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Lesson Title:



Curriculum Area Grade Level:



Antione Atw ater

Author Contact:
45 min

Time Required:

Instructional Groupings:
Small groups

Sol for 9th Grade

Tic Tac Toe board, pencils, markers, paper, notebooks

The purpose of this lesson is for students to learn about nutrition and the food pyra

What will I differentiate? How will I differentiate? profile



Product Learning

For readiness Combination


Affect/learning environment

As a result of this lesson/unit students will Understand: the different groups of the food pyramid and be able to pick three
different groups from the tic tac toe chart and write a paragraph each on why this particular food group is important.

Content attached to lesson plans.

Do (Skills):
paragraph w ritten by students w ill be sha

Pre-Assessment: I will be finding out what my students know from this

assignment by the paragraphs they right, then I will go over the information so that they can have facts about the material.

Steps in the Lesson: Include ideas for whole-class instructions, if any;

differentiated activities; sharing, etc
Tic tac toe board w ill be used so that students can pick 3 out of the 5 pyramid group

Closure Activity/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a

chance to share, or explicit restatement of the goals of the lesson.
Wrap up w ill involve the students w riting a final half page paragraph on w hat they l

Post-Assessment: Students will use the paragraph written to review for the test

they will have later in the week.

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