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Please use the format below as guide in making your report for the City Conference.

I.THE PLAN --Title of Local Action, Target beneficiary/ies, Rationale (What was thought of as the local
action? Why?)

II. THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION-- Title/Name of Activities, Nature/Number of

participants/audience mobilized, who are the "organizers" (people behind the local action)

III. LOOKING BACK-- Insights/Reflections on the

a) local action activities as PLANNED and IMPLEMENTED b) Positive Discipline as an issue and concern-- as APPRECIATED/VALUED, UNDERSTOOD and ADVOCATED both by organizers and target beneficiary/ies c) FORMS/WAYS (METHODOLOGIES) by which Positive Discipline was introduced/advocated to the target beneficiary/ies d) GOOD PRACTICES AND CHALLENGES-- what made the local action activities successful? What are the difficulties faced in conducting the activities?

IV. GAINS- What did we achieve from holding the local action activities; Were there concrete

V. RECOMMENDATIONS-- to ARTS Zone, partner (school, organization, barangay), larger community

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