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Article 4: Relations Among States

Section 1: State Acts and Records

Full faith and credibility will be given to each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. The Congress may prescribe the records and proceedings and the effect.

Section 2: Rights of Citizens

Citizens of each state will be entitled to all privileges of citizens of other states. People in charge in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who attempts to run from justice will be found on demand, delivered, then removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime.

Section 3: New States

New states may be admitted by the Congress into the Union but no new states will be formed within the jurisdiction of any other state nor any other state shall be formed by the junction of two or more states. The congress will have power to throw away and make all rules and regulations respecting the territory belonging to the U.S.

Section 4: Guarantees to the State

The U.S. will guarantee to every state a republican form of government.

Article 5: Amending the Constitution

The Congress will propose amendments to the constitution when it is voted by congress and is passed by 2/3 of the people, it will become a part of the constitution and become an amendment.

Article 6: Supremacy of the National Government

Section 1: Valid Debts
All debts that are contracted shall be as valid against the U.S. under the constitution

Section 2: Supreme Law

The laws of the U.S. which will be made in pursuance and all treaties made will be made under the authority of the U.S.

Section 3: Loyalty to Constitution

The senators and representatives and the members of several states legislatures and all executive and judicial officers will be bound by an oath to support this constitution.

Article 7: Ratification
The ratification of the conventions of nine states will be enough for the establishment of this constitution between the states so ratifying the same. The vote is done in convention by unanimous voting of the states are present. The 17th of September is the year of our Lord one thousand seven hunred and eighty-seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth.

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