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UNIT 7. FOOD POWER - Copies on food and eating in or out.

NOUNS Olive oilAsparagusYoghurtPeanut butterBroccoliSpinachChickenRiceProteinsCarbohydratesFatsDairy productsPastaTipsBrainNotesMarksExam seasonSupermarket chainNutrientImprovementDiscoveryMealRecipeRecipe bookSoft fruitMixtureIce creamPopcornSettlerGiftSack-

LuxuryIronSkillHoneyKernelTraderSyrupDieticianVERBS to improveto be aware ofto reportto provideto realiseto encourageto spend (time/money)to mixto popto dropcan/could affordto feedto go on a dietADJECTIVES sharphugefruityancientArabOTHER WORDS No matterIn addition to-

COLLOCATIONS: MAKE vs DO MAKE Trouble a mistakethe beda filmmoneyfun ofsensea cake/coffee/dinner/breakfastpeacewara promisea decisionnoisean excusesureDO the housework (the dishes )a jobthe shoppinga favourexercise (s)homeworkones bestresearchbusinessright/wrong-

UNIT 8. TSUNAMI NOUNS NATURAL DISASTERS EarthquakeVolcanic eruptionHurricaneTornado, whirldwindStormDroughtForest fireAvalancheFloodTsunamiTHE EARTH ContinentCountryIslandPeninsulaOceanSeaTideHigh tideLow tideThe tide goes inThe tide goes outWaveLandLANDSCAPE FEATURES BayBeachCaveCliffRockCoastCoastlineCoastal area-

FieldForestHarbourHillLakePondReservoirRiverStreamCanalTreeValleyWoodMountainMountain rangeDesertOasisPlainRainforestVolcanoWaterfallSeaside resortGroundThe horizonKnowledgeClassmateWarning signCrackSpeedDisturbancesNetworkReporterLifeboat-

VERBS To bubbleTo rushTo notifyTo preventTo agreeTo recogniseTo lastTo predictTo senseADJECTIVES ProudHumbleTypicalQuietCrucialMajorUnderwaterDeepAppropriateSensitiveSensibleOTHER EXPRESSIONS To be on holidayIn amazementTo be in dangerTo be at riskTo give sb. the credit for sth.Worst of allDespite-

UNIT 10. COMMUNICATION CULTURE - Copy on parts of the body - American vs. British English NOUNS HandshakeSmileNodSignHugWinkIndex fingerThumbIntroductionsGestureGreetingPastimeComplaintPassengerVERBS To shake handsTo smileTo nodTo signalTo hugTo winkTo raise ones headTo shake ones headTo go abroadTo liftTo tipTo greetTo close ones eyesTo check-

AND To ask people for directionsTo approach sb.To disturbTo drive on the left/rightTo complain to sb about sth. To shout to sb.To shout at sb.To concentrate on sth.ADJECTIVES RudeWorthlessScarySlightMildConfusingADVERBSWarmlyBackwardsForwardsSlightlyPolitely StrangelyAccuratelyBrightlyPrettyLoudlySimply OTHER EXPRESSIONS By mistakeI am in big trouble!By the way-

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