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Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data

for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Humanities Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Research and Creation Intellectual Curiosity Academic Essay Academic Essay Workshops Essays, monographs, essay type tests rubrics Monographs or final research paper rubrics Annotated Bibliography rubrics Class discussions, debate, essays and oral presentations rubrics Specific test questions and course content concept test rubric MUSI 3105 MUSI 4035; MUSI 4015 MUSI 4035; MUSI 4015 MUSI 3115; MUSI 4195 MUSI 4061; MUSI 4062 FRAN 4008 FRAN 4008 Not yet decided Hispanic Studies core courses Research Seminar courses Research Seminar courses Hispanic Studies core courses Hispanic Studies core courses 3rd instance Art History Seminar 4241 2nd instance Art Theory 3256


(As informed in their 5 Year Plan)

Appreciation, Culture and Commitment to the Ideals of the Puerto Rican society, and within the Caribbean and International context Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Content Knowledge

Foreign Languages
(pending to be submitted)

Effective Communication (written) Critical Thinking Content Knowledge Effective Communication (written) Research and creation

Hispanic Studies

Information literacy Content knowledge Knowledge integration

Art History

Research and Creation Critical Thinking

Thesis proposal rubric Thesis proposal rubric

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Humanities Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Effective Communication (oral written) Discussion questions rubric Thesis proposal rubric Thesis rubric Discussion questions rubric Thesis presentation (oral) rubric

3 instance Art History Seminar 4241 1st instance Introduction to Visual Arts; History of Photography 3rd instance Art History Seminar 4241 4242; Art History Seminar 4242 1st instance Western Art History 3192 2nd instance Art Theory 3256; Contemporary Art History 3237 3rd instance Art History Seminar 4241 4242 1st instance LITE 3011 or other preliminary 3---level course. 2nd instance LITE 3045 Introduction to Comparative Literature or LITE 3101 or LITE 3102 or LITE 4--- Course of directed selection with a required final research paper. 3rd instance LITE 4--- Course of directed selection with a required final research paper (in which the students write their final thesis papers). 1st instance LITE 3011 or other preliminary 3 level course. 2nd instance LITE 3045 Introduction to Comparative Literature or LITE 3101 or

Content Knowledge

Essay type questions in a tests rubric Research papers rubrics Class discussions rubrics Oral presentations rubrics

Effective Oral Communication

Comparative Literature

Oral presentation of a critical essay (summary and commentary) rubric Oral presentation of final research project rubric

Effective Written Communication

Preliminary Paper Proposals rubric Final Research Proposal rubric

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Humanities Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Courses
LITE 3102 or LITE 4---Course of directed selection with a required final research paper. 3rd instance LITE 4---Course of directed selection with a required final research paper (in which the students write their final thesis papers) 1st instance LITE 3011 or other preliminary 3-- level course. 2nd instance LITE 3101 (Literary Theory) or LITE 3102 or LITE 3045 or LITE 4---Course of directed selection with a required final research paper. 3rd instance LITE 4---Course of directed selection with a required final research paper (in which the students write their final thesis papers). 2nd instance LITE 3045 Introduction to Comparative Literature or LITE 4--Course of directed selection with a required final research paper. 3rd instance LITE 4---Course of directed selection with a required final research paper (in which the students write their final thesis papers).

Critical Thinking Final exam paper rubric

Research and Creation

Final research papers rubric

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Humanities Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments

2 instance LITE 3045 Introduction to Comparative Literature or LITE 4--Course of directed selection with a required final research paper. 3rd instance LITE 4---Course of directed selection with a required final research paper (in which the students write their final thesis papers). 1st instance LITE 3011 or other preliminary 3--- level course 2nd instance LITE 3101 Introduction to Comparative Literature or LITE 4--Course of directed selection with a required final research paper. 3rd instance LITE 4---Course of directed selection with a required final research paper (in which the students write their final thesis papers).

Information Literacy

Preliminary research paper proposals rubric Final research paper rubric

Content Knowledge: Application of Knowledge of Literary Periods, Movements, Genres, and Theories

Essay type exams rubrics

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Humanities Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Effective Communication (written) Research and Creation Critical Thinking Essays rubric Visual project research proposal rubric Visual project research proposal rubric Individual artistic work rubric Group critique rubric Portfolio rubric Research type essays based on online information rubric Individual artistic work rubric Workshop performance and participation rubric Development of technical language skills and attitudes towards experimentation during the workshop experience Papers, research proposals Papers, research proposals Papers, research proposals

1 instance: ARTE 3901 & ARTE 3902 2nd instance: intermediate core courses 3rd instance: ARTE 4989 1st instance: ARTE 3901 & ARTE 3902 2nd instance: intermediate core courses 3rd instance: ARTE 4989 1st instance: ARTE 3901 & ARTE 3902 2nd instance: intermediate courses 3rd instance: ARTE 4989 1st instance: ARTE 3901 & ARTE 3902 2nd instance: intermediate courses 3rd instance: ARTE 4989

Fine Arts
Information Literacy

Discipline Related Skill: Technical Mastery of the Medium Used

1st instance: ARTE 3901 & ARTE 3902 2nd instance: intermediate courses 3rd instance: ARTE 4989 1st instance: ESIN 4056 4th instance: ESIN 4080 1st instance: ESIN 4056 4th instance: ESIN 4080

Effective Communication

Interdisciplinary Studies
(pending to be submitted)

Research and Creation Content Knowledge: Knowledge integration

3rd instance: ESIN 4045

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program

College of Humanities Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments

Reviews rubric Monographs rubric Critical reflection essays rubric Historiographical essays rubric Oral presentations rubric Historiographical essays rubric Oral presentations rubric Critical reviews rubric Bibliographic essays rubric

2nd instance Theory and Methodology courses (HIST 4225 4226) 3rd instance Research Seminar courses

Critical Thinking

European History

Effective Communication (written)

2nd instance Reading Seminar Courses (HIST 4025 4017)

Content Knowledge: Research and Creation, Knowledge and Skills

Research Proposal rubric Monograph rubric Reviews rubric Monographs rubric Critical reflection essays rubric Historiographical essays rubric Oral presentations rubric Historiographical essays rubric Oral presentations rubric Critical reviews rubric Bibliographic essays rubric Research Proposal rubric

Critical Thinking

2nd instance Theory and Methodology courses (HIST 4225 4226); Reading Seminar courses (HIST 4025 4017) 3rd instance Research Seminar courses 2nd instance Theory and Methodology courses (HIST 4225 4226) 3rd instance Research Seminar courses

History of the Americas

Effective Communication (written) Content Knowledge: Research and

2nd instance Reading Seminar Courses (HIST 4025 4017)

2nd instance Theory and Methodology


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Humanities Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Creation, Knowledge and Skills Monograph rubric

courses (HIST 4225 4226); Reading Seminar courses (HIST 4025 4017) 3rd instance Research Seminar courses 2nd instance INGL 3065 3287 2nd instance INGL 3065 3287 2nd instance INGL 3065 3287 1st instance INGL 3285 2nd instance INGL 4256 1st instance INGL 3285 2nd instance INGL 4256 2nd instance INGL 3065 3287 1st instance Theater History 2nd instance Theater Illumination techniques course; Rolling Theater performances; Theater Costume I course 3rd instance Stage Direction I II courses; Experimental Theater Workshop 1st instance Theater Appreciation course 2nd instance Theater Acting III course;

Effective communication (written)

English (Linguistics and Communication)

Critical Thinking Content Knowledge: Knowledge of Written Language in Standard English Effective communication (written)

Writing samples rubrics Pre-post tests rubrics Writing samples rubrics Pre-post tests rubrics Writing samples rubrics Pre-post tests rubrics

Writing samples rubrics Pre-post tests rubrics Writing samples rubrics Pre-post tests rubrics Writing samples rubrics Pre-post tests rubrics Surveys Monographs rubric Essays rubric Portfolio rubric

Critical Thinking English (English Literature)

Content Knowledge: Knowledge of Written Language in Standard English

Research and Creation

Performing Arts
Critical Thinking Monographs rubric Theater reviews rubric Theater plays rubric

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Humanities Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Independent Study Intellectual Curiosity Ongoing learning Social Responsibility Ethical and Aesthetical Sensibility Survey Portfolio rubric Theater plays rubric Theater plays rubric Survey Portfolio rubric Pre-test & Post-test rubric Theater reviews checklist Written examination rubric Portfolio rubric

Theater Pantomime II course 3rd instance Experimental Theater Workshop 3rd instance Individual professional experience 1st instance Theater Acting I course 2nd instance Theater Costume I course 2nd instance Theater Acting II III courses 3rd instance Stage Direction I II courses 3rd instance Rolling Theater performances 2nd instance Theater Makeup course; Theater Costume course 3rd instance Rolling Theater performances; Stage Direction II course 1st instance Theater History course, Theater Appreciation course; Teather Diction I II courses 2nd instance Theater Acting III course; Theater Pantomime I II courses; Theater Illumination Techniques I II courses 3rd instance Stage Direction I II courses; Experimental Theater workshops; Rolling Theater

Content Knowledge: Course Concept Knowledge

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Humanities Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Surveys Oral test rubric Portfolio rubric


Content Knowledge: Effective Theatrical Communication

Content Knowledge: Teamwork Content Knowledge: Effective body language Written Communication


Critical Thinking Mathematical-Logical Reasoning competencies

1 instance Theater History course Theater Appreciation course; Theater Diction I II courses 2nd instance Theater Pantomime I II courses 3rd instance Stage Direction I II courses; Experimental Theater workshops 3rd instance Experimental Theatre Group work dynamics - rubric workshop; Rolling Theater Theater play: rehearsals and performances 2nd instance Theater Pantomime I II rubric courses, Theater Diction I II courses; Art Comedy course 1st instance Introduction to Philosophy Critical review rubric course Essay type questions in a test rubric 3rd instance Language Philosophy course Test exercises at the beginning and end of 2nd instance Introduction Logic the semester rubric Reasoning course

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Social Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Critical Thinking Effective Communication Discussion test for the course History and Philosophy of Geography, GEOG 4500. Rubric (Thinking and Content Skills) Discussion test for the course History and Philosophy of Geography, GEOG 4500. Rubric (Thinking and Content Skills) Written evidence of opinion rivers meetings Community Leaders, Deans, Directors of Departments, organizations and individuals impacted on the work and collaboration of students from geography to these Students will present their research findings, investigations at Posters and oral presentations. Students will participate in geointernados and present the research findings in oral presentations Approve the certification from the National Institutes of Health. Workshops of how to use the database system. GEOG 4500 GEOG 4500 GEOG 3725


Social Responsibility

(pending to be submitted) Research and Creation

Ethic and Aesthetic Sensibility Content Knowledge

GEOG 4550 GEOG 4500



Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program
(pending to be submitted)

College of Social Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments

Research and Creation Intellectual Curiosity Effective Communication (oral) Content Knowledge: Course Content Concepts Discipline Related Skill: Critical Analysis of Economics Concepts in General Interest Publications Capstone course research project rubric Capstone course research project rubric Oral presentation rubric Oral presentation rubric Departmental Assessment Test Survey


(pending to be submitted)

(pending to be submitted)

3rd instance ECON 4416 3rd instance ECON 4416 3rd instance ECON 4416 3rd instance ECON 4416 3rd instance ECON 4416


Departmental Assessment Test Survey


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Social Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments

2 instance Political Theory core courses 3rd instance Political Theory core courses; CIPO 4065 2nd instance Political Theory core courses; CIPO 3135 3rd instance Political Theory core courses; CIPO 4065; CIPO Gender and Political Power course 2nd instance CIPO 3135 3rd instance CIPO Gender and Political Power course 1st instance RELA 3085 1st instance RELA 3015 3rd instance RELA 4045

Intellectual Curiosity

Written papers rubric Oral presentation rubric

Political Science

Effective Communication Content Knowledge: Integration and Comprehension of Gender Topics in Political Processes and Institutions

Written papers rubric Oral presentation rubric Written papers rubric Oral presentation rubric

Labor Relations

Critical Thinking

Research and Creation

Research Proposal rubric Group research project rubric Practicum - Guide for the students evaluation by the practice supervisors (section D and E) Baccalaureate Graduate Survey - level of satisfaction regarding the baccalaureate preparation receive in this competency. Student Practice Experiences Journal rubric Research proposal rubric 1st instance RELA 3085 Organization profile paper rubric 1st instance RELA 3015 Development of an ethnographic research 3rd instance RELA 4045


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Social Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments


Information Literacy

log in the student practicum rubric Practicum - Guide for the students evaluation by the practice supervisors (section D and E) Baccalaureate Graduate Survey - level of satisfaction regarding the baccalaureate preparation receive in this competency. Series of workshops: 1st instance RELA 3085 o Campus Library Database Search 1st instance RELA 3015 o Law School Library Legal Research 3rd instance RELA 4045 search o APA Manual Assignments: o Use Thesaurus to identified keywords to search databases o Write peer review publication references as part of a research proposals o Films (Evaluating Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism Research Skills series): Pre-Post test o Completion of the Online Module of the National Institute of Health (to measure the understanding of the student regarding the ethics of research involving human subjects)

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Social Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Practicum - Guide for the students evaluation by the practice supervisors (section B and G) Baccalaureate Graduate Survey - level of satisfaction regarding the baccalaureate preparation receive in this competency. Practicum - Guide for the students evaluation by the practice supervisors (section B and G) Baccalaureate Graduate Survey - level of satisfaction regarding the baccalaureate preparation receive in this competency. SPSS workshop certification of participation Assignment that requested at least 12 references in one of the following statistical databases: American Fast Zinder, Census Bureau, National Statics online, Real-time World Statistics meters, Trends.Com rubric Use of statistical data in the Proposal justification section rubric Assignment based on tutorial Graphical analysis of data using the Box Whisker plot UPV by Prof. Monica Martinez, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia


Intellectual Curiosity

1st instance RELA 3085 1st instance RELA 3015 3rd instance RELA 4045

1st instance RELA 3085 1st instance RELA 3015 3rd instance RELA 4045

Logical-Mathematical Reasoning


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Social Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments


Social Responsibility Research and Creation Critical Thinking Information Literacy Ethical and Aesthetical sensibility Knowledge Integration Content Knowledge

Social Work

Student Practicum: Guide for the student evaluation by the practice supervisors (sections I, VI, VIII, IX and X) Student Practicum: Guide for the student evaluation by the practice supervisors (sections IV and VI) Student Practicum: Guide for the student evaluation by the practice supervisors (section IX) Student Practicum: Guide for the student evaluation by the practice supervisors (section IV) Student Practicum: Guide for the student evaluation by the practice supervisors (sections VI, X and XI) Student Practicum: Guide for the student evaluation by the practice supervisors (sections III and VI) Student Practicum: Guide for the student evaluation by the practice supervisors (sections I - XI)

Social Work course practicum TSOC 4027

Social Work course practicum

Social Work course practicum

Social Work course practicum

Social Work course practicum

Social Work course practicum

Social Work course practicum


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Social Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Effective Communication Student Practicum: Guide for the student evaluation by the practice supervisors (section VII)

Social Work course practicum


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program School of Communication Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments

2 instance INFP 4001; INFP 4002; COPU 4045 3rd instance COPU 4148; COPU 4365 2nd instance INFP 4001; INFP 4002 3rd instance COPU 4148; COPU 4365 2nd instance INFP 4001; INFP 4002; COPU 4045 3rd instance COPU 4148 2nd instance INFP 4001; INFP 4002; COPU 4045 3rd instance COPU 4148; ESIN 4077 2nd instance INFP 4001; INFP 4002; COPU 4045 3rd instance COPU 4148; ESIN 4077 2nd instance COPU 4045 3rd instance ESIN 4077 2nd instance COPU 4045 3rd instance COMA 4315; COPU 4148; COPU 4365 2nd instance COPU 4045 3rd instance COMA 4315; COPU 4148; COPU 4365 2nd instance COPU 4045 3rd instance COMA 4315; COPU 4148; COPU 4365

Effective Communication Critical Thinking

Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics

Information and Journalism

(as informed in their curricular matrix)

Information Literacy Social Responsibility Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Effective Communication

Audiovisual Communication
(as informed in their curricular matrix)

Critical Thinking Social Responsibility

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program School of Communication Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments

2 instance COPU 4045 3rd instance COMA 4315; COPU 4148; COPU 4365 3rd instance COMA 4315; COPU 4148 2nd instance COPU 4045 3rd instance COMA 4315; COPU 4148; COPU 4365 2nd instance REPU 4018; REPU 4076; COPU 4045; COPU 4148; REPU 4147 or REPU 4025; REPU 4077 3rd instance REPU 4155; COPU 4365 2nd instance REPU 4018; REPU 4076; COPU 4045; COPU 4148; REPU 4147 or REPU 4025; REPU 4077 3rd instance REPU 4155; COPU 4365 2nd instance REPU 4018; COPU 4045; COPU 4148; REPU 4147 or REPU 4025; REPU 4077 3rd instance COPU 4365 2nd instance REPU 4018; COPU 4045; COPU 4148; REPU 4147 or REPU 4025; REPU 4077 3rd instance COPU 4365 2nd instance REPU 4018; COPU 4045; REPU 4077

Research and Creation Logical and Mathematical Reasoning Information Literacy

Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics

Effective Communication


Critical Thinking


Public Relations and Advertising

(as informed in their curricular matrix) Social Responsibility Rubrics

Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning

Rubrics Rubrics

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program School of Communication Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments

3 instance COPU 4365 2nd instance REPU 4018; REPU 4076; COPU 4045; COPU 4148; REPU 4147 or REPU 4025; REPU 4077 3rd instance REPU 4155; COPU 4365

Information Literacy



Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program School of Architecture Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Effective Communication Social Responsibility Information literacy Written Papers rubric End of semester projects rubric Workshops Pre-post test Annotated bibliography rubric End of semester projects rubric Number research projects completed by undergraduate students in the current academic year End of semester projects rubric End of semester projects rubric End of semester projects rubric Project design rubric

1 instance ARQU 3121 2nd instance ARQU 4212 3rd instance ARQU 4216 1st instance ARQU 3132 2nd instance ARQU 3234 3rd instance ARQU 4134 1st instance ARQU 3121 2nd instance ARQU 4212 3rd instance ARQU 4216 2nd instance ARQU 4323; ARQU 4212 3rd instance ARQU 4313; ARQU 4216 1st instance ARQU 3132 2nd instance ARQU 3234 3rd instance ARQU 4134 2nd instance ARQU 3234 3rd instance ARQU 4134

Environmental Design

Research and Creation Content Knowledge: Design of Structures for physically impaired persons (Accessibility) Content Knowledge: Design of Environmental Friendly Systems in Structures Content Knowledge: Design of Safety Measures in Structures Discipline Related Skill: Visual Communication using both analog and digital media

2nd instance ARQU 3234 3rd instance ARQU 4134 1st instance ARQU 3132 2nd instance ARQU 3234 3rd instance ARQU 4134

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program Recreation
(Pending to be submitted) Academic Program in Pause Status

College of Education Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments


Family and Community Education

(Pending to be submitted) Academic Program in Pause Status

Effective Communication in Spanish

Required Writing Zones workshops (as a component of pre-practicum teacher courses) rubric e-Portfolio rubric Teachers Practicum rubric

Teacher Preparation Program (23)

Appreciation, Culture and Commitment to the Ideals of the Puerto Rican society, and within the Caribbean and International context Fields experiences rubric Teacher Practicum courses rubric

1st instance e-Portfolio 2nd instance e-Portfolio; Pre-Practicum courses EDPE 4121(Writing Zones workshops) 3rd instance e-Portfolio, Teacher Practicum, College Board Teachers Certification Test (PCMAS, for its Spanish acronym) 1st instance Fields experiences in Human Growth and Development courses 2nd instance Fields experiences in PrePracticum course where the student have to submit and teach a lesson in a classroom 3rd instance Teacher Practicum

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Education Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments


Critical thinking

e-Portfolio rubric

Teacher Preparation Program (23)

Information Literacy

Essays rubrics Monographs rubrics Webquests rubrics Teacher plans rubrics Field experiences reports rubrics Research papers rubrics e-Portfolio rubric Field experiences rubric Teacher Practicum rubric Course grades Grade point average

Research and Creation

1st instance Reflective Professional Seminar course I (FAED 4001) 2nd instance Reflective Professional Seminar course II (FAED 4002) 3rd instance Reflective Professional Seminar course III (FAED 4003) 1st instance Fields experiences in Human Growth and Development I-II courses 2nd instance Reflective Professional Seminar course II (FAED 4002) 3rd instance Teacher Practicum Final Report; e-Portfolio 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Education Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments


2 instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; eportfolio teacher philosophy evaluation. 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; eportfolio teacher philosophy evaluation 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation

Teacher Preparation Social Responsibility Program (23)

Teacher Practicum rubric Field experiences rubric Course grades


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 College of Education Teacher Preparation Program (23) - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS OR ATTITUDES OF ACADEMIC PROGRAM OR CONCENTRATION Academic Program Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Courses
Course grades e-Portfolio rubric Field work experience activities in EDFU 3002; EDES 4006 and Educational Technology (TEED) courses rubric Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning) Graduation GPA College Board Teachers Certification Tests (PCMAS) results e-Portfolio rubric Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning) Concentration GPA 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional

Principle # 1: Content Course Concepts and General Education Knowledge

Principle # 2: Student Learning and Development Processes

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 College of Education Teacher Preparation Program (23) - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS OR ATTITUDES OF ACADEMIC PROGRAM OR CONCENTRATION Academic Program Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Courses
Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA;

Principle #3: Educational planning

e-Portfolio rubric Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning)

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 College of Education Teacher Preparation Program (23) - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS OR ATTITUDES OF ACADEMIC PROGRAM OR CONCENTRATION Academic Program Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Courses
Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA

Principle #4: Critical thinking, research and creativity

e-Portfolio rubric Fields experiences activities rubric Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning) Course grades

Principle #5: Student Classroom Motivation

e-Portfolio rubric Fields experiences activities rubric

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 College of Education Teacher Preparation Program (23) - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS OR ATTITUDES OF ACADEMIC PROGRAM OR CONCENTRATION Academic Program Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Courses
Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning) Course grades in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field

Principle #6 Oral and Written Effective Communication in Spanish and English

Writing Zones Workshops rubric e-Portfolio rubric Fields experiences activities rubric Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning) Course grades

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 College of Education Teacher Preparation Program (23) - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS OR ATTITUDES OF ACADEMIC PROGRAM OR CONCENTRATION Academic Program Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Courses
experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards; Writing Zones workshops 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards; Educational Technology course 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board

e-Portfolio rubric Fields experiences activities rubric Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning) Educational Technology course rubric Course grades

Principle #7: Use of Educational Technology

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 College of Education Teacher Preparation Program (23) - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS OR ATTITUDES OF ACADEMIC PROGRAM OR CONCENTRATION Academic Program Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Courses
PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards; Student Learning Evaluation and Assessment course 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA

Principle #8: Student Learning Evaluation and Assessment

e-Portfolio rubric Fields experiences activities rubric Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning) Student Learning Evaluation and Assessment course grade

Principle #9: Educational Community Relationship in Social Context

e-Portfolio rubric Fields experiences activities rubric

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 College of Education Teacher Preparation Program (23) - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS OR ATTITUDES OF ACADEMIC PROGRAM OR CONCENTRATION Academic Program Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Courses
Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning) in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards. 1st instance General GPA grades in the first two college years; Fields experience courses evaluations; First two college years e-Portfolio evaluation; GPA in concentration courses; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on the Standards of their Corresponding Professional Accreditation Organizations [Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Standards] 2nd instance GPA in concentration courses; Practicum required courses approval; Field

Principle #10: Ethical and Reflective Professional Development and Teaching Implications

e-Portfolio rubric Fields experiences activities rubric Teacher Practicum (Formative evaluation instrument: three instances of assessment of student learning) Course grades

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 College of Education Teacher Preparation Program (23) - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS OR ATTITUDES OF ACADEMIC PROGRAM OR CONCENTRATION Academic Program Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Courses
experiences evaluation; e-Portfolio teacher philosophy evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards 3rd instance Bachelors GPA; Concentration GPA; Teacher Practicum Final Report; College Board PCMAS results; e-Portfolio Final Evaluation; Assessment of student learning evaluation based on SPA standards.


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Effective Communication Critical Thinking Social Responsibility Ethical and Aesthetic Sensitivity Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Case study rubric Oral presentation rubric Specially design problem in a test rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Case study rubric Case study rubric Specially design verbal problem in a test One question in test rubric Four pages essay rubric Annotated bibliography rubric Course assignment exercise rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Research proposal rubric Research proposal rubric Case study rubric Case study rubric Case study rubric Oral presentation rubric

2 instance (2 year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (2nd year) MECU 3115 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3106 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (1st year) CONT 3105 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 3rd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (1st year) MECU 3032 2nd instance (1st year) ADMI 4005; CONT 3106 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance (4th year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (2nd year) MECU 3115

Information Literacy Capacity for Independent Studies Ongoing Learning Content Knowledge: Course Content Concepts Content Knowledge: Knowledge integration


Effective Communication

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Critical Thinking Social Responsibility Ethical and Aesthetic Sensitivity Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Information Literacy Capacity for Independent Studies Ongoing Learning Specially design problem in a test rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Case study rubric Case study rubric Specially design verbal problem in a test One question in test rubric Four pages essay rubric Annotated bibliography rubric Course assignment exercise rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Research proposal rubric Research proposal rubric

2 instance (1 year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3106 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (1st year) CONT 3105 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 3rd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (1st year) MECU 3032 2nd instance (1st year) ADMI 4005; CONT 3106 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance (4th year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (2nd year) MECU 3115 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3106


Content Knowledge: Course Content Case study rubric Concepts Content Knowledge: Knowledge Case study rubric integration Case study rubric Effective Communication Oral presentation rubric Specially design problem in a test Critical Thinking rubric

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Social Responsibility Ethical and Aesthetic Sensitivity Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Information Literacy Capacity for Independent Studies Ongoing Learning Essay based on a movie rubric Case study rubric Case study rubric Specially design verbal problem in a test One question in test rubric Four pages essay rubric Annotated bibliography rubric Course assignment exercise rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Research proposal rubric Research proposal rubric

2 instance (3 year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (1st year) CONT 3105 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 3rd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (1st year) MECU 3032 2nd instance (1st year) ADMI 4005; CONT 3106 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance (4th year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (2nd year) MECU 3115 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3106 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107


Content Knowledge: Course Content Case study rubric Concepts Content Knowledge: Knowledge Case study rubric integration Case study rubric Effective Communication Oral presentation rubric Specially design problem in a test Critical Thinking rubric Social Responsibility Essay based on a movie rubric

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Ethical and Aesthetic Sensitivity Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Information Literacy Capacity for Independent Studies Ongoing Learning Case study rubric Case study rubric Specially design verbal problem in a test One question in test rubric Four pages essay rubric Annotated bibliography rubric Course assignment exercise rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Research proposal rubric Research proposal rubric

2 instance (1 year) CONT 3105 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 3rd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (1st year) MECU 3032 2nd instance (1st year) ADMI 4005; CONT 3106 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance (4th year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (2nd year) MECU 3115 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3106 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (1st year) CONT 3105 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107

Production and Operation Management Social Responsibility

Content Knowledge: Course Content Case study rubric Concepts Content Knowledge: Knowledge Case study rubric integration Case study rubric Effective Communication Oral presentation rubric Specially design problem in a test Critical Thinking rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Case study rubric

Ethical and Aesthetic Sensitivity

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Information Literacy Capacity for Independent Studies Ongoing Learning Case study rubric Specially design verbal problem in a test One question in test rubric Four pages essay rubric Annotated bibliography rubric Course assignment exercise rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Research proposal rubric Research proposal rubric

3 instance (4 year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (1st year) MECU 3032 2nd instance (1st year) ADMI 4005; CONT 3106 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance (4th year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (2nd year) MECU 3115 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3106 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (1st year) CONT 3105 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 3rd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (1st year course)

Content Knowledge: Course Content Case study rubric Concepts Content Knowledge: Knowledge Case study rubric integration Case study rubric Effective Communication Oral presentation rubric Specially design problem in a test Critical Thinking rubric


Social Responsibility Ethical and Aesthetic Sensitivity Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning

Essay based on a movie rubric Case study rubric Case study rubric Specially design verbal problem in a test

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
One question in test rubric Four pages essay rubric Annotated bibliography rubric Course assignment exercise rubric Essay based on a movie rubric

3 instance (1 year) MECU 3032 2nd instance (1st year) ADMI 4005; CONT 3106 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance (4th year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (2nd year) MECU 3115 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3106 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (1st year) CONT 3105 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 3rd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (1st year) MECU 3032 2nd instance (1st year) ADMI 4005; CONT

Information Literacy Capacity for Independent Studies Ongoing Learning

Research proposal rubric Research proposal rubric

Content Knowledge: Course Content Case study rubric Concepts Content Knowledge: Knowledge Case study rubric integration Case study rubric Effective Communication Oral presentation rubric Specially design problem in a test Critical Thinking rubric Social Responsibility Essay based on a movie rubric Case study rubric Case study rubric Specially design verbal problem in a test One question in test rubric Four pages essay rubric

General Program

Ethical and Aesthetic Sensitivity Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Information Literacy


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Annotated bibliography rubric Course assignment exercise rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Capacity for Independent Studies Ongoing Learning Research proposal rubric Research proposal rubric

3106 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance (4th year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (2nd year) MECU 3115 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3106 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (1st year) CONT 3105 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 3rd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (1st year) MECU 3032 2nd instance (1st year) ADMI 4005; CONT 3106 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001

Content Knowledge: Course Content Case study rubric Concepts Content Knowledge: Knowledge Case study rubric integration Case study rubric Effective Communication Oral presentation rubric Specially design problem in a test Critical Thinking rubric Social Responsibility Essay based on a movie rubric Case study rubric Case study rubric Specially design verbal problem in a test One question in test rubric Four pages essay rubric Annotated bibliography rubric Course assignment exercise rubric

Human Resources

Ethical and Aesthetic Sensitivity Research and Creation Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Information Literacy

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Essay based on a movie rubric Capacity for Independent Studies Ongoing Learning Research proposal rubric Research proposal rubric

3 instance (3 year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance (4th year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (2nd year) MECU 3115 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3106 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (1st year) CONT 3105 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 3rd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 2nd instance (1st year course) 3rd instance (1st year) MECU 3032 2nd instance (1st year) ADMI 4005; CONT 3106 2nd instance (2nd year) COEM 3001 3rd instance (3rd year) FINA 3107 2nd instance (3rd year course)

Content Knowledge: Course Content Case study rubric Concepts Content Knowledge: Knowledge Case study rubric integration Case study rubric Effective Communication Oral presentation rubric Specially design problem in a test Critical Thinking rubric Social Responsibility Essay based on a movie rubric Case study rubric Case study rubric Specially design verbal problem in a test One question in test rubric Four pages essay rubric Annotated bibliography rubric Course assignment exercise rubric Essay based on a movie rubric Research proposal rubric

Computer Information Research and Creation Systems

Ethical and Aesthetic Sensitivity Logical-Mathematical Reasoning Information Literacy Capacity for Independent Studies

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Ongoing Learning Research proposal rubric Ethical and aesthetic sensitivity Multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment test Case study rubric

3 instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 3rd instance (3rd year) INCO 4006 2nd instance (3rd year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance (4th year course) 2nd instance (4th year) ADMI 4007 1st instance ADSO 3036 (Production of Documents course): Yearly in November 3rd instance ADSO 4150 (Professional Internship course): Yearly in April 1st instance ADSO 3036 (Production of Documents course): Yearly in November 3rd instance ADSO 4150 (Professional Internship course): Yearly in April; The College of Business Administration will also provide ethics assessment results measure in CONT 3105. 1st instance ADSO 3036 (Production of Documents course): Yearly in November 3rd instance ADSO 4105 (Program Integration course): Yearly in December 1st instance ADSO 3036 (Production of Documents course): Yearly in November 3rd instance ADSO 3055 (Business

Content Knowledge: Course Content Case study rubric Concepts Content Knowledge: Knowledge Case study rubric integration Effective Communication Multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment test

Office System Management

Critical Thinking

Multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment test Multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment test Pre-Post test

Information Literacy

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments Course
Technology and Systems course): Yearly in October; The College of Business Administration will also provide information literacy assessment results measure in ADMI 4005. 1st instance ADSO 3036 (Production of Documents course); Yearly in November 3rd instance ADSO 4150 (Professional Internship course); Yearly in April 1st instance Office 2010 Suite comprehensive application of computer software implementation test 3rd instance ADSO 4105 (Programs Integration course): Yearly in November 1st instance ADSO 3036 (Production of Documents course); Yearly in November 3rd instance ADSO 4150 (Professional Internship course); Yearly in April 1st instance CONT 3105: Yearly in April 3rd instance CONT 3106: Yearly in November 3rd instance ADSO 4126 (Business Multidisciplinary Seminar course): Yearly in April.

Content Knowledge and Skills: Globalization Content Knowledge and Skills: Apply Technology and Information Systems Content Knowledge and Skills: Office Administration and Management Content Knowledge and Skills: Accounting Content Knowledge and Skills: Finance, Statistics, and Entrepreneurship

Multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment test

Multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment test

Multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment test Standardized test offered by the College of Business Administration Comprehensive project in a multidisciplinary course

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Business Administration Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments

1 instance ADSO 3036 (Production of Documents course); Yearly in November 3rd instance ADSO 4150 (Professional Internship course); Yearly in April

Content Knowledge and Skills: Economy

Multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment test

Discipline Related Skills: Competencies of an assistant administration candidate (efficiency, work quality, effective oral and written communication, time management, problem and conflict Professional Internship Course solving, interpersonal skills, Supervisor evaluation (rubric) initiative skills, good judgment, general office related work knowledge, office standard procedures, use of technology, creativity, and general document management) Alumni Survey Online survey using Content Knowledge: Alumni Survey for active students, alumni, teaching and non-teaching personal Content Knowledge: Baccalaureate graduates level of satisfaction with Exit Survey the program survey

3rd instance ADSO 4105 (Professional Internship course): Each Semester

3rd instance Open House Alumni Activities scheduled every 2 years Yearly in November 3rd instance ADSO 4150 (Professional Internship course): Each semester


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program Interdisciplinary Bachelor General Education
(pending to be submitted)

College of General Studies Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments



Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Research and Creation Social Responsibility Information literacy Laboratory reports rubric Written paper rubric Laboratory notebook rubric Participation in research experiences Laboratory reports rubric Written paper rubric Laboratory notebook rubric Educational experience in the course pre and post test. Educational experience in the course pre and post statistics test. Educational experience in the course Post measurement in the partial exams. Multiple choice case studies survey (Retablos, its Spanish name) Focus group Educational experience in the course course tests. Educational experience in the course pre and post statistics test. Laboratory reports rubric

1 instance BIOL 3101 3102 2nd instance BIOL 4990 3rd instance BIOL 4990; BIOL 3350; BIOL 3112; BIOL 3365 1st instance BIOL 3101 3102 3rd instance BIOL 3112; BIOL 3350 2nd instance BIOL 3349 3rd instance BIOL 3350

Effective Communication

Logical-Mathematical Reasoning


2nd instance BIOL 4350 3rd instance Focus groups 1st instance BIOL3101 2nd instance BIOL 3349 3rd instance BIOL 4350; BIOL 3111 3112; BIOL 3365; BIOL 3350 1st instance BIOL3102 2nd instance BIOL 3349 3rd instance BIOL 3365 and BIOL

Critical Thinking

Course assignment activities rubric Laboratory report rubric

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Content Knowledge: Knowledge Integration Critical Thinking Educational experience in the course specially design test questions Educational experience in the course specially design test questions in partial or final exams Laboratory reports rubric Research proposal rubric Research project rubric Oral presentations rubric

4350 1st instance BIOL3102 2nd instance BIOL 4350 3rd instance BIOL 4545; BIOL 3111 1st instance QUIM 3001 QUIM 3002 2nd instance QUIM 3451 QUIM 3452, QUIM 3255 3rd instance QUIM 4043 QUIM 4044 1st instance QUIM 3002L 2nd instance QUIM 3255L 3rd instance QUIM 4015L; QUIM 4043 QUIM 4044 1st instance QUIM 3002L 2nd instance QUIM 3255; QUIM 3452L 3rd instance QUIM 4015L 1st instance QUIM 3002L 2nd instance QUIM 3255; QUIM 3452L 3rd instance QUIM 4015L 1st instance First year students, 2nd instance Second year students 3rd instance Third and Fourth year students 1st instance QUIM 3001L QUIM 3002L 2nd instance QUIM 3255L

Effective Communication

Research and Creation

Capacity for independent study

Research proposal rubric Research project rubric Research proposal rubric Research project rubric Number of students enrolled in the undergraduate research course (QUIM 4999) Course assignment rubric

Intellectual Curiosity

Information Literacy

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments

3 instance QUIM 4865 MATE 3151 1st instance QUIM 3002 2nd instance QUIM 3255 3rd instance QUIM 4041 Every three or four years 1st instance QUIM 3001 QUIM 3002 2nd instance QUIM 3451 QUIM 3452; QUIM 3255 3rd instance QUIM 4041; QUIM 4042; QUIM 4043; QUIM 4044 1st instance QUIM 3001L 2nd instance QUIM 3451L; QUIM 3255L 3rd instance QUIM 4041; QUIM 4042; QUIM 4043; QUIM 4044 1st instance CINA 4127 2nd instance CINA 4157 3rd instance CINA 4997 4th instance At the end of the

Logical-Mathematical reasoning

Knowledge Integration Ongoing learning Content Knowledge: Course Concept Knowledge

Educational experience in Calculus course specially design test questions in partial and final exams Diagnostic exam Educational experience in the course specially design test questions in partial or final exams that assess Chemistry concepts integration Alumni Survey Educational experience in the courses course exams Educational experience in laboratory courses practical laboratory test Educational experience in laboratory courses Standardized sample analysis Educational experience in laboratory courses Laboratory final exam Participation and approval of research courses Laboratory reports rubric Statistics of students that continue

Discipline Related Skills: Laboratory Skills

Environmental Science

Research and Creation

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Effective Communication Critical Thinking Capacity for Independent Studies graduate studies Alumni Survey Statistics of the quantity of students enrolled in different English level courses Course grades of the English and Spanish university level courses Laboratory reports rubric Alumni Survey Educational experience in the courses course evaluation survey Educational experience in the courses specially design test questions in partial or final Number of students that enrolled in continues education courses - Institutional Statistics Number of students that follows postgraduate studies - Institutional Statistics Educational experience in the course course evaluation survey Educational experience in the course rubric to assess advanced skills application Multiple choice case studies survey (Retablos, its Spanish name) Alumni Survey

bachelors degree: Every 5 years 2nd instance At the end of the second year of studies, CINA 4127 4th instance At the end of the Bachelors degree: Every 5 years 1st instance BIOL 3101 BIOL 3102 2nd instance BIOL 3102 BIOL 3102 3rd instance CINA 4997; BIOL3101 BIOL 3102

1st, 2nd, and 3rd instances BIOL 3101 BIOL 3102

Social and cultural Responsibility


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Laboratory reports rubric Educational experience in the courses Pre-test and post test of the analytical skills, evaluation, critiques and summary of the data presented in tables and graphics Statistics of students participating in research projects, independent studies and summer internships Educational experience in the courses Course exams Course assignments were students apply the style and format manual required for articles to be published in the American Journal of Physics rubric Statistics of students participating in research projects, independent studies and summer internships Educational experience in the courses Pre-test and post-test Educational experience in the course Course exams Activity: Oral presentation at subgraduate seminar. Instrument: Rubric for oral presentations. Activity: Identification of students

1st instance BIOL3101 BIOL 3102; 2nd instance CINA 4995 3rd instance CINA4127 and CINA 4995 2nd instance FISI 4051 FISI 4052 3rd instance FISI 4076 FISI 4077 2nd instance FISI 4031 FISI 4032 2nd instance FISI 4051 FISI 4052 3rd instance FISI 4076 FISI 4077 2nd instance FISI 4051 FISI 4052 3rd instance FISI 4076 FISI 4077 2nd instance FISI 4051 FISI 4052 3rd instance FISI 4076 FISI 4077 1st instance- MATE 4995 3rd instance- Several courses

Logical-Mathematical reasoning

Capacity for Independent Studies Logical mathematical reasoning Information literacy

Intellectual curiosity Content Knowledge: Knowledge Integration

(Pending to be submitted)

Research and creation


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
conducting undergraduate research. Instruments: Reports of NSF-STEM project "Alan Turing Fellowships", researchers questionnaire, student questionnaire. Effective Oral Communication Activity: Presentation at sub-graduate seminar. Instrument: Rubric for oral presentations. Activity: Report submitted in subgraduate seminar. Instrument: Rubric for evaluating laboratory reports, effective communication domain. Activity: Written reports submitted MATE5002 Instrument: Rubric for evaluation of statistical reports, knowledge of effective communication Activity: Report submitted in subgraduate seminar. Instrument: Rubric for evaluating laboratory reports, mastery of information skills Activity: Written reports submitted MATE5002 1st instance-MATE 4995 1st instance-MATE 4995 3rd instance-MATE 5002


Effective Written Communication

1st instance-MATE 4995 3rd instance-MATE 5002

Content Knowledge


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Instrument: Rubric to assess statistical reports, information domain competencies. Activity: Question of high-level cognitive test to be included in the final exam. Instrument: Scoring Rubric for Math Sky Open-Ended Items (modified levels from 0 to 8) Activity: Question of high-level cognitive test to be included in the final exam. Instrument: Scoring Rubric for SkyMath Open-Ended Items (modified levels from 0 to 8) Activity: identification of opinion of graduates Instrument: Questionnaire for students to finish high school Activity: Oral presentation and paper. Instrument: Rubric for the use of technology in classroom presentations Activity: Identification of satisfaction of graduates with the technological training they receive.


1st instance-MATE 3325 3rd instance-MATE 5002; MATE 5201

Logical mathematical reasoning

1st instance-MATE 3325 3rd instance-MATE 5002; MATE 5201

Use and control of the technology


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Instrument: Questionnaire for students when they finish the degree Oral presentation of topic assigned for independent study rubric Alumni survey Active student yearly survey Oral presentation of topic assigned for independent study rubric Alumni survey Active student yearly survey Researchers survey Oral presentation of topic assigned for independent study rubric Alumni survey Active student yearly survey Researchers survey Essay rubric Oral presentation of topic assigned rubric Survey on ethics at the beginning of the course Group discussion with open ended questions rubric Multiple choice case studies survey (Retablos, its Spanish name)

1st instance CCOM 3030 Questionnaire 2nd instance Survey 3rd instance Survey 4th instance Survey 1st instance CCOM 3030 Survey 2nd instance Survey 3rd instance Survey 4th instance Survey

Intellectual curiosity

Capacity for independent studies

Computer Science

Research and creation

2nd instance CCOM 3029 Survey 3rd instance Survey

Effective Communication

1st instance CCOM 3982 1st instance CCOM 3981 Survey 2nd instance Survey 3rd instance Survey

Social Responsibility


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Critical thinking Ethical and aesthetic sensibility Alumni survey Active student yearly survey Computer Science project rubric Survey on ethics at the beginning of the course Group discussion with open ended questions rubric Multiple choice case studies survey (Retablos, its Spanish name) Alumni survey Active student yearly survey Specially design exam question rubric Research proposal draft rubric Research proposal rubric Research project rubric Written paper rubric Oral presentations rubric Poster session presentation rubric Research proposal draft rubric Research proposal rubric Research project rubric Written paper rubric Oral presentations rubric Poster session presentation rubric

1st instance CCOM 3033 1st instance CCOM 3981 Survey 2nd instance Survey 3rd instance Survey

Discipline related skills: Programming Skills

2nd instance CCOM 3029

Effective communication

3rd instance CINA 4996 (course capstone I II)

Interdisciplinary program in Natural Science

Critical thinking

3rd instance CINA 4996 (course capstone I II)


Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Research proposal draft rubric Research proposal rubric Research project rubric Written paper rubric Oral presentations rubric Poster session presentation rubric Research proposal draft rubric Research proposal rubric Research project rubric Written paper rubric Oral presentations rubric Poster session presentation rubric Research proposal draft rubric Research proposal rubric Research project rubric Written paper rubric Oral presentations rubric Poster session presentation rubric Alumni Online Survey Oral presentation rubric Laboratory reports rubric Written paper rubric Written paper rubric Laboratory reports rubric Case study rubric

3rd instance CINA 4996 (course capstone I II)

Research and creation

Logical mathematical reasoning

3rd instance CINA 4996 (course capstone I II)

Content Knowledge: Knowledge Integration Lifelong learning Effective Communication

3rd instance CINA 4996 (course capstone I II)

Nutrition and Dietetics

Critical Thinking

1st, 2nd and 3rd instance Alumni 1st instance NUTR 4031 2nd instance NUTR 4158 3rd instance NUTR 4085 1st instance NUTR 4197 2nd instance NUTR 4159 3rd instance NUTR 4166

Learning outcomes to be assessed by Colleges and Academic Programs including assessment activities and instruments used to gather data for the academic year 2011-2012 Rev. January 27, 2012 Academic Program College of Natural Sciences Competencies Assessed Activities/Instruments
Research and Creation Content knowledge: Information Technology Content Knowledge: Knowledge to develop an educational session or educational program strategy for a target population Content knowledge: Health care policies knowledge Laboratory reports rubric Written paper rubric Written paper rubric Case Study rubric Oral Presentation rubric Essay type question in exam rubric Oral presentation rubric Portfolio rubric Essay type question in exam rubric

1 instance NUTR 4158 2nd instance NUTR 4086 3rd instance NUTR 4085 1st instance NUTR 4041 2nd instance NUTR 4170 3rd instance NUTR 4166

2nd instance NUTR 4170 3rd instance NUTR 4175 2nd instance NUTR 4176 3rd instance NUTR 4166


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