Domestic Stone Less Flour Mill

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JasEnterprises AnISO900 01:2008Cert tifiedCompa any 60,Shreen nathjiEstate, ,PannaEstat teRoad,Rak khial,Ahmed dabad380023GujaratInd dia Phone:917922 2743454,55Fax:91792 22745062

Email:info@jasent m http://w www.jasenterprise.como orhttp://ww ww.pulveriser tp://www.pu ulverizerindia

Dome esticflour rmills

ThisJas brandaata makerisext tremelyelegant,light ht aking it your perfect in weigh and easy to use ma kitchenappliance.It tisloadedw withthoughtf fuldesign s iment your modern life style. features to compli Simply pour grain i the hopp and you will get p in per choice o fine, med of dium or coar flour quickly and rse easily. It keeps you free from t t tensions and painful d extraeff forts. hour, effortl lessly, this domestic fl lour mill Every h transfor rms 9 kilogra ams of the grain into the finest flour. ong,reliable1h.P.Single ephaseacm motorhaving2880rpmand750watts sisrunningo on230volts, , Thestro 5 amps. Motor is h . high tech, operates perf fectly even at a low vo oltage of 175 volts with low power h r consumptionandso oquietinope eration.Itco onsumesonly y0.75unitsin1hourop peration&gr rind1kgin7 7 s. minutes

Therot tationofthe egrindingb bladesismaintaineda atamodera atespeedtoavoidhea atingofthe e ground flourthere ebyretainingtheoriginaltaste,f flavoranda aromaofth heflouror grains.This s flourals sohasalon ngerselflife eandeasyf fordigestion n. Jas dom mestic flour mill has u r ultra special filter keeps the flour cool and thus keeps nutritious s s propert tiesintact. mestic flour mill is without com w mpromise and is the result of th housands of hours of o f Jas dom research and year of consta testing. It is in tune with today's mode life style. With an rs ant . ern n overall sizeof560 0lengthX3 375widthX X740height tsinmillimetersatat timecontainerstorage e capacity is ranging 2.5 kilograms to 4.5 kilograms and 8 to 12 kilogra y g 5 s ams per ho grinding our g capacity y.Youhave eanoptiont togrindsm mallerquantityaslessa as100gram ms.
JasEnterprises,AllRightsRese erved.(TermsofUse) pedandMan nagedbyJasEnterprises Develop

JasEnterprises AnISO9001:2008CertifiedCompany 60,ShreenathjiEstate,PannaEstateRoad,Rakhial,Ahmedabad380023GujaratIndia Phone:917922743454,55Fax:917922745062 http://www.jasenterprise.comor

SpecificationofDomesticstonelessflourmill Motor 1hp,2800rpm,singlephase,750w

Powersupply 15amps Weight Dimension Cabinet 55kg(approximate) Length56cm,width38cm,height74cm Strong&elegantcabinetofnewwood&teakwoodavailableinanyattractive freezecolors.

Electric 0.75unitperhour(approximate) consumption Pvc micro filter, pressurized squeezing blade, 8 pecs. Perforated screen set of different mass size, stainless steel container for filling powder, brush for cleaning.Efficientaircoolingsystem,auto/selfcleaningsystem,onlyoneswitch on,autostart,autogrind&autostop.


JasEnterprises,AllRightsReserved.(TermsofUse) DevelopedandManagedbyJasEnterprises

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