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Before you start you will need to: 1. Visit the Endeavour Awards website at to ensure you are eligible to apply and have chosen an Endeavour Award that is suitable for your proposed activity. Print a copy of the Applicant Guidelines to assist you with your application. Make sure you have all required supporting documents for the relevant Endeavour Award in .doc, .pdf or .rtf formats. Ensure you have a valid email address as all correspondence will be sent to this email address.

2. 3.


Your application does not need to be completed in one sitting. Once you start your application, you can Save at anytime to exit or move between pages within your application. You can return to work on your application at anytime between the opening and closing date of the application. You must complete and submit your application (including all supporting documents) prior to the closing date. Late applications or supporting documents will not be accepted. How to apply for an Endeavour Award Once you have read through the information provided in the Applicant Guidelines, click on Apply Now on the right menu as shown below.

Step by Step Guide to using the Endeavour Application System

On the Apply Now page, click on the Endeavour Application System link.

This will take you to the login screen.

Step by Step Guide to using the Endeavour Application System

Existing User If you have already registered to Endeavour Online, you can enter your email address and password to start or access your application. You will be able to change your login email address and password once you access your existing account. Forgot Your Password? If you forget your password, enter your e-mail address and click on Reset Password. Your password will be sent to you via e-mail. New User (Create New Account) If this is the first time you have logged on to Endeavour Online, you will need to go to Create New Account and register with your email address. You should only use one email address to register. If you are applying for more than one Award, you can register and create multiple applications under one email address. Registration Details for New Users New users will be taken to a registration screen. You must enter your details in all required fields and choose your password. Once you have completed your details and reconfirmed your password, click on Register.

Step by Step Guide to using the Endeavour Application System

Formatting Tips Please do not type your name in capital letters. The first letter of each name should be a capital letter, followed by lower case. For example: Correct: John Andrew Smith Incorrect: JOHN ANDREW SMITH Incorrect: john andrew smith If you only have one name, please enter a dash (-) in the First Name box. You will receive a confirmation message that your user registration has been successfully created.

Starting an Application Registered users will be taken to the Endeavour Awards Application Home Page. Place your mouse over Applications on the top right hand corner. You will be given the option to start a new application or view existing applications.

Creating a New Application When you select New Application, the system will ask you a series of questions. The filter will return a list of Endeavour Awards that you are eligible to apply for based on your citizenship and/or permanent residency status. Select the Endeavour Award you wish to apply for and click on Create New Application.

Step by Step Guide to using the Endeavour Application System

If the system indicates that you are not eligible to apply for an Award or an Award you wish to apply for is not available, please refer to the eligibility requirements in the Applicant Guidelines. Personal Details The first screen of your application is Personal Details. This shows the information that you entered during the registration process. Managing your Personal and Log-in Details Placing your mouse over My Details will give you the option to add and change your personal details, log-in email address and password. You can update your personal and log-in details at anytime.

Step by Step Guide to using the Endeavour Application System

Completing your Application Please complete the required fields on each page of your application. To go to the next page of your application, click Save & Continue. To exit your application, click Save then Exit. You can return at any time prior to the closing date to continue to work on your application. When you have successfully completed each page of your application (including attaching the required supporting documents) a tick will appear next to the page on the right side of your application. All pages must be ticked before you can submit your application. If you are experiencing slow internet or a delay in the system, we suggest you try the following: 1. Using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer 2. Log out and log back into your application 3. Close down any documents that you are not using as it may be slowing down your browser 4. Attempt to edit your application at different times throughout the day How to Add Supporting Documents Please refer to the Applicant Guidelines for the required supporting documents for your Award. To attach a supporting document to your application, click on the Add New Document button.

The Upload Document Box will appear. Select Browse and find the required supporting document from your drive and click the Upload Document button. To add more than one document, click the Add new document button. Successfully added documents will appear in your application. Each supporting document must be under 4 MB in file size and must be in .doc, .pdf or .rtf formats. Naming your Supporting Documents Please use the following convention when naming your supporting documents: Your Name_Application Number_Type of Document Examples: MaryJones_56789_Certified passport John Smith_12345_Certified Bachelor degree and transcript

Step by Step Guide to using the Endeavour Application System

How to Delete Supporting Documents To delete a supporting document, click on the Trash Can icon.

Referee Reports (same for nomination) Adding a referee Click on Add referee The Add/Edit Referee box will appear. Enter in your referee details and click save. Your referee will be automatically emailed a referee report to complete and submit electronically. Once your referee has completed and submitted a referee report the Status will change from Pending to Complete and the document will appear in your application. You must have three (3) referee reports in Complete Status to submit your application. The Nomination form is for non-enrolled award categories only, for further information please read the Applicant Guidelines. You must have one (1) nomination form in Complete Status to submit your application. The option for a paper based referee report (including nomination form) has been removed due to fraudulent documents being received. If the applicants referee (nominator) is unable to complete the report electronically, they may request a paper based report template by sending an email directly to the Endeavour Awards Team stating the reason why they are unable to complete the electronic report so that details can be registered. Referee report requests (including nomination forms) must be received from the referee (nominator), requests from applicants will not be accepted. It is the applicant's responsibility to monitor and maintain referee reports (including nomination forms) and ensure their referee (nominator) completes and returns the reports in sufficient time to submit the application by the closing date.

Step by Step Guide to using the Endeavour Application System

Submitting your Application Before you can submit your application, you must: 1. Complete all required fields in the application 2. Attach all required supporting documents Once all the required pages in your application have been completed, the Save & Continue button will change to Submit. Please review your application carefully before you Submit. You cannot make changes or add additional documents to your application after it has been submitted. To view and print a .pdf version of your application, click Print. When you have successfully submitted your application, the Submit button will change to Application Submitted. The system will send a confirmation email to you, including a .pdf version of your application. Please write down your application number for future reference as you will need to quote this number in all correspondence with the Endeavour Awards Team. Thank you for submitting an application for the Endeavour Awards.

Step by Step Guide to using the Endeavour Application System

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