Bahasa Inggris

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Field trip to Dufan

I went to Dufan on 09 March 2012, I went to school about five hours a quarter to get together with friends and a little direction given by the headmaster and the father or mother a teacher, from school, I went with a group of about six hours a quarter. before I went with a group prayer to be saved prior to Dufan. I with a group will Dufan I trip to with a group a break at kilometer 62 to fifteen minutes. after I break with a group to continue the journey. I got there with a group SMP 47 toward the ocean to enter the arena of the four dimensions. after that I watching the show and a group of dolphins and mermaids. after that I and my friends have lunch first. after that I with a group headed for the bus to Dufan. Arriving in Dufan I ride some rides, such as lightning, kora-kora, hysteria, ombang-ombang, and arum rapids. after the show at six o'clock I with a group had to be there on the bus. after that I came home with a group go to Bandung, while in the rest Purwakarta I with a group. I was with a group to continue the journey to Bandung, after a long trip to bandung last a group safely at a quarter after eleven at night.

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