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Name __________________________________________________________ Per.

______ Study Guide: Social Studies Mid-Term Trimester III

Southern Africa 1. Why did Europeans colonize Southern Africa? 2. What is Ethnocentrism? Provide an example. 3. What was Apartheid and how did it affect South Africa? 4. What is a Boycott? Provide an example. 5. Explain why Great Zimbabwe was and why it was important.

6. What was life like in the early civilization of the Indus River Valley? 7. What are some reasons for the probable decline of the Indus Valley? 8. Who are the invaders that entered the Indus Valley and northern India around 1500 B.C.? Where did they come from and why were they successful? 9. Explain the caste system of India. 10. Define the following: caste, Brahman, reincarnation, and moksha. 11. Why is Hinduism so unique and complex? 12. What is the percentage of Hindus in India? 13. How did Buddhism originate? 14. Who was the founder? 15. When he was 30, what life-changing experience did he have (explain in detail)? 16. What led him to become the Buddha? 17. Summarize the basic teachings of Buddhism. Why, how, and where did it spread?

18. What did Gandhi study to become when he was in Britain? What country did he first help with his thoughts/non-violent actions? 19. India was a colony of what European nation? What two religions did Gandhi specifically want to help unite?

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