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Vol. XXXVIII • No.

25 • December 19, 2008

FBC Holiday Schedule 2008 Child Dedications
Sunday, December 21
Fresh Start Worship .................. 9:00 am
Bible Study ............................... 9:45 am
Youth Reunion........................ 10:00 am
Sanctuary Worship.................. 11:00 am
Blue Christmas.......................... 4:00 pm

Wednesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve)

Family Communion ................... 4:30pm
(no sermon)
Christmas Eve Communion ...... 6:30pm
Message: A Gift in Plain Wrapping

Thursday, December 25-Friday, December 26

Church Offices Closed for Christmas

Sunday, December 28
Fresh Start Worship .................. 9:00 am
Bible Study ............................... 9:45 am
Sanctuary Worship.................. 11:00 am

Wednesday, December 31
No Wednesday Night Activities

Year End Giving

Thanks be to God for generous-hearted people of First Baptist who
have given $1,159,570.32 through December 7, 2008 Offerings
received through the mail during the first week of 2009 and
postmarked by December 31, 2008, will be considered 2008
contributions and will be posted to contribution records
accordingly. Other convenient ways to make year end gifts
are: online through our website, stock gifts;
and tax-free distribution to the church from an IRA. The Finance
Office will be open until 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 31 to
receive your offerings and assist you with your gifts. You can also
call the Finance Office at 404-370-7694.

Thursday, January 1
Church Offices Closed for New Years’

Sunday, January 4
Fresh Start Worship .................. 9:00 am
Bible Study ............................... 9:45 am
Sanctuary Worship.................. 11:00 am

Wednesday, January 7
No Wednesday Night Activities*

*New Community will resume on Wednesday, January 14

The next issue of the Outlook will be published by January 9, 2008

Prayer Concerns as of December 16, 2008

Sympathy To:
•Roscoe and Claudia Lowery on the death of Claudia’s sister,
Ruby Cash in Jacksonville, FL.
•The family of L.D. “Mac” McAlister.
•The family of Sue Johnson.
•The family of Al Buckler.
Baptisms in 2008
2008 New Member Collage

The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur,

Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family.

Main Office......................................404-373-1653
First School ......................................404-370-7688
Activities ..........................................404-373-2442
FAX ..................................................404-370-7692
Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653
Sharyn Dowd....................................404-373-1653
Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690
Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684
Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653
Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687
Computer Connections:

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except

Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA

Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church,

308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

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