2012-13 Budget PP 1-17-12

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2012-13 BUDGET INFO.

HISTORY OF CUTS: (at budget time) 09-10 even with a million increase in aid: approx. $500,000 in training, travel, legal, admin, services, maintenance, health benefits, salaries, technology

10-11 with $1.9 million aid reduction: aid numbers came out Thursday evening budget due Monday morning , all sources expected slight aid increase
Total cuts of $3.4 million cut (including fixed cost increases): salaries, stipends, team leaders, textbooks, technology, health benefits, purchased services, maintenance, energy, CST purchased services, kindergarten Net General Fund decrease: $1.6 million before $313,000 budget defeat 11-12 with $3.2 aide reduction during prior year: Cuts to all areas of budget (1st calculations with fixed cost increases $4.8 million) Net Decrease of $1.5 million /decrease $800,000 State Health Benefit change

2012-13 BUDGET INFO. 1/17/12

REVENUE: (at budget time) Reductions: 09-10 mid-year aid reduction: $3.22 million (felt in 11-12 budget)

10-11 state aid reduction:

10-11 defeated budget: Total: Increases: (at budget time)

$1.99 million
$ 313,000 reduction $5.52 million

11-12 State aid:

ED Jobs Money:


2012-13 BUDGET INFO. 1/17/12

GENERAL FUND REVENUES: (at budget time) 2009-10 $40,256,967 2010-11 $38,806,701

2011-12 $37,281,263
OTHER ITEMS: Net budget changes affected by use of Capital Reserve reduces the net impact of cuts. Adequacy spending: Administrative Cap: $2.5 million below $1.9 million below or $571 per student below

Cost per Student: $10,968 (very low)

2012-13 BUDGET INFO. 1/17/12

MOVING FORWARD: State aid: Rumor has it that it will remain constant at this amount differing stories on additional July aid $399,000 Stressors: estimated salary increase: $588,000 teacher evaluation changes: $180,000 estimated benefit increase: $400,000 Revenue - estimated tax levy at 2%: $507,000 $408,000 Federal Ed Jobs Money reduction cliff:

No massive aid cut anticipated at this time!

Dates: (anticipated) 2/24 aid numbers, 2/27 petitions due, 3/5 or 3/12 adopt budget (State dictates), 3/26 public hearing, (all dates are my guestimates)

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