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No. - Ci\L/i\CTA!C H/OO !


Torque monitoring unit ATLAS copeo INDIA LIMITED

Tools & Ass mbly Systems Sales Div ision
Dapodi, Pune - 411 012

Product type: ACTA 3000 B Article No: 8092 113320 Serial No : B056003 Custom er name: Case New Holland Cons tuction Equipment Ind ia Pvt Ltd . Using a reference transducer to simulate different loads per[onns the control. Init ial testing found that the object was within stated accu racy of 0.25 % of the maximum torque value for the us ed reference tnmsducer.
The user is recommended to have the un it recal ibrated at regu lar intervals, at least once a

Reference transducer art icle No : 4222027 00

erial No : JF-030490 I

Date of calibration: 14 March 20 12


Approved by (name) : Mr.Kai las Nikam ( sign. ) :

I' D 10 14 UO re ". 1 10()U-O I 17

Page 2(2)

Jhla& C1Jpco

No. - ALI

C H/0!!J1=r

Torque con trol and monitoring unit
Tools & Assembl y Syslem. Sales Division
Oapodi, Pune - 411 01 2

Product type: ACTA 3000 B

Article No: 8092 113 3 20
Serial No : B056003

Table for sensitivity 0.59 mVIV

Settings 1 2 3

Displayed value A CT A 3000(N m ) 29.6 42. 2 9 59. 21 7402 98 .68

Referen ce tr ans d uc er To rq u e nom (N m ) 2 9.6 42 .3 59 .2 74.1 98.7

Difference (N m ) 0 -001 0.01 -0.08 -00 2


0 .000 -0 .008 0 .008 -0 .067 -0.01 7

Table for sensitivity 2 mV/V

Settings D ispl ay ed value AC T A 3000 (Nm ) 21.85 29 .13 43.67 72.72 108 .9 R efe rence tra nsdu c er T o r que n o m (Nm) 21.9 29.1 43 .7 72 .7 108 .9 Diffe renc e (Nm) -0 .05 0 .03 -003 0.02 0 Di fference (%) -0.04 2 0.025 -0.025 0.017 0 .000

1 2
3 4


Lt) 101 4 00 rev. 1

~OOO-0 1-1 7

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