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1) The effect of changing the angle of an object towards ultrasonic sensor reading

Objective: To identify the effect of changing the angles of an object towards the data recorded from ultrasonic sensor. Procedures:
1- Set the actual distance between object and ultrasonic sensor to be 9 inch. 2- Position the object in front of the sensor with the angle of an object to the sensor is set to

3- Record distance of an object by using ultrasonic sensor. 4- Repeat the procedures by changing the angle to 70, 90, 110 and 130 respectively.

Position A (angle +40)

Position B (angle +20) Position C (angle 0) Position D (angle -20)

Ultrasonic sensor

Position E (angle -40) Object

Figure 1: Object positioning from ultrasonic sensor

Results: Angle (degrees) +40 +20 0 -20 -40 Distance Recorded by sensor (cm) 27 25 22 25 27

Table 1: The distance of an object at different angles

Figure 2: Graph of Angle (degrees) VS Distance (cm)

Discussion: The results show that ultrasonic sensor only read the actual distance at the angle of 0. As the angle decrease or increase by 20, the angle also increases by 2-3cm (1inch). The sensor will not collect data once the object is position at angle less than -40 or more than +40.

Conclusion: The change in angle between object and ultrasonic sensor would affect the reading of the sensor. 2) Ultrasonic Sensor Sensitivity Test a) Two objects at different position but have same distance from ultrasonic sensor.

8 inch

Object A

8 inch Ultrasonic sensor Object

Object B

Figure 2: Object positioning from ultrasonic sensor Objective: To determine the distance recorded by ultrasonic sensor when two object is position at same distance but different angle from the sensor. Procedures:

Position 2 objects in front of ultrasonic sensor with both have same distance (8 inch) but different angle from the sensor. Record distance of an object by using ultrasonic sensor.


Results: The distance recorded by ultrasonic sensor show that the distance between both object is equal to 8 inch which is the actual distance between the objects and sensor.

Discussion: When two objects is position at the same distance but different angle, ultrasonic sensor would read the actual distance between objects and sensor.

Conclusion: Ultrasonic sensor record the actual distance when two objects is position at the same distance but different angle from the sensor.

b) Two objects at different position and distance from ultrasonic sensor.


Object A

25 cm Ultrasonic sensor Object Object B

Figure 3: Object positioning from ultrasonic sensor Objective: To determine the distance recorded by ultrasonic sensor when two object is position at different distance and angle from the sensor. Procedures: 1Position 2 objects in front of ultrasonic sensor with one close to the sensor while another

object is far from sensor. 2Record distance of an object by using ultrasonic sensor.

Results: Ultrasonic sensor only read the distance of an object which close to it and ignore the object which is far from it. Ultrasonic sensor record the distance as 20cm instead of 25cm.

Discussion: When two objects was position with one close to the sensor while another object is far from sensor, ultrasonic sensor would only read the distance of an object nearer to it.

Conclusion: Ultrasonic sensor only considers the distance of an object that is nearer to it.

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