Right Brain and Left Brain Characteristics

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Right Brain and Left Brain Characteristics Left Hemisphere Controls right motor and sensory activities.

Is the location of reacting, language, and handwriting. Has the centers for speech and hearing. Left Hemisphere Style Linear Processes information from part to whole takes pieces, lines them up, and arranges them in a logical order, then it draws conclusions. Right Hemisphere Controls left motor and sensory activities. Is the location of special relationships, artistic expression, and visualization. Right Hemisphere Style Holistic Processes information from whole to part starts with the answer and sees the big picture, not the details, first.

Sequential Random Is a list maker and would enjoy making a Flits from one task to another. master schedule and doing daily planning. Gets many things done but without having Completes tasks in order and takes addressed priorities. pleasure in checking them off when they are accomplished. Symbolic Has no trouble processing symbols such as letters, words, and mathematical notations. Is good ad memorizing. Prefers distinctions. Logical Makes decisions based on logic proof. Looks at differences. Is planned and structured. Prefers established, certain information. Prefers talking and writing. Prefers multiple choice tests. Sees cause and effect Verbal Has little trouble expressing him/herself in words. Concrete Wants to see, feel, or touch real objects. Prefers to see words in context and how formulas work. Prefers connectedness. Intuitive Makes decisions based on gut feeling what feels right. Is fluid and spontaneous Prefers elusive, uncertain information. Prefers drawing and manipulating objects. Prefers open ended questions. See resemblances. Non-Verbal Knows what something means but often has trouble finding the right words Needs to back everything up visually write things down. Fantasy-Oriented Is creative. Remembers well anything he/she becomes emotionally involved in during the learning process. Is sometimes unaware of consequences.

Reality-Based Deals with things the way they are. Wants to know the rules and follow them. Adjusts to the environment. Makes up rules to follow when there are no rules.

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