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Dear Tuan Sorry am late for Email, I am working for NGO in location,NGO in Cambodia have alot of NGO,it have

NGO in Location n Inernational NGO,All of NGO have different Project of each other,Some do the same project and some have similer to each other project, For Example: Do for Climate Change,Healthly,Education,Home base care,Life Skill,and Care of the Enimal,Save the child........ect,,oh it is alot project,I can not see it all. And For my NGO Have project Prevention HIV/AIDs amoung Entetament Workers,MSM,People Live with HIV/AIDs, I did for people live in Community Club,and restuarant,and KTV and we provide knowledge to them How to proctect for HIV/AIDs,and Take care thare health to Refferal at the Health Center, And We have Training for Peer Facilitator,have stakholer meeting,Special Event....................ect,............ It is the piont that u need or not,,,? Thanks Best Reguard From Theary
From: Tuan Tran Ngoc <> To: Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 6:20 PM Subject: Hi, i'm Thi's friend

Hello I'm Thi' friend, working for Vietnam Airlines, just called u yesterday. i want to make friend with you. Heart that u are working for international org. here right? what i concern is about the investment of some international org. that invest in Cambodia in this year. So can u introduce which organization are u working now, and what is it about. Thanks for your co-operation Have a good day.

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