How Is Your Education and Experience Relevant To This Particular Profile

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How is your education and experience relevant to this particular profile?

As indicated in my profile I have graduated in 2004 the Economics Department - Law and Economics Faculty, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Later in 2008 I obtained my master's degree in Finance & Financial Information Systems from the University of Greenwich (campus Kavala).As my studies indicate I have extensive knowledge of management resources and finances and I am confident with financial information systems.Furthermore I believe that my extensive working experience in challenging environments, further enhanced my already competent communication and organizational skills. Generally speaking I am a result-driven person and I have been called a problem solver many times in the past by my co-workers and my supervisors as I always take initiative to resolve problems. Finally I have worked in teams many times in the past and proved that I can perform well in stressful conditions and under tight time schedules.I strongly believe that all these elements in addition to my strong will to build a solid career within the European Union makes me an appropriate candidate for the particular profile and I am confident that they will make me a successful employee soon. Why do you want to apply for this particular career opportunity? You should also explain why this particular profile interests you. I applied for this particular position because of my strong will to develop myself in an absolutely dynamic and challenging work environment.As a highly commited person, I believe that apart from the chance to fully utilize my knowledge and skills in one of the EU's organizations I will also have high chances to advance myself working at a highly competitive as well as challenging environment. I expect that working for the EU I will have the opportunity to expand and further practice my skills, meet important people to inspire me in my field and learn to work at an international and demanding level. Furthermore, I expect to have the chance to travel, learn new cultures and work with people from different cultures and learn new languages. Also I highly doubt it that in my country which is in a serious economic and social crisis at the moment, I will EVER have the chance to do any of these things and prove myself, especially now being at my most productive and creative phase of my life. I believe that if I don't manage to start a career at an international level now, most likely I will be wasted. Therefore I am determined to do my best not only to be hired by the EU but also to perform well after being hired. I am quite confident that I will very soon be well adjusted and be transformed into a valuable asset for any organization that I will be assigned to work to.

What specific contribution do you think you could make to the work of the European institutions and agencies? In what role could you best contribute? What particular strengths would you bring to your work? My rich academic background and wide professional experience have helped me develop excellent computer skills especially in spreadsheets and EPR systems and enhance my already good communication skills and flexibility.Furthermore, having worked in challenging and demanding working environments before, I can now consider myself a well organized and diligent person, always keen for learning. I am a result-driven person and I have been called a problem solver many times in the past by my co-workers and my supervisors as I always take initiative to resolve problems. Finally I have worked in teams many times in the past and proved that I can perform well in stressful conditions and under tight time schedules.I believe that all these elements combined with my positive attitude to work and advance my professional background will help me perform well and successfully manage all the tasks that are assigned to me. However I believe that I will perform better in the finance field which is my main study element.

Outline two of your main achievements. Describe what they are, the process you went through and their positive outcomes for you and for others. One of my main achievements was the succesfull coordination of a large project held by ADT - Omega S.A. in Thessaloniki in the year 2008.The project was about the creation of a database that (in the end)contained recorded information regarding the characteristics of touristic accommodations in the area of Northern Greece (~6.000 hotels and family hotels). This project was held for the Greek Ministry of Tourism. There, I had the full responibility of organizing the back office, gathering and organizing the 6.000 information leaflets each one consisting of 30 pages, manage the database on a daily basis, process the data and help the project manager in the coordination of a 20 people team.However the most interesting element was that I built a spreadsheet from scratch to keep track of all the information flow along with the team's remunaration which was variable according to the amount of work held by each member. Another achievement of mine was that working as market surveyor for many years I managed to participate in a large number of large and small projects, always with success, sometimes having the responsibility of coordinating other people as an assistant field supervisor. All the research projects in which I participated had very specific and demanding specifications as well as very tight deadlines. Some of the projects that were trully a challenge were large researches for Carrefour, Phillip Morris, IKEA but also for the Central Bank of Greece. Finally I was selected among many others to participate on worldwide projects such the Target Group Index (MRB HELLAS) and consumer trends for the Research & Intelligence Support Centre.

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