Emotions N Moods

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Chapter 8 Emotions and Moods MULTIPLE CHOICE What are Emotions and Moods? 1.

Which of the following is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people experience? a. affect b. emotions c. moods d. emotional labor e. cognition (a; Easy; Affect; p. 251) 2. Which of the following statements is true? a. Affect is a type of emotion. b. Affect is a type of mood. c. Affect can be experienced as a mood or an emotion. d. Affect is the result of conscious thought and action. e. Affect is the result of a mood or an emotion. (c; Moderate; Affect; p. 251) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 3. What term is used for intense feelings that are directed at someone or something? a. affect b. cognition c. moods d. thoughts e. emotions (e; Easy; Emotions; p. 251 4. What term is used for feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions? a. affect b. cognition c. moods d. thoughts e. reactions (c; Easy; Moods; p. 251) 5. Erin works on a software help desk. After being yelled at by a customer about the state of her companys software, she becomes angry, and has to take a short break to calm down. What makes her anger an emotion, rather than a mood? a. It is a simple, unambiguous feeling. b. It interferes with her capacity to work effectively. c. It has a contextual stimulus. d. It can be controlled given some time. e. It cannot be controlled when it is elicited. (c; Moderate; Emotions; p. 251) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}



When the team he supports wins the World Cup, Detleb feels a surge of joy, which turns into a feeling of satisfaction that lasts for days. What is one of the reasons that the feeling of satisfaction might be categorized as a mood and not an emotion? a. It is a very strong feeling. b. It is brought about by a specific event. c. It has a lengthy duration. d. It is a positive feeling. e. It is not the result of something that Detleb himself has done. (c; Moderate; Moods; p. 251) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 7. Which of the following statements is generally accepted by experts? a. Moods cause emotions. b. Emotions cause moods. c. Moods and emotions are both caused by introspection. d. Moods and emotions are the same phenomena. e. Moods and emotions can mutually influence one another. (e; Challenging; Moods and Emotions; p. 252) 8. Which of the following is not one of the six universal emotions, as agreed upon by most contemporary researchers? a. anger b. fear c. hate d. sadness e. happiness (c; Moderate; Basic Emotions; p. 252) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 9. Which of the following is not true concerning emotions? a. Some emotions can reduce employee performance. b. Employees bring an emotional component with them to work every day. c. Emotions are neutral factors in organizational behavior. d. In the past, emotions were rarely viewed as being constructive. e. Some emotions can enhance employee performance. (c; Moderate; Emotions; p. 253) 10. What is one way that emotions can be grouped? a. simple and complex b. positive and complex c. complex and negative d. simple and negative e. positive and negative (e; Easy; Emotions; p. 253) 11. Which of the following is a mood dimension consisting of positive emotions? a. positive regard b. static regard c. negative affect d. emotional range e. positive affect (e; Easy; Positive Affect; p. 254)



Which of the following is a mood dimension consisting of nervousness, stress, and anxiety at one end and relaxation, tranquility, and poise at the other? a. positive regard b. static regard c. negative affect d. emotional range e. positive affect (c; Moderate; Negative Affect; p. 254)


_____ is an emotion that falls into the category of high positive affect. a. Serene b. Elated c. Tense d. Thoughtful e. Fatigued (b; Moderate; Positive Affect; p. 253) 14. What is positivity offset? a. having misperceptions of ones environment b. experiencing self-elation c. experiencing the fundamental attribution error d. exhibiting a self-serving bias when there is negative input e. experiencing a mildly positive mood at zero input (e; Moderate; Positivity Offset; p. 254) 15. A researcher finds that people who work in a fish processing plant, doing work that most people find extremely unpleasant, still have a positive mood about 60 percent of the time. Such a finding could most likely be explained by which of the following? a. the altered enhancement effect b. self-elation c. the fundamental attribution error d. self-serving bias e. positivity offset (e; Moderate; Positivity Offset; p. 254) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} The Function of Emotions 16. When Phineas Gage had an iron bar driven through his brain he _____. a. died immediately b. became uncontrollably violent c. became much more intelligent d. lost the ability to encode new memories e. lost the ability to experience emotions (e; Challenging; Phineas Gage; p. 254) 17. What does the case of Phineas Gage serve to illustrate? a. effective management b. why women are ineffective managers c. intelligent design d. the effectiveness of the matrix structure e. the importance of emotions on reasoning (e; Moderate; Phineas Gage; p. 255)



Evolutionary psychology has which of the following views on negative emotions such as anger and jealousy? a. They are a biological imperative that cannot be controlled. b. They are only negative in the way they make us feel, however they are a great help when we have to interact in complex situations. c. They are necessary if we are to function efficiently amid the stresses of contemporary life. d. They are vestiges of our past as hunter gatherers that will be lost as we continue to evolve. e. They serve to protect our rights when we feel that they are being violated. (e; Challenging; Evolutionary Psychology; p. 255) Sources of Emotions and Moods 19. Differences in which of the following results in different people giving different responses to identical emotion-provoking stimuli? a. intensity b. consensus c. consistency d. pervasiveness e. personality (e; Moderate; Emotions and Personality; p. 256) 20. Which of the following is the term used for the strength with which individuals experience emotion? a. emotionality b. affect intensity c. crank response d. adaptability e. reflexivity (b; Easy; Affect Intensity; p. 256) 21. Ben is very prone to experiencing emotions in a much stronger manner than most other people. Things that wouldnt provoke any significant emotional response in the average person often send him into fits of happiness, anger, or depression. Ben has a high level of which of the following? a. introversion b. negative affect c. extraversion d. positive affect e. affect intensity (e; Moderate; Affect Intensity; p. 256) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 22. On which of the following days do people tend to be in their best moods? a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Wednesday d. Friday e. Sunday (d; Moderate; Moods and Day of the Week; p. 256) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 23. Research suggests which of the following relationships exists between weather and mood? a. a moderately positive b. a moderately negative c. a strong positive d. a strong negative e. weather tends to have little effect on mood (e; Moderate; Moods and Weather; p. 256)



Jo has a job interview. Which of the following will probably not have an effect on the way she reacts emotionally to the interview? a. how much sleep Jo had the night before b. how much exercise Jo regularly gets c. Jos age d. Jos gender e. the weather on the day of the interview (e; Moderate; Moods and Weather; p. 256) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 25. Gerardo believes that every time he picks up a penny he is blessed with good fortune, since the last time he picked up a penny he had a lottery win, and the time before that he got a big bonus at work. Gerardos perception is likely a product of a(n) _____. a. conjunction error b. fundamental attribution error c. ultimate attribution error d. self-serving bias e. illusory correlation (e; Moderate; Illusory Correlation; p. 256) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 26. Peter is a counselor at a drug treatment program. Today he is under quite a lot of stress: he has a grant proposal to write by the end of the day, he is scheduled to counsel a client who has proved difficult in the past and his supervisor has written him up for being late to work. How will the stress from these events probably affect Peters mood? a. It will gradually worsen his mood. b. It will gradually improve his mood. c. It will suddenly worsen his mood. d. It will suddenly improve his mood. e. It will likely have little actual effect on his mood. (a; Easy; Moods and Stress; p. 258) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 27. What effect does stress typically have on mood? a. short-term positive b. long-term positive c. short term positive but long term negative d. negative e. small and insignificant (d; Moderate; Moods and Stress; p. 258) 28. Research shows that for most people, the effect of social activities is which of the following? a. They decrease positive mood. b. They increase positive mood. c. They increase negative mood. d. They decrease negative mood. e. They will have little effect on mood. (b; Moderate; Moods and Social Activities; p. 258) 29. Valerie is in a negative mood, so she decides to see a movie with her friends to improve her mood. What effect will this activity likely have on her negative mood? a. strongly decrease it b. moderately decrease it c. little or no effect on it d. moderately increase it e. strongly increase it (c; Moderate; Moods and Social Activities; p. 258) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 30. According to a recent poll, people are getting _____ sleep than they did in the past.


a. more b. less c. higher quality d. deeper e. lighter (b; Moderate; Moods and Sleep; p. 258) 31. Which of the following statements is not true about the difference between men and women when it comes to emotional reactions? a. Women show greater emotional expression. b. Men express emotions more intensely. c. Men express anger more frequently. d. Women may have a greater need for social approval. e. Women express emotions more intensely. (b; Moderate; Moods and Gender; p. 259) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 32. Which of the following is not true concerning cultural influences impacting emotions? a. Cultural factors influence what is or isnt considered as emotionally appropriate. b. Whats acceptable in one culture may seem unusual or even dysfunctional in another. c. All cultures agree on the interpretation they give to emotions. d. There tends to be high agreement on what emotions mean within cultures. e. Culture dictates how we construe emotional displays. (c; Moderate; Emotions and Culture; p. 260) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} Emotional Labor 33. If an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions, which of the following is being expressed? a. emotional labor b. negative synergy c. dissonance d. emotional intelligence e. deviance (a; Moderate; Emotional Labor; p. 260) 34. Julie smiles and acts politely towards a customer at her checkout, even though she really deeply dislikes this customer. What is the likely result of the disparity between the emotion Julie displays and the emotions she is actually experiencing? a. felt emotions b. emotional dissonance c. conditional emotional response d. emotional distance e. emotional exposure (b; Moderate; Emotional Dissonance; p. 260) 35. _____ are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might outwardly show. a. Felt emotions b. Displayed emotions c. Conditional emotions d. Exposed emotions e. Suppressed emotions (a; Easy; Felt Emotions; p. 261) 36. What term is used for those emotions that an organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job?


a. felt emotions b. displayed emotions c. conditional emotions d. required emotions e. mandated emotions (b; Moderate; Displayed Emotions; p. 261) 37. What do you call the practice of hiding inner feelings by modifying facial expressions? a. surface acting b. deep acting c. emotional subterfuge d. affective camouflage e. repressed affection (a; Moderate; Surface Acting; pp. 261-262) 38. What do you call the practice of modifying ones true inner feelings based on display rules? a. surface acting b. deep acting c. emotional subterfuge d. affective camouflage e. repressed affection (b; Moderate; Deep Acting; p. 262) 39. Surface acting deals only with _____ emotions. a. negative b. weak c. strong d. displayed e. felt (d; Moderate; Surface Acting; p. 262) 40. Gina and Hanna are teachers. Gina dislikes her students, but pretends she likes them by making sure she acts in a friendly manner toward them. Hanna also dislikes her students, but is trying to change the way she feels about them. Which of these teachers is most likely to feel the most stress from their actions and why? a. Gina, since she has to feign genuine emotion b. Gina, since her deep emotions conflict with what her job requires c. Hanna, since she will probably display her true feelings before she changes her deep emotions d. Hanna, since it is very difficult to change displayed emotion e. Their actions are unlikely to cause stress. (a; Challenging; Surface Acting and Deep Acting; p. 262) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 41. For jobs that are cognitively demanding, increasing emotional demands lead to _____ pay. For jobs that are not cognitively demanding, increasing emotional demands lead to _____ pay. a. higher; higher b. lower; lower c. higher; lower d. lower; higher e. There is no relationship between pay and emotional demands. (c; Moderate; Emotional Labor and Compensation; p. 262)


Affective Events Theory 42. What is the name of the theory that has demonstrated that employees react emotionally to things that happen to them at work and that this reaction influences their job performance and satisfaction? a. psychoanalytic theory b. the actor/observer bias c. the theory of planned behavior d. cognitive dissonance theory e. affective events theory (e; Easy; Affective Events Theory; p. 262) 43. Tests of affective events theory have not shown which of the following to be true? a. Both current and past emotions influence job satisfaction at any given time. b. An emotional episode contains elements of both emotions and mood cycles. c. Moods and emotions fluctuate over time so their effect on performance also fluctuates. d. Positive emotions have a strong positive influence on job performance. e. Emotion-driven behaviors are typically short in duration and of high variability. (d; Challenging; Affective Events Theory; p. 263) Emotional Intelligence 44. Which of the following is a persons ability to be self-aware, detect emotions in others, and manage emotional cues and information? a. emotional intelligence b. affective events theory c. emotional external constraints d. affective emotions e. cognition (a; Easy; Emotional Intelligence; p. 264) 45. Which of the following is not an argument that supports the existence of emotional intelligence? a. EI is practically indistinguishable from the established concepts of intelligence and personality. b. High levels of EI are associated with favorable peer review. c. People without the ability to process emotions have been proved to be poor decision makers. d. A high level of EI is a good predictor of job performance. e. It is intuitively appealing. (a; Challenging; Arguments for Emotional Intelligence; p. 265) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 46. Some researchers doubt the existence of emotional intelligence. Which of the following is an argument they use against it? a. EI assumes that decisions made emotively are superior to those made dispassionately. b. Emotions cannot be measured by testing as can be done for personality or intelligence. c. The tests used to measure EI are too simplistic in what they define as right and wrong answers. d. The concept of EI is so broad and variegated as to render it effectively meaningless. e. People with high EI appear to be high performers in the eyes of others rather than in reality. (d; Challenging; Arguments against Emotional Intelligence; p. 266) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}


OB Applications of Emotions and Moods 47. Emotional intelligence appears to be especially relevant in jobs that demand which of the following? a. social interaction b. commitment c. task structure d. charisma e. leadership skills (a; Moderate; Emotional Intelligence and Selection; p. 267) 48. Whether a candidate has high emotional intelligence would not be a significant factor when considering candidates for which of the following jobs? a. An interviewer who assesses candidates in an employment agency. b. An engineer heading up a team designing a complex software/hardware interface. c. A meeting planner who must set up meetings for candidates around the world. d. A copy-editor who seeks out spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in manuscripts. e. A realtor arranging sales between homeowners and potential buyers. (d; Moderate; Emotional Intelligence and Selection; p. 267) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 49. Studies show that people who are depressed tend to make poorer decisions than those with a more positive outlook. Why is this thought to be the case? a. They tend to choose an outcome that will confirm their negative worldview. b. They search for the perfect solution when rarely is any solution perfect. c. They rarely weigh up all the options when making a decision. d. They avoid stereotyping and other behaviors that allow them to come to a rapid decision. e. They tend to put too great a value on their own ability to affect outcomes. (b; Moderate; Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making; p. 268) 50. Francine is the head of a group at an ad agency working with copywriters, artists, and designers to come up with effective branding of new products. Why is it particularly important for her to keep her team happy? a. People are more conscientious when they are in a good mood. b. People are more efficient when they are in a good mood. c. People are more productive when they are in a good mood. d. People are more cooperative when they are in a good mood. e. People are more creative when they are in a good mood. (e; Easy; Emotional Intelligence and Creativity; p. 268) 51. In what way is negotiation different from other activities in the workplace? a. A lack of emotion improves performance. b. Feeling bad about your performance in a negotiation is likely to improve future performance. c. Displaying negative emotions such as anger is ineffective. d. Negative outcomes do not mean that negative emotions will result. e. A negative emotional state enhances performance. (a; Challenging; Emotional Intelligence and Negotiation; p. 269) TRUE/FALSE 52. In the past, emotions were rarely viewed as being constructive. (True; Moderate; Emotions; p. 250) What are Emotions and Moods? 53. Insight is a broad term that encompasses both emotions and moods. (False; Moderate; Affect; p. 251) 54. Affect is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people experience.


(True; Easy; Affect; p. 251) 55. Moods are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. (False; Moderate; Moods; p. 251) 56. Good or bad moods can make you more emotional in response to an event. (True; Easy; Moods; p. 251) 57. Moods are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions. (True; Easy; Moods; p. 251) 58. Emotions are object-specific. (True; Moderate; Emotions; p. 251) 59. It is generally accepted that moods and emotions can mutually influence one another. (True; Challenging; Moods and Emotions; p. 252) 60. Research has identified six universal emotions: anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and surprise. (True; Challenging; Basic Emotions; p. 252) 61. Emotions are neutral factors in organizational behavior. (False; Moderate; Emotions; p. 253) 62. Emotions can be neutral. (False; Moderate; Emotions; p. 253) 63. We can group emotions into positive and negative categories. (True; Easy; Emotions; p. 253) 64. Positive affect is a mood dimension consisting of excitement, self-assurance, and cheerfulness at one end and boredom, sluggishness, and tiredness at the other. (True; Moderate; Positive Affect; p. 254) 65. Negative affect is a mood dimension consisting of nervousness, stress and anxiety at one end and relaxation, tranquility, and poise at the other. (True; Moderate; Negative Affect; p. 254) 66. Elated is an emotion that falls into the category of low negative affect. (False; Moderate; Positive Affect; p. 253) 67. Fatigued is an emotion that falls into the category of low positive affect. (True; Moderate; Positive Affect; p. 253) 68. Thoughtful is an emotion that falls into the category of high negative affect. (False; Moderate; Positive Affect; p. 253) 69. Serene is an emotion that falls into the category of high positive affect. (False; Moderate; Positive Affect; p. 253) 70. When nothing in particular is going on most individuals experience a mildly positive mood. This is known as positivity offset. (True; Moderate; Positivity Offset; p. 254)


The Function of Emotions 71. The case of Phineas Gage serves to illustrate the importance of emotions. (True; Moderate; Phineas Gage; pp. 254-255) 72. According to the physiological enhancement perspective, we experience emotions because they enhance our chances of passing on our genes. (False; Moderate; Evolutionary Psychology; p. 255) 73. According to the evolutionary psychology perspective, a person incapable of experiencing emotions would have an evolutionary advantage. (False; Moderate; Evolutionary Psychology; p. 255) Sources of Emotions and Moods 74. Affect intensity is an individual difference measuring the strength with which people experience emotion. (True; Easy; Affect Intensity; p. 256) 75. Eric is very prone to experiencing emotions in a much stronger manner than most other people. Things that wouldnt provoke any significant emotional response in the average person often send him into fits of happiness, anger, or depression. Eric has a high level of affect intensity. (True; Moderate; Affect Intensity; p. 256) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 76. People tend to be in their best moods on Sunday. (False; Moderate; Moods and Days of the Week; p. 256) 77. Research suggests that weather has no effect on mood. (True; Moderate; Moods and Weather; p. 256) 78. An illusory correlation occurs when people associate two events but in reality there is no connection between the events. (True; Moderate; Illusory Correlation; p. 256) 79. Stress typically has a negative effect on mood. (True; Moderate; Moods and Stress; p. 258) 80. For most people social activities decrease positive mood. (False; Moderate; Moods and Social Activities; p. 258) 81. According to a recent poll, people are getting progressively less sleep. (True; Moderate; Moods and Sleep; p. 258) 82. Evidence confirms there is no real difference between men and women when it comes to emotional reactions. (False; Easy; Moods and Gender; p. 259) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 83. Women generally show greater emotional expression than do men. (True; Moderate; Moods and Gender; p. 259) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 84. Men generally express emotions more intensely than do women. (False; Moderate; Moods and Gender; p. 259) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 85. Men generally express anger more frequently than do women. (True; Moderate; Moods and Gender; p. 259) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity}


Emotional Labor 86. If an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions, the employee is performing emotional labor. (True; Moderate; Emotional Labor; p. 260) 87. The concept of emotional labor originally developed in relation to service jobs. (True; Challenging; Emotional Labor; p. 260) 88. Conditional emotions are an individuals actual emotions. (False; Easy; Felt Emotions; p. 261) 89. Emotions that are organizationally required and considered appropriate in a given job are termed displayed emotions. (True; Moderate; Displayed Emotions; p. 261) 90. Displayed emotions and felt emotions are generally the same. (False; Moderate; Felt Emotions and Displayed Emotions; p. 261) 91. Displayed emotions are innate. (False; Moderate; Displayed Emotions; p. 261) 92. Felt emotions are an individuals actual emotions. (True; Easy; Felt Emotions; p. 261) 93. Surface acting deals only with strong emotions. (False; Moderate; Surface Acting; pp. 261-262) 94. Deep acting is hiding inner feelings by modifying facial expressions. (False; Moderate; Deep Acting; p. 262) 95. Deep acting involves modifying inner feelings. (True; Moderate; Deep Acting; p. 262) 96. Deep acting deals only with felt emotions. (True; Moderate; Deep Acting; p. 262) 97. The correlation between the cognitive demands of jobs and compensation is high. (True; Moderate; Emotional Labor and Compensation; p. 262) 98. The correlation between the emotional demands of jobs and compensation is high. (False; Moderate; Emotional Labor and Compensation; p. 262) 99. Some emotions can reduce employee performance. (True; Moderate; Emotions and Job Performance; p. 262) Affective Events Theory 100. Affective events theory demonstrates that employees react emotionally to things that happen to them at work and that this reaction influences their job performance and satisfaction. (True; Moderate; Affective Events Theory; p. 262) Emotional Intelligence 101. Studies have not shown a clear correlation between emotional intelligence and performance. (False; Easy; Emotional Intelligence; p. 263)


102. Studies of U.S. presidents seem to show that the ones judged the most successful had high EI. (True; Easy; Emotional Intelligence; p. 264) 103. People who are good at reading others emotions may be more effective in their jobs. (True; Easy; Arguments for Emotional Intelligence p. 265) 104. Critics of EI have criticized it for being poorly defined. (True; Easy; Arguments against Emotional Intelligence; p. 266) OB Applications of Emotions and Moods 105. One clear application of EI is in screening candidates for positions that require a great deal of social interaction. (True; Easy; Emotional Intelligence and Selection; p. 267) 106. People in good moods are less likely to cut corners by using rules of thumb to help them make decisions (False; Challenging; Moods and Decision Making; p. 267) 107. A cycle can exist in which positive moods cause people to be more creative, which leads to positive feedback from those observing their work, which in turn results in a positive mood. (True; Moderate; Moods and Motivation; p. 268) 108. Several studies have shown that negotiators who fake anger in a negotiation can win an advantage over their opponents by doing so. (True; Moderate; Emotion and Negotiation; p. 269) 109. For most people, it appears that a negative mood resulting from a bad day at work does not carry over to the next day. (True; Easy; Moods and Job Attitudes; p. 270) 110. Research indicates that when leaders are in good moods, group members are more positive, and as a result the members cooperate more. (True; Easy; Moods and Management; p. 270) Global Issues 111. There tends to be high agreement on what emotions mean within cultures, but not between cultures. (True; Moderate; Emotions and Culture; p. 271) 112. All cultures tend to agree on the interpretation given to emotions. (False; Moderate; Emotions and Culture; p. 271) 113. It is likely that most people within a given culture would agree on what a particular emotion means. (True; Moderate; Emotions and Culture; p. 271) 114. In a highly individualistic culture an observer seeing a happy expression on a friends face would tend to think that the friend is happy because of something the observer has done. (False; Moderate; Emotions and Culture; p. 272) 115. Culture dictates how we construe emotional displays. (True; Moderate; Emotions and Culture; p. 272)


116. Cultural factors influence what is or isnt considered as emotionally appropriate. (True; Moderate; Emotions and Culture; p. 272) 117. Whats acceptable in one culture may seem unusual or even dysfunctional in another. (True; Moderate; Emotions and Culture; p. 272) SCENARIO-BASED QUESTIONS Application of Emotions and Moods on Organizational Behavior Amber and Emmet were recently hired at a marketing agency. While Amber is typically in a good mood, Emmet appears to be depressed most of the time. 118. What might Amber use to help her make good decisions quickly? a. holistics b. heuristics c. selection bias d. less judgment e. shortcuts (b; Challenging; Moods and Decision Making; p. 267) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 119. What would you expect from Amber? a. She will take a great deal of time trying to make a good decision. b. She will have poor problem-solving skills. c. She will not be very creative when making decisions. d. She will find better solutions to problems. e. She will make poor decisions. (d; Challenging; Moods and Decision Making; p. 267) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 120. Having read recent evidence about depressed people, what would you expect from Emmet? a. He will have good problem-solving skills. b. He will weigh the most likely options. c. He will make poor decisions. d. He will process information fast. e. He will make accurate judgments. (c; Challenging; Moods and Decision Making; p. 267) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 121. As their manager, how might you motivate Amber and Emmet? a. make them self-aware b. give them fake feedback c. make them feel empathy d. teach them social skills e. give them word puzzles (b; Challenging; Moods and Motivation; p. 268) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 122. The corporate office has determined that the company vision needs tweaking. As their manager, how might you increase the likelihood that Amber and Emmet will accept the change? a. arouse emotions and link them to the vision b. demonstrate how the vision will better the company c. evoke empathy for the CEO d. negotiate with them and express anger e. motivate employees by putting them in a good mood (a; Challenging; Emotions and Leadership; p. 269) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}


SHORT DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 123. Explain the differences between the following terms: affect, emotions, and moods. Affect is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people experience. Its an umbrella concept that encompasses both emotions and moods. Emotions are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. Finally, moods are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and which lack a contextual stimulus. (Easy; Affect, Emotions, and Moods; p. 251) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 124. At what time of day are people are in the best mood? We often think that people differ, depending on whether they are morning or evening people. However, the vast majority of us follow the same pattern. Regardless of what time people go to bed at night or get up in the morning, levels of positive affect tend to peak around the halfway point between waking and sleeping. Negative affect, however, shows little fluctuation throughout the day. This basic pattern seems to hold whether people describe themselves as morning people or evening people. (Easy; Moods and Time of Day; p. 256) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 125. What is the difference between felt emotions and displayed emotions? You can better understand emotions if you separate them into felt versus displayed. Felt emotions are an individuals actual emotions. In contrast, displayed emotions are those that are organizationally-required and considered appropriate in a given job. The key point here is that felt and displayed emotions are often different. (Easy; Felt Emotions and Displayed Emotions; p. 261) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} MEDIUM LENGTH DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 126. Explain how stress affects emotions and moods. Stress affects emotions and moods. For example, students have higher levels of fear before an exam, but their fear dissipates once the exam is over. At work, stressful daily events (a nasty email, an impending deadline, the loss of a big sale, being reprimanded by your boss, and so on) negatively affect employees moods. Also, the effects of stress build over time. As the authors of one study note, a constant diet of even low-level stressful events has the potential to cause workers to experience gradually increasing levels of strain over time. Such mounting levels of stress and strain at work can worsen our moods, and we experience more negative emotions. Although sometimes we thrive on stress, for most of us, stress begins to take its toll on our mood. (Moderate; Emotions, Moods, and Stress; p. 258) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 127. Discuss whether there are gender differences regarding emotions. The common belief is that women are more emotional than are men. Is there any truth to this? The evidence does confirm that women are more emotionally expressive than are men; they experience emotions more intensely; they tend to hold onto emotions longer than men, and they display more frequent expressions of both positive and negative emotions, except anger. Although there may be innate differences between the genders, research suggests that emotional differences also are due to the different ways men and women have been socialized. Men are taught to be tough and brave. Showing emotion is inconsistent with this image. Women, in contrast, are socialized to be nurturing. For instance, women are expected to express more positive emotions on the job (shown by smiling) than men, and they do. (Moderate; Emotions and Gender; p. 259) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity}


COMPREHENSIVE ESSAYS 128. Explain affective events theory. The affective events theory begins by recognizing that emotions are a response to an event in the work environment. The work environment includes everything surrounding the job the variety of tasks and degree of autonomy, job demands, and requirements for expressing emotional labor. This environment creates work events that can be hassles, uplifts, or both. Examples of hassles are colleagues who refuse to carry their share of work, conflicting directions by different managers, and excessive time pressures. Examples of uplifting events include meeting a goal, getting support from a colleague, and receiving recognition for an accomplishment. These work events trigger positive or negative emotional reactions. But employees personalities and moods predisposes them to respond with greater or lesser intensity to the event. For instance, people who score low on emotional stability are more likely to react strongly to negative events. And their mood introduces the reality that their general affect cycle creates fluctuations. So a persons emotional response to a given event can change depending on mood. Finally, emotions influence a number of performance and satisfaction variables such as organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment, level of effort, intentions to quit, and workplace deviance. (Challenging; Affective Events Theory; pp. 262-263) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 129. What is emotional intelligence? Briefly explain the arguments for and against emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a persons ability to: (a) be self-aware (to recognize her own emotions when she experiences them); (b) detect emotions in others, and (c) manage emotional cues and information. People who know their own emotions and are good at reading emotion cues for instance, knowing why theyre angry and how to express without violating norms are more likely to be effective. The arguments for EI include: a) Intuitive Appeal. Theres a lot of intuitive appeal to the EI concept. Most everyone would agree that it is good to possess street smarts and social intelligence. b) EI Predicts Criteria That Matter. Evidence is mounting that suggests a high level of EI means a person will perform well on the job. c) EI Is Biologically Based. One study has shown that people with damage to the part of the brain that governs emotional processing (lesions in an area of the prefrontal cortex) score significantly lower on EI tests. The arguments against EI include; a) EI Is Too Vague a Concept. To many researchers, its not clear what EI is. b) EI Cant Be Measured. Many critics have raised questions about measuring EI. Because EI is a form of intelligence, for instance, then there must be right and wrong answers about it on tests, they argue. c) The Validity of EI Is Suspect. Some critics argue that because EI is so closely related to intelligence and personality, once you control for these factors, EI has nothing unique to offer. (Challenging; Emotional Intelligence; pp. 264-266) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}



Explain how a workers emotional state can affect customer service and customers. A workers emotional state influences customer service, which influences levels of repeat business and levels of customer satisfaction. Providing quality customer service makes demands on employees because it often puts them in a state of emotional dissonance. Over time, this state can lead to job burnout, declines in job performance, and lower job satisfaction. In addition, employees emotions may also transfer to the customer. Studies indicate a matching effect between employee and customer emotions, an effect that is called emotional contagion, the catching of emotions from others. How does emotional contagion work? The primary explanation is that when someone experiences positive emotions and laughs and smiles at you, you begin to copy that persons behavior. So when employees express positive emotions, customers tend to respond positively. Emotional contagion is important because when customers catch the positive moods or emotions of employees, they shop longer. But what about negative emotions and moods? Are they contagious too? Absolutely. When an employee feels unfairly treated by a customer, for example, its harder for him to display the positive emotions his organization expects of him. (Moderate; Emotions and Customer Service; pp. 269-270) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}


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