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Daitetsu Soryuen gets.. teleported on by Kyo.. and tries to escape..

Daitetsu Soryuen is gonna crawl now, sounds logical right?! Right? Jacqueline Hazzard casts Go There! Jacqueline Hazzard is bored, so piles on. Tiffany Hinimaro casts Go There! Tiffany Hinimaro follows. Kumog Tanbei says " (And here lies Daitetsu, he died as he lived. Covered in women.) ". Daitetsu Soryuen would've crawled away, he lives! Its a miracle. Kennith Gram says " (we'll all miss him) ". Jacqueline Hazzard says " ((Hey, when someone's on the same space as you, it has a tick instead of an arrow.)) ". Tiffany Hinimaro casts Go There! Kyo Arashi says " (Who the lag) ". Jacqueline Hazzard casts Go There! Daitetsu Soryuen says " How did? ". Daitetsu Soryuen says " Not going to.. ". Kyo Arashi whispers " Dai.......... ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Kyo..? ". Kyo Arashi whispers " ........I am......sorry...... ". Daitetsu Soryuen says " (Kumog get the grave ready in advance. Thanks bro.) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (Kay-o) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Its not your fault.. you did what you thought was right. ". Kumog Tanbei says " (boing zoom, etc) ". Kyo Arashi whispers " ........Still........I.....was......horrible........ ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Its my fault. ". Kyo Arashi whispers " You.......could have been......happy.......but I let you....... ". Jacqueline Hazzard yawns. "Alright, I'm off to sleep. Later, guys."

Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " It taught me something.. not to take everything for granted. ". Kumog Tanbei says " (Hm, there needs to be a sock-item ingame. So I can craft it with a rock and a mech) ". Daitetsu Soryuen is still on the ground, totally needs that grave now. (omit) Kumog Tanbei says " (Rock-em-sock-em-robots.) ". Jacqueline Hazzard goes through a dimensional portal, whoosh. Kennith Gram says " Bye. ". Jacqueline Hazzard casts Go There! Kyo Arashi whispers " ........But......still...... ". Kumog Tanbei says " (woah what the hell) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (when did I get 140 jammer cores and 103 goblin ears? O_o) ". Tiffany Hinimaro says " I have a new evil plan now. ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " I know you're upset about what happened, I am not mad at you. It was because I couldn't control myself.. ". Kumog Tanbei says " Does it involve making us cake? ". Kyo Arashi whispers " ......But......I should have stopped you....... ". Kumog Tanbei juggles the eggs. Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " But, thats behind us. ". Kennith Gram says " Totally. ". Kumog Tanbei says " (Oh, not a crafting ingredient, hm) ". Kyo Arashi whispers " .......Okay........ ". Tiffany Hinimaro says " So yeah. I have more, but I'm totally not giving the rest out! Muahahahahahaa! ". Kennith Gram says " I'll be your slave for more golden eggs. ". Tiffany Hinimaro says " I don't do slaves anymore. ". Kumog Tanbei says " (tmi) ".

Tiffany Hinimaro says " I had some slaves I really liked... but they got overly affectionate, and it creeped me out. ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Cecilia.. I am not sure if shes alive or dead right now, but she deserved to know. ". Kennith Gram says " I'll be better that than the last one you had though, I'll be like a service instead of a slave. ". Kumog Tanbei says " Ken just wants to wear a maid outfit for you. ". Kennith Gram says " No. ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " You did the right thing. ". Kennith Gram says " You want me to wear a maid outfit. ". Tiffany Hinimaro says " I think I'll just do everything myself. I don't need a slave. Really. ". Kumog Tanbei says " No, but I'm sure that drunken priest would. ". Kyo Arashi whispers " .......I did nothing......but hurt you.......and myself........ ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " You don't have to make everyone happy Kyo. ". Kennith Gram says " Leave that outta this.... ". You're -really-, -really- hungry. Tiffany Hinimaro says " Aha! The firepit isn't symetrical! ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " No one can be perfect. I damn well sure of that, I may of been hurt, but I've recovered. Now, you need to recover. ". Tiffany Hinimaro says " Yet again! ". Kennith Gram says " I need someone to debate with...... ". Kyo Arashi whispers " I......fine.....Kazzy has been.....looking after me.....and Sif.....came to visit....... ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Kokoa, too. ". Kyo Arashi whispers " Kokoa.......only once....... ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " And Nate watched over you, so I am glad he helped. ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " But, thats because Kokoa.. was under the influence of 'Kream'. ".

Kumog Tanbei says " (USEFUL TO KNOW.) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " But, that part of her is gone now. ". Kennith Gram says " Totally. ". Kumog Tanbei says " (Red, then blue, apparently makes orange by some odd fluke.) ". Kyo Arashi whispers " .....I....heard....... ". Tiffany Hinimaro says " [Totes.] ". Tiffany Hinimaro says " [It's a good thing blue is yellow.] ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " I guess we have alot of stories to tell huh? ". Kumog Tanbei says " (Damn, can't make plain chicken eggs look the exact shade as a golden egg) ". Kyo Arashi whispers " ......Maybe........ ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Miss Tiki said she'd stay out of our problem. ". Kyo Arashi whispers " a note.......... ". Kennith Gram says " (xD i just killed a thunder bird in castlevainia with a fire atribute soul and it dropped fried chicken) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (xD) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (If that was a conditional drop it'd be amazing. Pity it ain't.) ". Kyo Arashi whispers " ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " I am sorry for what I've done, I was a bad person. ". Kumog Tanbei says " (Btw) ". Kennith Gram says " (ikr T.T i'd hvae like 9 chickens) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (I challenge you to a Hard Mode Punchyfist run of Dawn of Sorrow. No using anything but punching weaps/souls) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " I forgive you. ". Kennith Gram says " (thats tough shit) ".

Kyo Arashi whispers " ........No.....I ruined a good thing......for you....... ". Kennith Gram says " (i'd end up cheating) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (No you wont, because you have to release all other nonplot-forced souls and sell the weaps!) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Kyo, will you please stop beating yourself up over it?! ". Kumog Tanbei says " (well, other than souls used to upgrade) ". Kennith Gram says " (good point...) ". Kennith Gram says " (oh wait you said Dawn of sorrow!) ". Kennith Gram says " (i can pull it off in dawn of sorrow) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Things happen, mistakes happen. ". Kyo Arashi whispers " .........But....... ". Kumog Tanbei says " (yeah I'm not a dagger and telling you to do it in OoE) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " But what? ". Kumog Tanbei says " (I mean, I might be a crazy enough jackass to do a lv 1 ironman hardmode run of OoE) ". Kyo Arashi whispers " .......How.....can you so......easy....... ". Kennith Gram says " (lol) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (try it sometime) ". Kennith Gram says " (ironman is so troll) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (WELP YOU DIED BEFORE DRACULA) ". Kyo Arashi whispers " You......should.....hate me.......not forgive....... ". Kumog Tanbei says " (ERASE YER SAVE) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Look.. I really do care for Cecilia and the mistake that I made is grave. She even wanted to kill herself.. ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " You think I'll be that kind of sterotypical guy and hate you, just casue of that? Then you got another thing coming. ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " (*cause) ".

Kyo Arashi whispers " are to good......... ". Kennith Gram says " (im finna kill zeypher again) ". Kennith Gram says " (epic boss battle) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " No, its just because I hold my friends close to me. I consider you my friend. ". Kumog Tanbei says " (But if you want a REAL annoying run for a game?) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (Punchyfist run for Dark Souls.) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (or Demon's Souls.) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (I've seen it done for Demon's Souls.) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Its not about being too 'good' or whatever.. its following what you believe in. ". Kennith Gram says " (ive neva played darksouls what system is it 4?) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (360 and PS3) ". Kyo Arashi whispers " ........Dai.......thank you....... ". Kumog Tanbei says " (Take Demon's Souls, make it hate you more.) ". Kumog Tanbei says " (That's Dark Souls.) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Now, stop frowning and.. start smiling for once, alright? ". Kennith Gram says " (i had to kill the minotuar in legendary with no weapons T.T hardest shit ever not to mention that the ability bar is low as shit in that fight) ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " It'd make Kaz and everyone else happy.. ". Kyo Arashi turns to Dai with a forced looking smile Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Aww come on.. don't force yourself. ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Just.. you know? ". Tiffany Hinimaro says " [lol] ". Kyo Arashi whispers " make Kaz.....happy........ ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Smile when you're actually happy, you know? ".

Kumog Tanbei says " (I should start up a hard mode run of Oath in Felghana later.) ". You're -really-, -really- hungry. Tiffany Hinimaro says " [I haven't played Dark souls for a while now. :/] ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " You still got a lot to live for. ". Kyo Arashi whispers " getting I.......yea...... ". World will reboot in 2 minutes. Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " I trust you, Kyo. Promise me alright? ". Kyo Arashi whispers " I.......promise ". Kennith Gram Tiffinay, help me out. Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " Thank you. ". Kennith Gram totally said that. Kennith Gram says " well i'll catch you guys later bye! ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " I promise not to die.. not here. For everyone. I'll still fight on with my friends. ". Kyo Arashi whispers " will come to the wedding?......... ". Daitetsu Soryuen whispers " I will. ". Connection died.

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