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Cesare Tinelli Department of Computer Science University of Iowa Fall 2001

22c145-Fall01: Introduction


Most of the gures are from the class textbook: S. Russell and P. Norvig, Articial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 1995.

Cesare Tinelli

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

Introduction to Articial Intelligence

Lectures: 2:303:45pm, TuTh, 110 MLH

Instructor: Cesare Tinelli TA: Shravan Kumar Sheela

Web Site:

Check the class web site and related bulletin board daily!

Cesare Tinelli

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

S. Russell and P. Norvig, Articial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 1995 Larry C. Paulson. ML for the Working Programmer (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Other AI texts
Title AI: A New Synthesis Computational Intelligence Articial Intelligence (3rd ed.) Articial Intelligence (2nd ed.) AI: Theory and Practice Mathematical Methods in AI Logical Foundations of AI
Cesare Tinelli

Authors Nilsson Poole, Mackworth, Goebel Winston Rich, Knight Dean, Allen, Aloimonos Bender Genesereth, Nilsson

Publisher Morgan Kaufmann Oxford Addison-Wesley McGraw-Hill Benjamin Cummings IEEE Comp. Press Morgan Kaufmann

Year 1998 1998 1992 1991 1995 1996 1987


22c145-Fall01: Introduction

Course Overview
Topic Chapters

Intelligent Agents 1, 2 Search and Problem Solving 3, 4 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 6, 7 Logical Inference 9, 10 Reasoning under Uncertainty 14, 15 Decision Making 16 Learning and Neural Networks 18, 19

Cesare Tinelli

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

The course will be self-contained, but an elementary background in CS and Math is required. Expect the class material to become a little technical at times. You will implement some of the techniques seen in class. Programming assignments will be in SML. A couple of classes will be dedicated to the basics of SML. Pointers to SML handouts and tutorials will be provided.

Cesare Tinelli

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

What is Articial Intelligence?

A scientic and engineering discipline devoted to: understanding principles that make intelligent behavior possible in natural or articial systems; developing methods for the design and implementation of useful, intelligent artifacts. [Poole, Mackworth, Goebel]

Cesare Tinelli

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

What is intelligence then?

Fast thinking? Knowledge? Ability to pass as a human? Ability to reason logically? Ability to learn? Ability to perceive and act upon ones environment? Ability to play chess at grand-masters level?
Cesare Tinelli 7

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

Operational Denition of AI
The exciting new effort to make computers think . . . machines with minds, in the full and literal sense (Haugeland, 1985) [The automation of] activities that we associate with human thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving, learning . . . (Bellman, 1978) The art of creating machines that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people (Kurzweil, 1990) The study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better (Rich and Knight, 1991) The study of mental faculties through the use of computational models (Charniak and McDermott, 1985) The study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason, and act (Winston, 1992) A eld of study that seeks to explain and emulate intelligent behavior in terms of computational processes (Schalkoff, 1990) The branch of computer science that is concerned with the automation of intelligent behavior (Luger and Stubbleeld, 1993)

Systems that think like humans Systems that think rationally Systems that act like humans Systems that act rationally
Cesare Tinelli 8

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

Operational Denition of AI
Systems that act like humans Turing test. Systems that think like humans Cognitive Science Systems that think rationally Logic-based AI Systems that act rationally Rational Agents
Cesare Tinelli 9

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

Why Study AI?

AI helps computer scientists and engineers build more useful and user-friendly computers, psychologists, linguists, and philosophers understand the principles that constitute what we call intelligence. AI is an interdisciplinary eld of study. Many ideas and techniques now standard in CS (symbolic computation, time sharing, objects, declarative programming, . . . ) were pioneered by AI-related research.
Cesare Tinelli 10

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

AI is among us!
Recent applications using AI techniques: Sony Aibo Entertainment robot with pet-like behaviour ( Dragon NaturallySpeaking (Dictation and voice recognition software) ( Ananova Virtual newscaster on the web (
Cesare Tinelli 11

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

AI is among us!
More applications using AI techniques: Honda Humanoid Robot Demo walking robot ( Deep Blue Chess program that beat chess grand-grand-master Kasparov ( Mars Pathnder Autonomous land vehicle sent to Mars ( Marvel Real-time expert system for monitoring data sent by Voyager spacecraft.
Cesare Tinelli 12

22c145-Fall01: Introduction

AI is pretty hard stu

I went to the grocery store, I saw the milk on the shelf and I bought it. What did I buy? The milk? The shelf? The store? An awful lot of knowledge of the world is needed to answer simple questions like this one.
Cesare Tinelli 13

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