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te meat i Coo Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge ‘The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge cp2 1xP 32 East 57th Street, New York, ny 10022, USA 296 Beaconsfield Parade, Middle Park, Melbourne 3206, Australia © Cambridge University Press 1982 First published 1982 Printed in United States of America Library of Congress catalogue card number: 81-18172 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Styan, J.L. Max Reinhardt. ~ (Directors in perspective) 1. Reinhardt, Max - Criticism and interpretation L Title I. Series 792'.0233'0924 PN2658.R4 1SBN 0 521 22444 6 hard covers 1SBN 0 521 29504 1 paper back Contents List of illustrations Page ix Preface xi Chronology 1__Anexplosion of ideas in the theatre xiii 2 Beginnings in impressionistic realism 17 Ghosts (1906) 3 Into symbolist drama 23 Sumurtin (1910), Venetian Night (1912) 4 Expressionist experiment 33 The Ghost Sonata (1916), The Beggar (1917), Danton’s Death (1916) 5 _Reinhardt’s Shakespeare 51 A Midsummer Night's Dream (1905), The Merchant of Venice (1905), Macbeth (1916) 6 Astyle for every play 69 Faust (1909), The Miser (1917), Oedipus Rex (1910) 7 The baroque spectacles 86 Everyman (1911), The Miracle (1911), The Salzburg Great Theatre of the World (1922) 8 Reinhardt, man of the theatre 108 Playhouses, technical advances, repertory, rehearsal Theatre productions of Max Reinhardt 128 Notes 157 Bibliography 164 Index 166

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