Unit Three

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Ask for 6 volunteers to take part in the Bus Stop Role Play. While they are in the hallway and preparing for their role play, the students in the class answer this Bell Ringer: what do you think are some qualities of a psychological disorder? Roles include: escaped convict, business executive who just found out his/her significant other has been cheating on him, unemployed person, a lonely person, and a person who is on his/her way to a sale. Students will pretend to be at a bus stop with volunteer #6 asking questions and engaging each volunteer in conversation. Students come back into the room. Teacher has drawn a 7x7 table with the volunteers and the name of the roles that they took on. The teacher includes mentally ill person in the list of roles, even though none of the volunteers have this role. Volunteers act out roles. When the act is finished, students vote on which role they think each student played. Volunteers are not allowed to vote. Analyze the results of the votes. Why did the students vote for whom they did? What characteristics did volunteers use to portray their character? Look at the votes for the mental illness column. Ask how the students defined mental illness in their bell ringer. What characteristics did they see in the actors that made them think they had a mental illness? Discuss how the students formed their opinions (media, personal experience, etc).


Show a PowerPoint that gives an overview of AbPsych: Definition according to DSMIV, ways of defining abnormal, prevalence HW: read chapter on Abnormal Psychology

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