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5 Sneaky Tricks To TRIPLE Fat Loss Results


Courtesy of XtremeFatLossDiet.com

The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 will unofficially release on May 1st, 2012 via an invitation only discounted 3-day pre-sale.

It is the fastest fat loss program ever developed. Period.

Because you downloaded this report, youre on the exclusive invite listif you want it, at that time, youll get it before anyone else, AND at the pre-sale discount.


Now, on to the sneakiness







Ohhhhh, so sneaky...
Well, Im writing this report sitting about 100 feet in the air out by the pool on an 81 degree day here in downtown Tampa, Florida. So, given that Im feeling pretty laid back at the moment I hope you dont mind (i.e. I hope you enjoy) the conversational tone of the next several pagesafter all, you signed up to receive this report from me, so I think that pretty much qualifies us as friends at this point, right? Yesit does.

So, you want to learn some strategies to start losing fat faster, huh? Yeah, well who the heck doesnt?

Just kidding. Truth is, Im stoked that youre super interested in faster fat loss techniques because thats exactly what I have in store for you over the course of the next 27 pagessome really cool, under-the-radar methods you can start using immediately to help you significantly increase your rate of fat loss today.

Not tomorrow, today. So, listen up (or read up I suppose), take some notes, or just go ahead and print this bad boy out, bust out a highlighter (and a protein shake), and prepare to get your learn on. Why? Cause a little bird (aka myself) told me that fat loss guru Super Joe Mario is about to let the cat out of the bag on some of the sneakiest fat loss tricks he knows, and its all going down right now.

Sneaky Trick #1 Eat Pizza (No, seriously)

Alright, within Sneaky Trick #1 Im going to be unveiling what may be some repeat info for some of you (i.e. those of you who are super cool and already follow a lot of my teachings), but in order for the rest of the report to make sense, I simply have talk about the regulation of bodyweight and metabolism and the numero uno way to avoid the negative adaptations of long-term calorie restriction, less affectionately termed dieting. Oooooo

I know; I need to watch my language.

So, you go on a diet, and week after week the weight continues to come off like magiceat less and exercise; thats all there is to it.

Yeah righhhhhhhhht.

If only it were that simple. In fact, if it were, wed probably all be sportin abs and bodies resembling those of the supernatural Greeksafter all, the results in and of themselves would be motivation enough to keep going.

Point in case: I dont know of anyone who went off a diet when things were smooth going and fat was falling off at record speed, do you? Noyou dont.

Unfortunately, the sad reality is that things just aint that easy. Go on a diet and a few weeks later your body SCREWS you by doing everything it can to keep you from losing fat further.

Now, while you may think that your body is a just a jerk (and it may be, I mean, I dont really know your body to say one way or another), its actually much more likely that your body cares deeply about you and is trying to protect you.


Well, you see, starving is not cool. Believe me, John Romaniello tried it and it totally wasnt. So, when youre starving, your body attempts to counteract the lack of food by saving your own body fat. Why? Simple: fat = warmth and energy (two very important things for your survival when food just so happens to be scarce). The problem is that your body doesnt really know the difference between starving and dieting. After all, the latter is simply a planned lesser degree of the former. Im using quotes way too much; Ill try to do better. For those who didnt quite catch that, dieting = starvation on a slightly lesser scale. Bottom line, youre taking in fewer calories than you need and to your body thats a problem, and a substantial one.

So what does it do to correct the problem? Fun stuff: slows metabolism, decreases fat burning hormones, increases fat storing hormones, and protects your current body fat stores. All not good in terms of fat loss results.

The major player in this whole chain of events is the hormone leptin. Consider leptin the big daddy hormone from which all other weight loss hormones get their cues. In fact, leptin plays such a huge role in the starvation protection process that its actually referred to as the anti-starvation hormone.

Understanding leptin:

Leptin is regulated by two things. One is your calorie intake. A high calorie intake equals high leptin levels while a low calorie intake equates to low leptin levels. When leptin falls, so does metabolism and fat burning (which you dont want, in case you didnt know). So how do you diet (i.e. eat fewer calories) without having low levels of leptin causing your body to decrease metabolism and fat burning? Interestingly enough, leptins waning response to dieting is a gradual one. It takes about a week of dieting for leptin to significantly decline (by about half).

So, after that one single weeka whopping 7 daysyoure sitting there at about 50% of your fat burning potential.

WACK. Fortunately, theres good news. Scratch thatGREAT news.

Let me ask you a question: Do you like pizza? Of course you do. Everyone loves pizza and everyone knows that.

You love this.

What if I told you that you could use pizza (or any other food that you absolutely love that diets just dont let you have) to reverse the negative adaptations of dieting, skyrocket leptin levels, and send your body right back in to the fat burning zone in as little as 24 hours. Its all true.

I know, tears of joy. In fact, I can remember the first time I read those 307 research papers on the regulation of human bodyweight and metabolism all pointing to pizza for fat loss. I cried all nightand then ordered Papa Johns at 2am. It was awesome.

To summarize: while it takes about 7 days for leptin to decline significantly, it only takes one day of overfeeding or cheating to bring leptin levels back up to normal and put your body back in to the fat burning zone.

And that glorious day is what I have frequently referred to in my previous writings as the Cheat Day.

Now, in order to make cheat days work for optimal fat loss every other day of the diet needs to be strategically set up to optimize the fat loss results of that day, but the fact remains, if youre dieting 7 days a week, week after week, youre screwed.

That approach yields several possible outcomes, none of which are desirable.

If you truly want to lose fat consistently, week after week, you need to have higher calorie days built in to your program.

And you know what? 1,000 calories of pizza works better than 1,000 calories of oatmeal. (Apparently there are lame people who, when instructed to go off their diet, respond by eating more oatmeal. I know, I knowme eitherbut its true.)

So, why does something like pizza work better? Well, the answer, as usual, is research derived! Hey, Im a research junkie, which means as long as you continue to stick by my side youll never have to read that boring crap yourself.

Anyway, the research shows that leptin is highly correlated with another hormone: insulin. When insulin goes up, so does leptin, and vice versa. Which foods have the highest insulin response? Those containing both high glycemic carbohydrate + fat. In fact, the insulin response of these foods is said to be synergistic (if you dont know what that means, heres a good resource: http://dictionary.com) So, stuff like Mac & Cheese (Im not sure why I capitalized that), pizza, doughnuts, cookies, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, pastries, ice cream and anything else that combines carbs + fat all work exceptionally well to raise leptin levels and reset metabolism. You could of course go with a cleaner choice like pasta + cheese (lasagna anyone?) if you dont want to eat cookies. I, however, will continue to enjoy my Double Stuff .

Theres only one thing better than Double Stuff Oreos . Quadruple Stuff . Yeah, baby. (Thats my trademark, by the way). Oh, and the other thing that affects leptin levels is body fat levels. That is, higher body fat levels = higher levels of leptin and lower body fat levels = lower levels of leptin. This is one of the reasons its easier to lose fat when you have substantial body fat to lose up front, as opposed to the considerably more difficult feat of going from lean to super lean.

Either way you look at it, for each pound of fat you lose it becomes increasingly harder to lose the next pound due to fallen leptin levels. This also contributes to progressively slower fat loss as you get leaner. But, wouldnt it be cool if there was a way to continue to lose fat exceptionally fast even as you get leaner? Well, there is, but in order to do so it requires a VERY strategic approach, and some rather extreme methods.

Fortunately, thats exactly what I teach in the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet exactly how to combine those extreme methods in the most strategic possible sequence to yield the fastest possible fat loss in order to take you from where you currently are to the point in which youre absolutely shredded, as they say, without a single lull in your rate of progress. And have no fearmore coming on that front very soon. Until then

Sneaky Trick # 2: MASSIVE Calorie Deficits (That Actually Work)

A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.

So, to lose 10 pounds of pure fat, you need to create a 35,000 calorie deficit.

By the way, shes only holding 5 lbs of fat.

(please realize that 10 lbs of fat loss will probably equate to somewhere between 15 and 20 lbs of actual weight loss due to the simultaneous water loss that occurs any time you lose fat). So, a 35,000 calorie deficit, huh? Thats easy. In fact, if you didnt eat anything for 15 days, combined with exercise, youd probably burn even more than that and finish up absolutely shredded after only 2 weeks of sacrifice, right?


Due to the leptin and regulation of body weight and metabolism reasons shared previously, youd be wasting a heck of a lot of time and sacrifice for some pretty crappy results should you choose to go with the above method. In fact, youd probably end up looking sick and still fat. Way to go

Creating massive calorie deficits (by not eating) simply do NOT work for optimal fat loss and physique transformation, and those looking for a quick fix all too often fall victim to trying something so silly in attempt to wake up next week with the body of their dreams. Simply put, youre body is smarter than these elementary methods, and it will very quickly put the kibosh on your fat burning efforts in favor of protecting you from starving to death. So does that mean that the slow and steady road is the only path to fat loss, or that rapid fat loss is a dead dream? Nope! It just requires smarter methods that keep you one step ahead of your body, always in good standing, instead of repeatedly aggravating it by denying it the nutrients and energy it needs to function.

So how can we be smart about rapid fat loss?

Well, there are a number of ways (that when combined in the most strategic fashion equal super duper killer fat loss results), but one of the pieces of the puzzle is to create a massive calorie deficit that actually works because its timed appropriately in conjunction with a time in which your body is very receptive to fat burning.

Hmmmm. When might the body be super primed for fat burning? Ill let you think about that for a minute

(HINT: Reference Sneaky Trick #1) Thats right! After a day of dietary indulgence! Fact is, after a Cheat Day, your body is massively primed to burn fat. Leptin levels are at their peak, in addition

to other important fat burning hormones, and your body is READY and WILLING to use fat for energy. So, its after a high calorie day that youll want to create a massive calorie deficit via:

1. minimal calorie intake

2. massive energy expenditure through optimized exercise Essentially, youre creating a huge calorie deficit on a day in which your body is extremely primed to burn those calories as fat AND when metabolism is at its highest point.

Make sense? Good. Now, you may be wondering, wont such a massive calorie deficit just throw your body back into starvation mode? Not when you do it appropriately and set it up in the most strategic way possible. Two things youll need to do:

1. Use effective supplementation practices to protect against muscle loss while also buying you some time before your body finds out that your calorie intake is so low 2. Utilize what I call the Triple X approach to exercise, involving resistance training and multi-energy system training Lets discuss effective exercise strategies a little more in detail now onward to sneaky trick #3!

Sneaky Trick #3 Strategic Exercise Implementation and Periodization

If you can learn how to use the most effective exercise strategies to mirror the goals of your diet each day (while mixing up dietary approaches to yield specific hormonal and metabolic benefits in the most effective manner possible) you can literally take your results from okay to out of this world. Now that sounds complicated, so Ill give you a quick example. Lets take, for instance, the day after a Cheat Day in which the overall goals are to:

1. Create a large caloric deficit

2. Deplete maxed-out glycogen stores (carbohydrate energy stores within the body) caused by the previous days influx of carbohydrate

3. Exhaust all energy systems to satisfy #1 and #2 while burning additional fat calories to boot

To accomplish these three goals, well use a series of dietary and supplemental strategies to do exactly that while using exercise strategies that accomplish the same goals, for example:

1. Strategic lactic acid based workouts to burn massive calories and glycogen while stimulating the release of important fat burning hormones that further increase lipolysis (fat burning) 2. Strategic energy systems work that contain both anaerobic carbohydrateburning and aerobic fat-burning components.

Combining those types of exercise with dietary strategies that accomplish the same goals leads to a ridiculous fat burning effect. Essentially, when you set up things this way, youre tackling your goals via both diet AND exercise. Thats like going after your financial goals via landing a job with a kick-butt income coupled with smart investing. One feeds the other, or as my buddy John Romaniello says One hand washes the other, and both hands wash the face.

The face, in this case, obviously being your fat loss results.

Anyway, the above is just one example. Within the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet we have FIVE different types of diet days (all with slightly different goals) and a very specific exercise strategy to use on each that has led to some of the sickest fat loss results weve ever recorded to date with our clients.

Make no mistake, working with your diet, hand in hand, through exercise that mirrors the goals of each diet strategy can literally double your results beyond just working hard on each day. The synergy of strategy never ceases to amaze me.

Sneaky Trick #4 Pre-Cheat Depletion

There is absolutely no doubt about it, Cheat Days accelerate fat loss through strategic hormonal manipulation that keeps your body out of starvation mode. That being said, a day of dietary indulgence can lead to a smidge of fat gain, which, if the goal is to lose fat as quickly as possible, is not desirable.

So, lets say you gain .5 lbs of fat as a result of a Cheat Day (these are just hypothetical, yet reasonable estimates) and then lose 2.5 lbs of fat over the course of the next week. If youre able to duplicate those numbers week after week (and when starting with renewed metabolism and elevated levels of leptin each week you will be), a net loss of 2 lbs per week aint too shabby.

But, what if you could avoid that .5 lbs of fat gain every week and burn an additional half pound of fat each week? Thats the difference between losing 20 and 25 lbs within the same 10 week period, or 25% MORE results. Well, this slight problem (if you even want to call it that) has been something Ive been experimenting with solving over the last months through something called Pre-Cheat Depletion. Thats right, the consistent fast fat loss that I was previously able to accomplish with clients wasnt enough for me. I knew there was room for improvement and simply put, I wanted to make it betterI wanted results to come faster. That, my friends, is the dedication I have to my clients and customers.

Enter Pre-Cheat Depletion.

We know that along with a Cheat Day will come a massive surge of calories and carbohydrate leading to massive glycogen/carb storage within the liver and muscle tissue. Now, lets assume that glycogen stores are 60-75% full prior to a Cheat Day. Naturally, those stores are going to fill up rather quickly with a massive carbohydrate intake on the Cheat Day and some of those carbs are likely to spill over to fat storage. Not all, but some.

So, lets solve this problem. On the day prior to the Cheat Day, were going to go with: 1. A diet very low in carbohydrate so as not to add to the carbohydrate level currently in the body 2. Specific glycogen depleting workouts designed to empty the bodys current carbohydrate stores in order to make room for the following days splurge

The result? You get the SAME leptin boosting, metabolism elevating effect from the Cheat Day without having to worry about ingested carbohydrate spilling over to fat storage.

Why? Because the preponderance of the carbohydrates you ingest are going to go towards re-filling glycogen stores, not fat stores.

Yes, awesome, again.

By the way, the workouts we use on depletion days of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet have some unique fat burning properties of their own. So, not only will you deplete carbohydrate stores, youll also increase your weekly fat burning at the same time.

Pretty cool, huh? Yes, it is. In fact its almost as cool as Craig Ballantyne holding a kettlebell randomly in a green pasture with a prairie dog beside him.


Sneaky Trick #5 Multi-functional Cheat Days

Well, we already know that Cheat Days can help you avoid fat loss plateaus while regularly enjoying your favorite foods and burning more fat than you ever could while staying strict with your diet, but what else can they do for you? You mean theres even more? Yes, there is.

And I know what youre thinking: Holy crap, Cheat Days really are the best thing to happen since sliced bread. Now to be fair, I cant really vouch for that first hand, but I did ask some people who used to know some people who used to break bread as opposed to slice it back in the day, and they agreedthat invention was the real deal. This is the real deal #2 Anabolic and Catabolic Cheat Days.

Previously, you may have heard the term catabolic or catabolism used in a negative way in reference to the break down of muscle tissue or musclewasting, but catabolic simply refers to any process in the body in which a breaking down of tissue occurs. So catabolism of fat certainly is a good thing. And thats how were using it here: cheat days set you up for massive fat catabolism over the coming days, but did you know that they can be anabolic, too? Not to fat tissue, but to muscle tissue.

How? Remember Sneaky Trick #3? We choose our exercise selection based on the current days diet to yield optimal results.

So how can we optimize the influx of calories, carbohydrates and anabolic hormones that are all too present throughout the entire course of a Cheat Day in order to maximize results?

Well, you could do nothing on a Cheat Day, which provides no additional benefit, or you could do the smart thing and use those calories, carbs and hormones to spark new muscle growth by performing a strategic high volume musclebuilding style workout as you enjoy your Cheat Day feast.

This has several benefits:

1. Youll never feel fuller or experience a pump like you will while doing this style of workout on a cheat day. The workout just feels amazing. 2. Going from depleted to full while performing a high volume workout will create the most anabolic effect of any workout, period. Such a drastic change in your nutrient intake and overall hormonal and metabolic state coupled with high-volume training yields the craziest supercompensation effect ever. To clarify, Im not saying you will build boatloads of muscle by using this method (while being in a calorie deficit at most other times), but it can undoubtedly help you add several pounds of lean muscle as you diet and lose fat rapidly (via rather extreme methods), which is pretty much unheard of otherwise. Bottom line: When youre able to add some lean mass during your fat loss journey youre going to look a HECK of a lot better than the all too common emaciated post-dieter who generally ends up LOSING 5-15 lbs of lean muscle.

Like this guy.

In fact, my buddy and fellow fitness author Vince Del Monte and his wife Flavia used this very technique as they prepared for a professional photo shoot and together did the impossible: went from lean to super lean (the hardest feat in fat loss) while gaining lean muscle in the process. You see, its pretty much an accepted truth that youre going to sacrifice some muscle when attempting to get that lean, but you know what? Neither of them didat all. In fact, Flavia increased her lean muscle by a pound and Vinny put on THREE and a half pounds of lean mass over the course of just three weeks while working down to single digit photo ready body fat.

Oh yeahhhh, thats hot. With strategy, you can do the impossible, and its simply because your methods are smarter than the methods that people deemed a task impossible with. And thats essentially what the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet is all aboutthe fastest fat loss

youve ever experiencedperiodresulting from the most strategically set up diet and exercise program ever designed. If there is one lesson that you take away from this report (in addition to all the cool fat burning info), I hope that its this: Hard work does NOT, in and of itself, equal results. In fact, most times it doesnt.

Intense efforts + Inefficient methods = Frustration.

Effective strategy + Effective methods + Hard work = Xtreme Results. Lose up to 25 lbs in just 25 days? Its all in the strategy and its all coming your way May 1st. Id probably go buy a new belt if I were you

The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 will unofficially release on May 1st, 2012 via an invitation only discounted 3-day pre-sale.

Its the most strategic, fastest fat loss program ever developed. Period.

Because you downloaded this report, youre on the exclusive invite listif you want it, at that time, youll get it before anyone else, AND at the pre-sale discount.

But before that even happens, Im going to be giving away even more FREE fat loss info along with giving you a chance to WIN a FREE copy of the entire 25-day Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System. Stay tuned!

About Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT

Joel Marion has been recognized by Mens Fitness magazine as one of Americas top 50 personal trainers, and even more, Americas #1 Virtual Trainer.

When it comes to getting results with clients, regardless of location, Joel delivers, time and time again.

As a nationally published author and fitness personality, Joel has appeared on such television networks as NBC, ABC, and CBS, is a frequent guest on SIRIUS satellite radio, and has been featured in the pages of more than 20 popular national newsstand magazines including Mens Fitness, Womans Day, Maximum Fitness, Oxygen, Clean Eating, MuscleMag International, and Muscle & Fitness Hers. His other accomplishments include winning the worlds largest Body Transformation contest for regular people, the Body-for-Life Transformation Challenge, as well as graduating Magna Cum Laude from a top-20 Exercise Science program and being certified as both a sports nutritionist and personal trainer through the nations premier certification agencies. Rest assured, youre in good hands.

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