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March 20, 2012 PTA Meeting Agenda...

Dene qualities essential in our replacement principal candidates. Human resources from BUSD are attending our meeting and organizing this effort. As time allows and for further consideration... Announcements: Updates from Principal Cheryl Wilson ( Earthquake Drill this Thursday morning, ... ) Spring Auction announcement - Peter Montgomery PTA Ofcers - Thank you and welcome to Neda Wilson who becomes our new vice president of Fundraising. Those of you involved in the Spring Auction have already witnessed Nedas efforts in this area. Volunteers Needed: PTA Ofcers needed for next school year - ( see Cal, or any other PTA ofcer ) Treasurer - Iains two year term expires this year - we need a new Treasurer!! VP Programs ( focus is after-school enrichment classes ) - Working with Carol Perez and possibly Charity DeMarto and Karen Mecstroth. Volunteer Coordinator - many different events to keep tabs on. Scrip/Escrip Coordinator - Gloria will not be available next year. Communications ofcers - new roles listed below. Volunteers needed to help end-of-session PTA after school class performances
and to identify classes for next year. ( see Carol Perez ) PTA Communications Roles as proposed by Paz Melendez-Canales ( see Paz ) System Administration for the website. PTA LISTSERV Administrator PTA School Calendar Manager Webmasters for Maintenance and Structure ( English & Spanish ).
Thanks to Guadalupe for catering our event this evening.

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