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Maslows hierarchy

Maslows hierarchical schema focuses on the whole hierarchy of needs, wants, and strengths. Maslow examines the needs of a person as crossing over the physical (bodily needs), intellectual (cognitive needs), socio-affective (social/emotional needs), and spiritual (aesthetic needs) dimensions of persons. There is a difference between needs and a wants in the concern of the wellbeing of an individual. A need is very important in levels of living, human development, and psychosocial functioning. A want differs than a need among human growth. A want is a desire for something beyond the basic needs of human survival. An example of a want would be iPod over food. Needs are most common among most human environments. A question you want to ask to help understand the concept of Maslows hierarchy is If you were cast away on deserted island, what would you desire the most? Guest Alan

Lev Vygotsky
I believe that Lev Vygotsky should be number 10 because of his sociocultural theory. He stressed the importance of the social context of development. That children's learning is often promoted through assistance from adults or older peers who help the child learn new skills. If you really think about his concepts of learning between children and adults where the child learns specific cultural values, customs, and beliefs is true. Who influenced you a lot when you were a child? For most people it was their parents or someone older than them that they looked up to. This is why I believe that Vygotsky should be added. Guest tjc_1311_mnm

Vygotzky should have been listed #10

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky should have been added as the tenth most influential psychologist. While most psychologist focused primarily on the child in explaining how development occurs, but certainly not ignoring the importance of others, especially the family, other theorist had given much greater prominence to the importance of the cultural and historical context within which a child is socialized. Vygotsky , originator of the sociocultural theory, highly stressed the importance of the social environment to development. Vygotsky also investigated child development and how this was guided by the role of culture and interpersonal communication. The Zone of Proximal Development is Vygotskys term for the range of tasks that are too difficult for the child to master alone but that can be learned with guidance and assistance of adults or more-skilled children. Vygotzky is less known for his research on play, or child's game as a psychological phenomenon and its role in the child's develo Guest Francisca Perdomo

Friedrich Froebel

I believe Friedrich Froebal should have made the list. He believed in the the interrelatedness of nature. He believe education should be harmonize with inner development. He also believed children are in different stages at every age. He saw childhood as a stage with intrinsic value of its own. He stressed that play is very important in a child's development to achieve harmony. He created blocks that are still used in classrooms to this day. The word kindergarten came from his class's "garden for children." His classrooms were centered around play and sensory awareness. Guest Krista B

I believe that Vygotsky should be on the 10 most influential psychologists because of his cognitive development theory. He believe that children can do more with guidance of a person more experienced than they can do themselves. He believed that children learn from their interactions with their internment. I love the way he believes that a parent should be a part of the children's learning experience and how they can work as a team. Not only does the child learn faster and seem to understand things better, but also the child and the parents or helper can become closer and share an experience together. This can lead to a child being closer with his/her family and have better appreciation for his helper that helped him through his childhood experiences. Guest Elise

Friedrich Froebel
After reading over several great psychologists i believe that Friedrich Froebel deserves the 10 slot. It was Rousseau that saw the potential in children. He saw how noble and pure children are. And how they are full of knowledge. And he said that they need to be protected and nurtured in a way so that they maintain this pure knowledge. I agree with him but not only i agree with him, but Johann Pestalozzi agrees with him. Which built a school which than became a museum. After visiting this museum Froebel had some mixed feelings and was able to take these two men's insights and turn it into somethings miraculous. He saw how they learned at different stages in life and how play was so vital in a child's life which is why invented blocks. He came up with a class called "Garden for Children" where he incorporated art activities, games, finger paints, songs, blocks, stories,crafts and other similar activities to enhance a child's knowledge. And today we call this Kindergarten. Guest Alex Easterling Previous61-75 of 86Next

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