023GujaratIndia Phone:917922743454,55Fax:917922745062 http://www.jasenterprise.comor Woodtongs(atoolwithtwomovablearmsthatarejoinedatoneend,usedforpickingupand holdingthings.)Toextralifeofnonstickplate Puffer

Mildsteelheavydutyfabricatedstructureiscoveredwithattractivestainlesssteelsheet.Aluminumnon stickcoatedplates.Bottomplateisfixedandheatedbyliquefiedpetroleumgasorcompressednatural gas. Upper plated is foot operated and it's heated by electric. Heating temperature is controlled by thermostaticcontrolpanel.

JasEnterprises,AllRightsReserved.(TermsofUse) DevelopedandManagedbyJasEnterprises

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