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Race: A socially constructed reality. Group of people selected as inferiors or superiors based on real or alleged physical traits.

White privileges society: Not have our opinion second guessed, buying a house where you want, not followed by guards at the mall. Ethnic groups: Cultural background and heritage that is common. Patrilineal descent, unique cultural traits, ethnic corridor, language, sense of community, ascribed status (born and raised in it), feeling of ethnocentrism. Majority group: Northern European (English and French). Gets all of the advantages and rights Minority group: Non-white Stereotypes: Preconceived idea, assumptions or beliefs about a particular group, made by associations. Prejudice: Negative mental attitude based on stereotypes Discrimination: Attitude and actions based on prejudice and stereotypes Dejure discrimination: Backed up and reinforced by law Cultural assimilation: Convert to the culture Psychological assimilation: Cannot identify to your own culture, identify with the white culture First nation people: Indian act, the Indians could not read the treaty they were signing and were then put into reserves. They cannot leave, and if they do, you cannot come back on the reserves. Residential schools, now = alcoholic, drugs, unemployment Racism in Canada: Polite: not said, subtle (employment), subliminal: do not realise what they are doing, systemic: by law, policies and procedures. Gender: Social and cultural reality, not biological Gender roles: tasks or roles that are associated with males and females Gender identity: The gender you feel you belong to, may not match your biological sex. Transgender: Feel your biological sex do not match your gender Transvestite: Dressed as your gender, but no operation Transsexual: With operation to change your biological sex

Gender institutions: Family (shape your ideas and pass on values and stereotypes, chores, treatment as babies), Media (gives you a vision, association, ads), Peers (segregation in plays, influence, pressure, accepting when conform to gender roles), Schools (in text books) Sexism: Assumptions that one gender is inferior to the other (women) = paid work, wage gaps, household division of labour, promotional practices, education

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