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JABATAN LAUT MALAYSIA Organisasi,Syarikat, Institusi Latihan Maritim dan Kursus-Kursus Yang Diluluskan ( Approved Organizations, Companies, Maritime

Training Institutions and Courses) Bil (No) Institusi Latihan Maritim ( Maritime Training Institution) Kursus-Kursus ( Courses) Kelulusan Asal (Initial Approval) Status Kelulusan (Approval Status)


Pelita Akademi Sdn Bhd (PELITA) 47A, Jalan Kamaruddin, 44000 Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel: 03-60644404 Fax: 03-60645404 E-mail: Website:

KURSUS MODULA (MODULAR COURSES) Basic Safety Training (Reg VI/1 of STCW 78 as amended) Medical First Aid (Reg VI/4 of STCW 78 as amended) Medical Care (Reg VI/4 of STCW 78 as amended) Advanced Fire Fighting (Reg VI/3 of STCW 78 as amended) Shipboard Management ( STCW 78 as amended)


Institusi Latihan Maritim Swasta Yang Diluluskan (Approved Private Maritime Institution)

Radar Observer ( STCW 78 as amended) Electronic Navigational Aid ( STCW 78 as amended) Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat Other Than Fast Rescue Boat (Reg VI/2 of STCW 78 as amended) KURSUS LATIHAN TERTENTU (SPECIAL TRAINING COURSES) Tanker Familiarization (Reg V/1 of STCW 78 as amended) KURSUS PERSEDIAAN ENJIN (ENGINE PREPARATORY COURSES ) Engineer Officer Less Than 750kW (Motor) Domestic & Near Coastal Voyage (Rule 16 Part III of MS Rules 1999) Combine Chief & 2nd Engineer Officer Bt 750 & 3000kW (Motor) Near Coastal Voyage (Reg III/3of STCW 78 as amended) Officer In Charge of Engineering Watch 750 kW or More (Motor) Near Coastal Voyage (Reg III/1 of STCW 78 as amended) 2

KURSUS PENGENDALI RADIO (RADIO OPERATORS COURSES) GMDSS General Operators Certificate (Reg IV/2 of STCW 78 as amended) KURSUS PERSEDIAAN DEK (DECK PREPARATORY COURSES) Officer In Charge of Navigation Watch 500 GT or More Near Coastal Voyage (Reg III/1 of STCW 78 as amended) Mate Less Than 500 GT Domestic Voyage (Rule 5 Part II of MS Rules 1999) Master Less Than 500 GT Domestic Voyage (Rule 6 Part II of MS Rules 1999)

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