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It is our pleasure to inform you that we are editing few volumes of a book, titled with Contemporary Issues of Economics and Development in South Asia which will be published by a reputed international publisher with ISBN numbers at free of charge. You are invited to submit research articles that will be published as book chapters. Please follow the following guidelines for paper submission: The paper must be relevant to the context of South Asia. The theme of the paper needs to follow any aspect that broadly covered by the contents of the book. Any other issues that are not mentioned in the content also welcome, but please emphasize on the issues of the contemporary problems and the policy recommendations to deal with the problems. SAARC relevant single country specific or multinational or transnational policy driven and multisectoral economic issues related to the social, cultural, environmental, political, and development matters are most welcome. Manuscripts should not exceed 30 pages excluding references. Manuscript must be typed in A4page, 1 margin, 12 fonts in Times New Roman with 1.5 line-space. The title page must contain name, affiliations, and contact email of all authors. One author can submit maximum of four articles. Articles must contain an abstract of maximum of 300 words and relevant JEL codes. All tables and graphs must be given within the text at appropriate places with proper titles and sources. Relevant text must be cited appropriately. For referencing, follow Harvard System of Referencing: Proper editing and proof reading must be done before submission. Compile all documents into one MS Word file, and give file name as Country name_1st authors name (e.g. 1.1, 2.1, )> Provide three reviewers Name, email addresses and affiliations with the article proposal (optional). However, it is not assured that the paper will be reviewed by the authors suggested reviewers. Full paper needs to be submitted by 30th April, 2012 (for vol. 1-2) and 30th June (for vol. 3-4). Submit proposals and papers to this email address:

All of the articles will be reviewed by external reviewers. Finally, the editors reserve the right to make minor modifications or corrections of the article, if required. Based on the themes and number of the papers, title and volume of the book might be changed.
If you are interested to become a reviewer, please send your CV including your expertise areas at this email address: For any other queries, please dont hesitate to contact us.

Contents of the Book

1. Economywide Country Studies
1.1. South Asian Economy Overview 1.2. Bangladesh Country Overview 1.3. India Country Overview 1.4. Nepal Country Overview 1.5. Pakistan Country Overview 1.6. Sri Lanka Country Overview

2. Macroeconomics and National Economics

2.1. Macroeconomic status, Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomic Policy, Monetary Policy, Employment, Consumption, Saving, Wealth, Capital, Investment, Capacity, National Income and Product Accounts and Wealth, Foreign Reserve, Institutions and the other Macroeconomic variables, etc. 2.2. Public Economics, Structure, Scope, and Performance of Government, Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue, Public Goods, Project Evaluation, National Budget, Deficit, and Debt, State and Local Government, Federalism, Governmental Loans, Public Administration, Public Sector Accounting and Audits, etc. 2.3. National Government Expenditures and Related Policies, Government Expenditures and Health, Education, Welfare Programs, Infrastructures, Other Public Investment and Capital Stock, Social Security and Public Pensions, National Security and War, Subsidy, etc. 2.4. Industry or Sectoral Performance, Telecommunications, Medicine, Garments, Agriculture, Exports, Imports, Retail and Wholesale Trade, e-Commerce, Entertainment, Media, Sports, Recreation, Tourism, Real Estate, Information and Technology, Transportation, Utilities, Manufacturing, Construction, etc.

3. Financial Markets and Institutions

3.1. Behavioral Finance including household, Firm, Corporate, Social Responsibility, etc. 3.2. Capital Market, Portfolio Choice, Investment Decisions, Asset Pricing, Trading, Bond Interest Rates, Information and Market Efficiency, Event Studies, etc. 3.3. Financial Institutions and Services, Banks, Other Depository Institutions, Micro Finance Institutions, Mortgages, Insurance, Insurance Companies, Investment Banking, Venture Capital, Brokerage, Ratings and Ratings Agencies, etc. 3.4. Relevant Government Policy and Regulation

4. Labor and Capital Economics

4.1. Remittance, international migration, Aggregate Human Capital, Trade and labor Market Interactions, etc. 4.2. Economics of Gender, Human Capital, Skills, Occupational Choice, Labor Productivity, etc. 4.3. Multinational Firms, International Business, MNC, etc 4.4. International Investment, Long-Term Capital Movements, Public private partnership (PPP), FDI, Aid, etc.

5. Trade and International Economics

5.1. Trade Policy, Trade Barriers, International Trade Organizations, etc. 5.2. Foreign Exchange Intervention, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), Goods and Services in International Trade, etc. 5.3. Economic Integration, Trade Agreements, Cooperation, etc. 5.4. Globalisation and Trade, etc.

6. Natural Resources and Environmental Economics

6.1. Environmental Changes, Climate Change, Natural Disasters, Sea Level Rise, Global Warming, Pollution, Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity Conservation, Bioeconomics, Industrial Ecology, Valuation of Environmental Effects, etc. 6.2. Environmental linkage with Agriculture, Industry, Development, Trade, Socioeconomic Sustainability, Economic Sustainability, etc. 6.3. Nonrenewable Resources and Conservation: Industry, Mining, Extraction, Refining, Demand and Supply, Exhaustible Resources and Economic Development, Natural Resources and Domestic and International Conflicts, etc. 6.4. Renewable Resources and Conservation - Fishery, Aquaculture, Forestry, Energy, Water, Land, Recreational Aspects of Natural Resources, etc. 6.5. Sustainable Agriculture, Irrigation, Salinity, Food Security, Land Ownership and Tenure, Land Reform, Land Use, R&D, Agricultural Technology, Biofuels, Agricultural Extension Services, etc. 6.6. Community Based Program, Adaptation, Mitigation, Waste Management, Disaster Management, Urbanization, Sustainable City, etc. 6.7. Environmental Policy, Externalities, Redistributive Effects, Environmental Taxes and Subsidies, government policy, Environmental Accounts and Accounting, Environmental Equity, Environmental Degradation, etc.

7. Development and Social Economics

7.1. Health, Education, Welfare, Poverty, Inequality, etc. 7.2. Consumer Goods, Markets, Public Enterprises, Nonprofit Institutions, NGOs, Cooperatives, etc. 7.3. Social Structure, Justice, Underground Economy, Informal Economy, Shadow Economy, Institutional Arrangements, Government Policy, Regulation, Law and Economics, etc. 7.4. Economic Development, Finance, Economic System Evaluation, Comparative Economic Systems, Islamic Economics, Sustainable Development, etc. 7.5. Demography, Population Growth, Economic Sociology, Culture, Economic Anthropology, Religion, Philanthropy, etc.

8. Political Economics
8.1. International Relations, Diplomacy, Regional Tension, National Security, International Conflicts, Negotiations, Sanctions, International Politics, Power, Lobbing, etc. 8.2. Cross Border Issues, Transit, River, Security, Border Economy, Economic Nationalism, etc. 8.3. International Organizations, Politics of MNC, Globalization, Technological Change, Research and Development, Intellectual Property Rights, etc.

Sudhakar Patra Department of Economics Ravenshaw University Cuttack, Orissa, India Email: Website: Md. Mahmudul Alam Integrated Education and Research Foundation Dhaka, Bangladesh and National University of Malaysia, Malaysia Email: Website: Azizullah Sayal Management Sciences Comsats Institute of Information Technology Tobey Camp, Abbotabd, Pakistan Email: Website: D. W. Kinkini Hemachandra Department of Business Economics Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce University of Sri Jayewardenepura Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka Email: Website: Thaneshwar Bhandari Agricultural Economics Himalayan College of Agricultural Science and Technology Purbanchal University Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, Nepal Email: Website:

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