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Dr. Fons Trompenaars on Corporate Culture 1.

Were going to watch a video in which intercultural communication expert Fons Trompenaars talks about the differences in corporate culture in different cultures, but before we watch: - What do you understand by corporate culture? - Why is it important to understand the corporate culture that your international partners work within? 2. Here are some words which we can use to describe corporate culture. respect for authority person-oriented management by passion power-oriented task-oriented egalitarian organised chaos management by objectives hierarchical structured

vision, mission and values are key

Check any words which are new for you Circle those which you think describe the corporate culture where you work. You can also add others terms that apply to your organisation Share and compare the words you have chosen with your colleagues

3. Fons Trompenaar has identified four types of corporate culture: - The Guided Missile - The Eiffel Tower - The Family - The Incubator Based on their names, what characteristics do you think these four types of corporate culture have? Which type of corporate culture do you think your organisation has? Why?

4. Now watch the video and make note down the key words that Fons Trompenaars uses to describe each of the four models and which cultures/ geographical regions he says that the models are dominant in. Guided missile The Eiffel Tower

The Family

The Incubator

5. Do you agree with Fons Trompenaars classification of corporate culture where you work? Why? Why not?

6. Reflection and discussion Between which two of the four cultures do you think there is the greatest conflict potential? Have you ever worked in an international team with people whose corporate culture conformed to a different model than your own? Did you notice any clash between the two cultures? If so, how did you deal with it?

7. Over to you... Prepare a description of the corporate culture in the organisation where you work which you could give to a new employee or a team member from another country. Describe the culture, giving examples. Give some advice on how to work successfully within your organisations corporate cultureinclude some dos and donts. Include anything else you think would be relevant

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