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Q: What is Amman Imman? A: An organization that helps build wells for the Azawak people.

Wells bring water from the ground up to the people

A: Amman Imman involves kids like us to help Azawak kids like these two girls.

Who are the People of the Azawak?

There are about 500,000 Azawak people.

-The Azawak live in Niger and Mali in West Africa. -They live in the Sahel Desert that is very dry and growing. -They have to move around to look for water.

This is how they live and work. They take care of animals and live in small camps that they build.

Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world.

In the Azawak: There are few buildings and no roads. Very few doctors Very few schools Intense hunger Almost no help from other countries

During the short rainy season

They drink, wash, and cook with muddy marsh water that is darker than hot chocolate.

Often the kids need to travel 30 miles back and forth to get to the water. Sometimes they use camels and sometimes they walk.

Rainy Season

Dry Season 100-125 degrees Farenheit !!!!!

Half of the children die before age five.

Wells of Love

You can help by becoming a Hero of Compassion. In this photo, my sister and I had a bake sale to raise money for Amman Imman.

We also joined the Walk for Water last year

And, our school did the Amman-a-thon where we played sports to raise money

With the money we raised, we helped build the Montessori Well of Love in the Village of Kijigari

Once a well is built, all the people in that village get clean water all year round!

This is how they drill the borehole where the well will be.

Montessori Well of Love

Wells of Love
YOU can help!

Join our Heroes of Compassion Raise awareness by organizing a presentation Conduct A Walk For Water Hold an Amman-a-thon Run/Bike/Swim for Water Conduct your own fun and educational activity

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