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HAZELDALE PTO Board Meeting Minutes

-Meeting minutes prepared by Aimee Cessna and Sheri Orton (PTO Co-Secretaries) -Rachel Smith, PTO President, called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m ended at 8:10 pm

April 3, 2012

Attendees: Rachel Smith, Sheri Orton, Aimee Cessna, Amanda Christmann and Angela Tran. March Meeting Minutes Approved Principals Corner

Promethean Boards: COMPLETE!!!

Presidents Corner Reimbursements approved for the following o o Jo Fidler~ Books paid for at Costco/Powells for Library Collection Campbell~ $50 Library Books our of Teachers class funds OConnell and Sowers~ Scholastic Books

Fundraising Topics:

Discussion on Next Year Fundraisers

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No to Entertainment Books Yes to Cookie Dough Using same company as last year which is equivalent to other Cookie Dough Companies

Yes to write a check campaign at the beginning of the year Specify a dollar amount for each student

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Yes to Fun Run if this years Fun Run is a success Yes to Popcorn Fridays

Movie night on April 20th with SMURFS


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Hope to earn between $6000 and $10,000 In process of getting a design for T-Shirts and already obtained a quote Alentum Graphics $50 an hour to draw the new design of the Hawk with tennis shoes, headband and possible t-shirt Board decided on White Shirt, Blue Hawk, text in navy and yellow highlights

Order 300 T-Shirts White color Shirt with Design in two colors $5.50 Light color Shirt with Design in two colors $6.00 Dark color Shirt with Design in two colors $6.50


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April 6th, first flyer was sent home and Amanda did a skit at the school assembly April 27th, a pledge sheet will be sent home with the students May 4th, send out a reminder May 10th FUN RUN DAY! May 10th, Pledge sheets go home with the students for collection May 18th, all pledge sheets and the money collected are due.

Ask Trevor from the Church if he can get the DJ from the Church Need to purchase Otter Pops PRIZES for FUN RUN Ask for donations ~ Possibly running shoes as a prize Top 12 students (two from each grade level) will receive a Limo Ride Amanda is working on getting Limo Ride donated or partially donated Limo will take students to DQ for ice cream and a ride home

$35 collected per student will receive a T-Shirt $75 collected per student will receive a backpack Class with the most participation will receive a pizza party with Mrs. Tran

FIELD TRIP Money Request

4th Grade Field Trip to Champoeg State Park

Date of event April 18th $6 per student for admission, roughly $468 $495 for bus services BOARD APPROVED!!

3rd Grade Field Trip to The Portland Zoo

Date of event April 20th Ask for money donated from students parents and possible Zoo Passes BOARD APPROVED pending bus service fees

3rd Grade Field Trip to Downtown Portland Date of event in May BOARD APPROVED pending bus service fees

Treasurers Corner Eric needs to fix the Budget o o o o Adjust Cultural Fair line to match actual activity Update formulas on Excel Spreadsheet Breakdown Class Funds and Field Trips BOARD APPROVED pending above adjustments

Volunteer Coordinators Corner Amanda is working on calling potential board members for next year Ideas:

Have each grade level be in charge of an event next year with one or two Coordinators from that grade level Kindergarden~ Picture Day and Reading Groups 1st Grade~ Santa Breakfast 2nd Grade~ Cultural Fair 3rd Grade~ Harvest Festival

4th Grade~ Fun Run 5th Grade~ Send Off Party

Would like to have one Volunteer parent for each grade level to collect volunteers in that grade

Hospitalitys Corner

Principal Coffee o Cancelled for the month of March due to volume of activities in the Month.

Staff Appreciation Week o Amber is starting to plan for the event for the First week in May Need to know how much has been budgeted for the event Ask for donations up to two weeks prior to the event

Secretaries PLEASE REFER TO THE FUN RUN DETAILS Thank You to the Cooper Mountain Church o Board Members attending Old Business Sheri Orton, Amanda Christmann and Aimee Cessna Speak in front of the Church Prizes for the volunteers Sheri will create a poster with all the kids signatures

Reminder to PTO Board Members to obtain their food handlers permits o Who has them?
New Business

April 17th ~ Computer lab will be open for parents to learn May 1st~ Invite Potential Board Members for next year to Board Meeting May 17th~ Elections for New Board Members for School Year 2012/2013

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