Notes On Book Idea Brainstorm #1

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Tweets, his new addiction. All day he could text musings, sweet nothings, of shite.

Character: Felix-- 36, male, gets a new iPhone after using Twitter on his computer. The story comes in at his realization, short piece, to be repeated slightly at the end. Realizes the other twitter writers who coalesce in #micropoetry #writer #poetry #spirituality are experiencing exceptional psychic powers due to heightened consciousness tweets; however, there is scheming duality between light and dark. Tweets at one point mesh as one guided thought between a group of 4 people, and then 16, and then 192, re-tweets and moments of joy. A momentary oneness breezes through thousands of people. Who knows? What could come from this addiction. Tempered seas across dreams and leaves. Crackling dry, as ideologies collide. The #GOP #TCOT sphere is an interesting lot and all the other high and almighty in ego; regardless of religious fixation. The factioned and fractured minds of us versus them is experiencing its own limitation. How far is the line in the sand? Fictitious. Naivety and kneeling before the strong versus the weak, the loving versus the loathing, all are within, all as experience human skin. Before the culture, before the thought, before the tweet, can touch delight. Notes On Book Idea Brainstorm #1 Samuel Moskalik 2012

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