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MATRIC NO. : 154509

This interview is from the Malaysia International Islamic Finance Centre (MIFC) about the brand Islam and how the west can unlock the potential of Muslim consumer in Islamic finance. Long before the critics crisis set in investor in the middle east looking for a new opportunities and investment to turning their attention to the east side of the world , today government using the trade ties and Islamic link to tapped into a larger and fast expanding market. The challenges been taking these countries to think about each other when it comes to economic development with the rapidly growing market of one and a half billion of Muslim nearly half of it reside in Asia. Muslim nation have good opportunity to achieve greater growth but they must overcome the impediment to investing in one another economic by making their economic activity attractive to all investor. Malaysia is one of the key centers for Islamic finance nearly 2/3 of the Sukuk had been issued by Malaysian company and all the Malaysian government, and also Bank Negara Malaysia wants to boost the Islamic finance throughout the world. Our prime minister said that the top 20 countries in the organization of Islamic contribute 90% of the OIC GDP while the remaining 37 countries contribute only 10%. Meanwhile, our governor of Central Bank , Zeti Akhtar Aziz said that previously it was trade and investment flow and recently it is financial flow as well that is developing in Asia and in the middle east can increased the connectivity and facilitate trade plus investment activity. The most important aspect of Islamic finance is that all the Shariah requirements to be well documented to support the transaction, credit enhancement and potential to undertake restructuring of debt. The market produce consequences of this development and increasingly growth disparity divergence between emerging markets in general. It is very important that euro zone survive to ensure that it does and confidence that they will come forward address and the issues to confronted with.

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