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Representative Cheryl Grossman

Economic & Small Business Development Committee February 16, 2012 Statehouse Room 114 9:00 a.m.

HB 436 Sponsor Testimony: Representatives Cheryl Grossman and Marlene Anielski

Chairwoman Baker, Vice Chair Buchy and Ranking Member Williams, thank you for the opportunity to give sponsor testimony on HB 436. House Bill 436 is before you today because Ohio needs to implement a certified site selection program to assist businesses looking to locate in Ohio or build a new facility. HB 436 will create the SiteOhio Certification Program within the Department of Development to certify and market eligible commercial, industrial, and manufacturing sites and facilities. This new SiteOhio certification program will be a fee-for-service program that will mirror Ohios current JobReady Sites Program (JRS). SiteOhio will have in place certain criteria that sites must meet in order to be approved. Applicants will finance construction costs, any required studies, and infrastructure improvements. This will allow SiteOhio to be revenue neutral and permits Ohio to compete with neighboring states. The program would produce, as the JRS Program currently does, a site certification certificate, marketing materials for the site based upon the sites characteristics, and a due diligence binder. The criteria will remain flexible to accommodate the differing assets and amenities from around the state. Sites that are certified could then be posted and duly noted on Ohios existing site selection website. The JRS Program is currently in its final funding round that will terminate at the end of April, 2012. After that, the program will no longer provide grants to create development ready sites or certify new project sites. There is a strong need to continue site certification in Ohio to ensure Ohio has a portfolio of exceptional sites to market to new and expanding businesses. This program will be marketed and promoted through JobsOhio and Department of Development with the goal of attracting and incorporating communities who have not participated in the past with JRS. The SiteOhio program will serve as an important economic development tool across the state, especially for companies looking to locate or expand in Ohio.

Chairwoman Baker and Committee Members, I will now answer any questions you may have. Thank you.

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