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EEM 306 Intoduction to Communications Instructor: Assist.Prof.Dr. Nuray AT Oce: EEM 213 e-mail:

tr Teaching Assistant: Mehmet Fidan Books: Proakis and Salehi, Communication Systems Engineering Haykin Course notes TOPICS Key Concepts in Communications Fourier Review and Examples Amplitude Modulation Frequency Modulation Probability Review Signal to Noise Ratio [height=1.5in,width=2in,angle=-90]communications ystem Figure 1:



Frequency Domain Analysis

Fourier Series is applied to periodic signals Fourier Series Expansion

x(t) =
n= +T0

xn ej2 T0 t =

xn ejnw0 t

n j2 T t 0

1 xn = T0


1 = T0

x(t)ejnw0 t

T0 : fundamental period, f0 = Trigonometric Version

1 T0

fundamental frequency, w0 = 2f0

x(t) =

n a0 n an cos 2 t + bn sin 2 t + 2 T0 T0 n=1


2 an = T0

x(t) cos 2

n t dt T0


2 bn = T0

x(t) sin 2

n t dt T0

Fourier Transforms Here, as in Fourier Series, the signals are expressed in terms of complex exponentials of various frequencies, but these frequencies are not discrete.

X(f ) =

x(t)ej2f t dt

x(t) =

X(f )ej2f t df

Notation: X(f ) = F{x(t)}, x(t) = F 1 {X(f )} Note for a unit impulse (t)

(t) =

ej2f t df

Basic properties of the Fourier Transform Linearity: The Fourier Transform operation is linear Duality: If X(f ) = F[x(t)], then x(f ) = F [X(t)]andx(f ) = F [X(t)] Time shift: F [x(t t0 )] = ej2f t0 F [x(t)] Scaling F [x(at)] = Convolution Modulation Parsevals property Example: Determine the Fourier transform of a radio frequency (RF) pulse g(t) = A t T cos(2fc t) 1 X |a| f a

|t| < 1/2 1 1/2 |t| = 1/2 (t) = 0 otherwise

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