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SERVICE Above Self

Rotary Club of Chino Meets WEDNESDAY NOON Chino Community Bldg. 5443 B Street Chino For Additional Information President Theresa Franke 985-3000

The Bearing
The Voice of the Chino Rotary Founded 1925 * Club #779

Kalyan Banerjee,
President Rotary International All of us in Rotary are looking to change the world why else would we be Rotarians? We believe that our world can be happier, healthier, and more peaceful and that we can create that better world through our service.
Doug Fowler, District Governor 2011-2012 Chino Club Officers President: Theresa Franke Vice President: Scott Schaller Past President: Wayne Scaggs Treasurer: Steve Bremer Secretary: Art Plourde (president-elect) Directors: Terrie Garcia Lee McGroarty Sandra Rose John DeMonaco (Dinner & Auction Chair) Bearing Editor Meg Yacawych Chino Rotary Website

April 18, 2012

The Object of Rotary

What would it
take to change the world? Rotarys 1.2 million members believe it starts with a commitment to above Self.



The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:: First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service, Second: High ethical standards in business and professions. The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to service society. Third: The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal business, and community life: Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men and women united in the ideal of service


Wednesday, April 18
Fund-A-Dream Scholarships

Chaffey College Nick Nazarian Wayne Scaggs & New Rotary Induction Kevin Nolan Canyon Ridge Hospital *** Monday, April 23
Dan Stover Music Contest Level 2 Ayala High School 6PM Our Contestant Jonathan Kim will be competing

2012***The Prince ss
Just Imagine

Award ***2012

Wednesday, April 25 Teacher Mini Grants Mike Rodriguez Meeting extended to 1:30 *** Sunday, April 29 1:00-4:00 Chino Hills Community Foundation Spring Home Tour See Rotarian Wayne Scaggs *** Monday, April 30 All Service Bingo & Dinner Brinderson Hall Tickets $25 Rotarian Dave King *** Dinner & Auction Meeting Wednesday, May 2, 5PM Happys 1st keg is on Mike! *** 5/6-9 International Conference Thailand *** Friday, May 11, 5:30PM Denim & Diamonds Dinner & Auction Carri Walker 909-628-5282 ***

Inching Toward the End of Polio

Presented by Rotarian Gene Hernandez
Just Imagine was the theme of this years Rose Parade and an easy transition for the Rotary Float theme of reaching our goal along with the help of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for the eradication of Polio in endemic countries. The award Rotary won was based on the criteria of the Most Beautiful Entry under 35 feet! Historically the Rose Parade, first in pictures and then through television, lured snowed-in east coast and Midwest residents to a new gold rush; the expectation of golden California sunshine year round. While the Rose Parade still has that effect, the Rotary float specifically made the public aware of Rotary and what we have accomplished with the help of the Gates Foundation. The float was seen by 44 million people in North American. The gold then Rotary mined with our float was a heart of gold to reach out to those that can continue to help and support our efforts. Rotary floats are funded through private donations. The float cost $125,000; used the generous time of 1300 volunteers; volunteers worked 11,520 hours in 8 hour shifts. To be part of this event next year go to, or talk directly to Rotarian Gene Hernandez.

Rotary District Conference May 31-June3 Doug Fowler, District Governor Lake Arrowhead Resort Lake Arrowhead, CA The keynote speaker is Glen J. Stettler Office of the Director of Research under the Secretary of Defense 4-Way Speech finals Dan Stover Music Award For more information see Chino Rotarian Art Plourde

Electronic Waste The e-waste will be picked up Monday, April 23! Thank you everyone who contributed to this club fund raiser Rotarian Wayne Scaggs

A History of the Rotary Bulletin Bearing Submitted by Rotarian Al McCombs

Chino Rotary president Ralph C. Homan signed the first issue of the Chino Rotary Bulletin, produced at the opening of his year, July 1, 1940. The Bulletin believes it can be made of considerable value to the club, but certainly it will take the interest and cooperation of all members to put the plan over with maximum results, he said. There followed a list subjects that could be included. Issue No. 2, dated July 10, made note of the 1940 Rotary International convention held in Havana, Cuba, at which $50,000 was approved to help alleviate human suffering because of the growing conflicts in the world, and reported on the annual club banquet and installation at which alfalfa farmer A.H. (Si) Simons passed the gavel to attorney Homan.

On November 2, 1949, the day of the visit of District (162) Governor Frank V. Crane, The Bulletin became The Bearing, a name derived from an adjunct of the Rotary Wheel. Most copies of The Bearing are on file through September 1995, thanks to the efforts of the late Chino historian and Rotarian, Charles Reher. However, issues from that time until July, 1906 are missing. If anyone has a collection, I would appreciate knowing about it. From the mid-nineties the Bearing blossomed out in color and style, and in the past two years is available online, thanks to editor Meg Yacawych.

Scholarship Gift Cards May 10, 2012 CVUSD Board member, Fred Youngblood, will honor 95 students with scholarship gift cards. This was funded by Fred Younglbloods birthday party and Wayne Scaggs and will be distributed on behalf of Chino Rotary as follows: Star 2011 One student will receive a $75 gift cards for a perfect score in three content areas. Twenty five students will received $25 gift scholarship cards for achieving a perfect score in two content areas. Cahsee Sixty-nine students to received $25 gift scholarship cards for achieving a perfect scores in any two content areas English, Arts or Mathematics

Guests Last Week: Rotarians Carol and Don Bremer from Big Bear Rotary (formerly of Chino Rotary). *** Trevor Miles, Financial Officer Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, Inc. A guest of Rotarian Sandra Rose Dinner and Auction Reminder: All Chino Rotarians share the responsibility for a successful Dinner & Auction! Every Rotarian is requested to: 1. Bring in a major sponsor. 2. Bring in a significant live auction item. Rotarian Sandra Rose

DISTRICT 5300 Wheelchair Delivery to Hermosillo June 13/14 See Gene Hernandez Or go to website Our club, Chino Rotary Club and friends of Chino Rotary, raised enough money to reach our goal of 35 chairs. Through a Rotary Matching Grant program we have 70 chairs to bring in June!

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