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Fast-Food and it’s effect

on adolescents.

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By: Lauren Moran

- (n) Food, as hamburgers, pizza, or fried
chicken, that is prepared in quantity by a
standardized method and can be dispensed
quickly at inexpensive restaurants for eating
there or elsewhere.

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Global Obesity caused by fast food

Fast food good or bad?
 Positives  Negatives
 Fast  High in calories
 Cheap  Limited nutritional
 Tastes good value
 Convenient  High in fats
 Addictive
The Fast food industry
 Over the past 30 years fast food has increased
 It has become a huge part of the American diet
 Fast food outlets had over $125 billion in earnings in
2001, and it has increased 4.1% in 2002 with
estimated sales of $130.1 billion
 The average American consumes about 3
hamburgers and 4 orders of fries every week. (90
grams of fat and 2,520 calories).
Obesity caused from fast food
 An estimated 75% of adolescents eat fast
food regularly.
 In 1999-2001 17% of Americans 6-17 were
over weight.
 Teens tend to over eat when they get fast
food because the portion sizes are so
Meals away from home
 Females  Males
 31% fast food  32% fast food
 36% school food  40% school food
 12% restaurant food  11% restaurant food
 22% other  17% other food
How many times a week do
you consume fast food?
 Girls  Boys
 1 time- 2 votes  1 time- 0 votes
 2 times- 5 votes  2 times- 6 votes
 3 times- 1 vote  3 times- 1 votes
 4 times- 0 votes  4 times- 0 votes
 5 times- 0 votes  5 times- 0 votes
 More- 0 votes  More- 0 votes
What is your favorite fast food
 Girls  Boys
 Chick Filet- 1 vote  Wendy’s- 2 votes
 McDonalds- 1 vote  McDonalds- 2 votes
 Wendy’s- 4 votes  Burger King- 1 vote
 Taco Bell- 2 votes  Taco Bell- 2 votes
How many times a week would
you choose fast food over a
home cooked meal?
 Girls  Boys
 1 time- 4 votes  1 time- 6 votes
 2 times- 1 vote  2 times- 1 vote
 3 times- 2 votes  3 times- 0 votes
 4 times- 0 votes  4 times- 0 votes
 5 times- 1 vote  5 times- 0 votes
 More- 0 votes  More- 0 votes
In Conclusion…..
 I found out that many high school boys and
girls consume fast food on a regular basis.
Wendy’s was a popular vote by both boys
and girls. Teens seem to realize that the food
is not healthy for you and can cause obesity.
However, most would choose a home cooked
meal over fast food.
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 6.
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