Sophie Bambra: Journalistic Experience

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Sophie Bambra

Flat 17, 3 The Triangle, 2 Burley Road, Leeds LS3 1JG T: 07533950088 E: I am in the final semester of a BA hons degree in Journalism and I am looking for some work experience so that I can utilise my skills in order to prepare myself for a job upon graduation. I am hoping to graduate with a 2:1.

Journalistic Experience
Sourcing and writing stories for both print and online news Filming and directing short news items for television and working in a television studio. Creating and editing radio programmes, using software such as Audacity Writing magazine articles and using software inDesign to turn these into a mini magazine. Good ground knowledge of media law and government after completing modules on both of these at university. Experience of digital and social media and how these can be effectively used in a journalistic context.

GCSE English German Geography Mathematics Drama A-Level English Literature English Language Drama & Theatre Studies B B C AA A A B B Statistics Food Technology Physics Biology Chemistry B B B B C

Previous Work Experience Welcome to Yorkshire February 2012 I completed a week long placement within the press team at Welcome to Yorkshire My responsibilities included writing a variety of different press releases and news articles and contacting various people by telephone and email in order to source these. I also checked each day for media coverage the company had received. Voluntary Work Journalism Club I helped to run this for younger students at my secondary school, I assisted them in finding stories and conducting interviews. STAR (Student Academic Representative) - In this role it was my responsibility to represent the student body and liaise with tutors about any problems or improvements that could be made to the course.

Previous Employment
Somerfield Supermarket : June 2007 August 2010 The Foundry Restaurant and Wine Bar : March 2011 Present.

Graham Poucher Press Officer at Welcome to Yorkshire T: (0) 113 322 3578 E: Sean Dodson Journalism Course Leader at Leeds Metropolitan University E: Phil Richardson Current Employer at The Foundry Restaurant and Wine Bar T: 0113 2450390

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