Power System Operation QP

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POWER SYSTEM OPERATION Answer all questions

1.Define incremental fuel or heat rate curve. 2.What is penalty factor ,give its expression. 3.Write the expression for transmission loss in terms of B co-efficient when total number of plants is two 4.What are the assumptions considered while deriving transmission loss expression/ 5.Write the condition for optimality when losses are taken into consideration. 6.Give the formula for the calculating the gradient of a vector. 7.What is meant by long range hydrothermal scheduling and short term hydrothermal scheduling?

Answer any three

1.Draw the flow chart for lambda gamma method for solving the hydrothermal scheduling problem and write the algorithm to solve the same. 2.Explain in detail the lambda gamma iteration method for hydrothermal scheduling which include pumped storage plants. 3.Explain the procedure adopted to solve economic dispatch problem with piecewise linear cost functions. 4.Elaborate in detail about the gradient search method for economic dispatch problem.

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