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FILE CONTAINING PASSWORD Contain username,passwords,hashes.

s. This string may be used to find many low hanging fruit on FTP sites recently indexed by google. Locates files containing ftp username and password This returns xls files containing login names and passwords. It works by showing all the xls files with password. 1. STEP 1 :

2. Google search: inurl:ftp "password" filetype:xls

3. Choose the target system : 4. Save file

5. Open the database

SOURCE CODE CONTAINING PASSWORD Google search for web site build with symfony framework. This file contains the login / password for the databases. In some case, the pages are examples that are found in discussion forum. However, in many cases these pages contain live sourcecode with usernames, database names or password in plaintext.


2. Google search: inurl:config/databases.yml -trac -trunk -"Google Code" -source -repository


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