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A PROJECT REPORT ON Product Profile & Marketing of Dabur India Ltd.

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor Degree of Commerce (2011-2012)

Submitted By:
Apurba Khanduri Class roll: 09DC097 Exam roll: 09C52009

Guided By:
Dr. Chittaranjan Dash Reader in Commerce F. M. (Auto) College Balasore.


I do here by declare that all the information required for this project is collected through my own effort and is true to the best of my belief. This work has not been submitted to any other institution earlier. I further declare that the project work is original and genuine to the best of my knowledge and information. The honorable authority may take necessary disciplinary action against me if the report is found to be misleading and false.

Place Date

: Balasore :

Apurba Khanduri Signature

This is to certify that Apurba Khanduri, student of Fakir Mohan Autonomous College, Balasore of B.Com Final Year (Marketing Honours) bearing Class Roll no.:09DC097 and Exam Roll no.:09C52009 has carried out her research work titled Product Profile and Marketing of Dabur India Ltd as partial fulfillment of Bachelor Degree of Commerce.

Dr C.R.Dash Dept of commerce F.M. Autonomous College Balasore

On the eve of completion of this project work I convey my gratitude and thanks to Dr. C.R.Dash, Reader in Commerce, Fakir Mohan Autonomous College, Balasore for his valuable guidance all through the study. A special word of thanks to the Retailers who have provided me with valuable information towards the completion of this Project. Last but not the least, I express my indebtness for all those who have directly and indirectly influenced me in completing this project.

Place : Balasore Date :

Apurba Khanduri Class rollno.: 09DC097 Exam rollno.: 09C52009

Introduction Objective of the Study Scope of the Study Research Methodology Limitation of the Study

Company Profile of Dabur India Ltd. History of the Company Product Profile

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Summary & Major Findings

Conclusion Suggestions Bibliography Questionnaire

1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 Objective of the Study 1.3 Scope of the Study 1.4 Research Methodology 1.5 Limitation of the Study

Marketing is something which is going on all around us. We see marketing that flash very frequently on our TV, spice up our magazines and newspapers, decorate the sides of highway and nowa-days reach us through cell phones and emails. Marketing has become all pervading and we see it in everything we do. But there is

much more to marketing than meets the consumers casual eye, behind it all is a massive network of people and activities competing for our attention and purchase. In the total marketing offering Product is a key element. Marketing mix planning starts with formulating an offer that brings value to target customers, and satisfies their specific needs. According to Philip Kotlar: A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention acquisition, use or consumption and might satisfy a want or need thus product refer to tangible and intangible goods like physical objects, services, events, persons, ideas or combinations of these. Levels of product : Products have Five levels which are known as customer value hierarchy with each level adding more customer value. The most basic level is the core product or core benefit. This is what the customer is actually buying. Example: cosmetics are brought by ladies with the hope of becoming fair or beautiful. At the second level the core benefit is turned into a basic product This will have features design a quality level a brand name and packaging.

At the third level it becomes an expected product, a set of attributes and conditions normally expected by consumers when they buy the product. At the fourth level it becomes an augmented product by offering additional consumer expectation.

Finally it becomes the potential product, containing all the possible argumentations and transformations that it might undergo in the future.

The Product Life Cycle:

Every product, like human being has a life cycle. The life cycle of different Products are different. Some products have a longer life time while others have shorter life time. The product life style is said to begin when a new product idea is launched and commercialized, it ends when the product is discarded. Every marketing department must take a cautious note of such product life cycle and accordingly chalk out the marketing strategies.

A products potential and profitability change over time. The product life cycle (PLC) is the course of a products sales and profit over its life time. It involves 5 distinct Stages: Product Development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline

Corresponding to these stages are distinct opportunities and problems with respect to marketing strategy and profit potential. By identifying the stage that a product is in, or may be headed towards, companies can formulate better marketing plans.

The PLC concept shows the sales history of a typical product as following a Bell-shaped curve, depicting the five different stages. 1. Product Development Stage: Product Development begins when the company finds and develops a new product idea. The process involves idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, marketing strategy development, business analysis, product development, test marketing and commercialization. 2. Introduction Stage: The Introduction Stage starts when the new product is launched commercially and made available for purchase. It takes time to fill dealer pipelines and roll out the product in several markets. So, the sales growth is bound to be low. In this stage, profits are negative or low because of the low sales and heavy distribution and promotion expenses.

3. Growth Stage: The Growth Stage is marked by a rapid climb in sales. The early adopters like the product and middle consumer start following the lead. New competitors enter the market, attracted by the opportunities for large scale production and profit. They introduce new product features and this further expands the market. Profit increase during this stage as promotion costs are spread over a

larger volume and unit manufacturing costs falls faster than price declines, owing to the experience curve effect. 4. Maturity Stage: At some point in its life cycle, a products rate of growth will slow down and the product will enter a stage of relative maturity. This stage normally lasts longer than the previous stages. The Maturity Stage cab be divided into 3 phases:------i) Growth Maturity: The sales growth rate starts to decline because of distribution saturation. ii) Stable Maturity: Sales become level on a per capita basis because of market saturation. iii) Decaying Maturity: The absolute level of sales starts to decline and customers products and substitutes. 5. Decline Stage: The sales of most product forms and brands eventually decline. The sales decline may be slow or rapid. Sales may plunge to zero or they may petrify at a low level. Sales decline for a number of reasons including technological advances, consumer shifts in tastes and increased domestic and foreign competition.

The PLC model offers some degree of usefulness to marketing managers, in that it is based on factual assumptions. Nevertheless, it is difficult for marketing management to gauge accurately where as product is on its PLC graph. A rise in sales per se is not necessarily evidence of growth. A fall in sales per se does not typify decline. Another factor is that differing products would possess different PLC

shapes. A fad product would hold a steep sloped growth stage, a short maturity stage and a steep sloped decline stage. It can probably be said that a given product (or products collectively within an industry) may hold a unique PLC shape, and the typical PLC model can only be used as a rough guide for marketing management. This is why its called the Product Life Cycle. The duration of PLC stages is unpredictable. It is not possible to predict when maturity or decline will begin. Strict adherence to PLC can lead a company to misleading objectives and strategy prescriptions.


This study will give the feedback to the company regarding the most effective way of creating customer and satisfying the customer by bringing the desired change in the product. It will help the company to build up healthy and effective strategies in increasing its sales. My study is restricted to BALASORE district. The scope is limited to the product profile and marketing of Dabur India Ltd.

This section of survey puts emphasis on the procedure that has been followed by us during research study. This facilitates a reader to understand the project work easily and clearly. The methodology that has been used in the research study are as follows: Research Design The Sampling Procedure Questionnaire Design Data Collection Procedure

Research Design:
The type of research design used by me to gather information or data for this project can be termed as Descriptive Research. Descriptive research includes Survey and facts finding, Enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of the descriptive research is to describe the state of affairs as exist in present.

The Sampling Procedure:

In this project, random sampling is used. The sampling unit of the study will be within 100. The Sampling size includes user from different occupation, locality, age, religion and income background.

Questionnaire Design:
Questionnaire consists of list of questions to be asked from the respondents and space to record the answers/responses. Questionnaire design consists of 5 steps as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Specifying data requirement. Determining the type of questions to be asked. Deciding the number and sequence of questions. Preparing the preliminary draft of Questionnaire. Revising and re-testing the Questionnaire.


Every research has its own plus points and limitations. The following are some of the limitations:1. Limitation of time. 2. There are number of samples and sets. 3. The apprehension of disclosure trade secrecy came as hindrance in our research work. 4. The research was carried out on customers who are human beings. Human beings have the tendency to behave artificially when they know they are being observed.


1. To analyze the marketing strategy of Dabur products. 2. To know consumers perception about the products. 3. To compare the share of Ayurvedic products with that of others. 4. To understand the economy factors affecting the sales volume and their opportunities. 5. To understand the competitive position of rival products. 6. To evaluate the channel of distributions. 7. To understand the advantages and limitations of the products. 8. To measure the effectiveness of advertising.



Dabur India Ltd. is one of Indias leading FMCG Companies with revenues of about US $910 Million (Rs. 4110 Crores) & Market Capitalization of US $4 Billion (Rs. 20,000 Crores). Building on a legacy of quality and experience of over 125 years, Dabur is today Indias most Trusted brand and the Worlds Largest Ayurvedic and Natural Health Care Company. Dabur India is also a World leader in Ayurveda with a portfolio of over 250 Herbal/Ayurvedic products. Daburs FMCG portfolio today includes 5 Flagship Brands with distinct brand identities as: Dabur as the master Brand for Natural Health Care products. Vatika for premium personal care. Hajmola for digestives. Real for fruit Juices and Beverages. Fem for fairness bleach and skin care products.

Dabur today operates in key consumer products categories like Hair care, Oral care, Health care, Skin care, Home care and foods. The Company has a wide distribution network covering over 2.8 million retail outlets with a high penetration in both Urban and Rural markets. Daburs products also have a huge presence in the overseas markets and are today available in over 60 countries across the Globe. Its brands are highly popular in the Middle East, SAARC countries, Africa, US, Europe and Russia. Daburs overseas revenue today accounts for over 30% of the total turnover.


The story of Dabur began with a small but visionary endeavour by Dr. S.K. Burman, a Physician tucked away in Bengal. His mission was to provide effective and affordable cure for ordinary people in farflung villages. With missionary zeal and fervor, Dr. Burman

undertook the task of preparing natural cures for the killer diseases of those days, like Cholera, Malaria and Plague. Soon the news of his medicines travelled and he came to be known as the trusted Daktar or Doctor who come up with effective curves and that is how his venture Dabur got its name derived from the Devanagri rendition of Daktar Burman or from the words Da for Daktar and Bur for Burman. Dr. Burman set up Dabur in 1884 to procedure and dispense Ayurvedic medicine. Reaching out to a wide means of people who had no access to proper treatment. Dr. Burmans commitment and ceaseless effort resulted the Company growing from a fledging manufacturer in a Small Calcutta house to a household name that at once evokes trust and reliability.

Daburs Motto: Dedicated to the Health & Well being of every household

Dabur has an illustrious Board of Directors who are committed to take the company to newer levels of Corporate Governance. The Board of Directors comprises of: Dr. Anand Burman Mr. Amit Burman Chairman Vice Chairman

Mr. P.D. Narang Mr. Sunil Duggal Mr. Pradip Burman Mr. Mohit Burman Mr. Bert Paterson Mr. P.N. Vijay Mr. R.C. Bhargava Dr. S. Narayan Mr. Analjit Singh Dr. Ajay Dua

Whole Time Director Whole Time Director Whole Time Director Non Whole Time Promoters Independent Directors Independent Directors Independent Directors Independent Directors Independent Directors Independent Directors

Dabur today operates in key consumer products like Hair Care, Oral Care, Health Care, Skin Care, Home Care and Foods. The company has a wide distribution network, covering over 2.8 million Retail Outlets with a high penetration in both Urban and Rural markets.

Dabur Products

Home Care

Health Care

Personal Care

Food & Juices

Health Supplements
Dabur Chyawanprash

Real Active(Fruit Juice) Dabur Honey

Odomos Odonil

Dabur Chyawanshakti Glucose D

Hair Care Oil

Homemade Masala

Digestive Odopic Sanifresh

Hajmola Tablets Hajmola Candy Dabur Hingoli

Vatika Hair Oil Amla Hair Oil

Capsico red pepper sauce Hair Care Shampoo

Vatika Henna Conditioning Shampoo

Baby Care
Dabur Lal Tail Dabur Baby Olive Oil Dabur Jamna Ghunti

Vatika Anti-dandruff Shampoo Vatika root strengthening shampoo

Skin Care
Dabur Gulabari

Nature Cures
Ring Ring Itch Care Back-aid Dabur Balm

Dabur Fairness Face pack Vatika Saffron glow soap with sandal

Oral Care
Babool Toothpaste Meswak Toothpaste Dabur Lal dantmanjan

Dabur Chyawanprash:
Dabur Chyawanprash has antioxidant properties and strengthens the bodys internal defense mechanism. The immune system thereby protecting from everyday infection cough, cold and stress etc. Chyawanprash a time tested, age old formulation has number of herbs like amla, giloy and has more than 40 other natural ingredients to boost immunity. Magic Ingredients: Amla Ashwagandha Pippali Kesar Guduchi Karkatsringi Satavari Bramhi

Dabur Chyawanprash, which strictly follows the original recipe that was laid down centuries ago. Dabur now offers the same age-

old benefits of Chyawanprash in two new variants the Sugar-free Dabur Chyawanprash and the Chocolate-flavoured granular Dabur Chyawan Junior.

Dabur Honey:
Dabur Honey has been used for its medicinal and therapeutic value for centuries in India. Dabur India Ltd saw the potential of honey beyond its remedial value, helping every household imbibe the goodness of its natural wonder liquid in their day to day life. USEFULNESS OF HONEY: Honey is known to promote good health It act as a good cleansing tonic that revitalizes the entire body It is the best source of natural unrefined sugar and carbohydrates. It provides instant energy. It acts as mild antiseptic. Scientists have found that honey has antioxidants and a large variety of vitamins minerals and amino acids.


Vatika enriched coconut oil provides natural nourishment to your hair giving it body and radiance while taking care of the critical balanced nutrients. Unlike ordinary coconut oil, Vatika coconut oil and scalp complete provide nourishment for that problem free healthy, crowing glory. Ingredients: Triphala Brahmi Henna Neem Lemon Rosemary oil Kapurkachri Soya extract

The new improved formulation of Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil is proven to be better than ordinary coconut oil in 4 ways: It makes hair Stronger Hair become Thicker It makes hair Shinier Better Dandruff Control

Dabur Gulabari:

Dabur Gulabari is the only personal care brand offering the goodness of rose for skin care. Dabur Gulabari skincare range is packed with natural rose extracts that give you soft, smooth skin that glows like a Rose. Dabur Gulabari skin care range helps maintain moisture balance without leaving your skin oily. Besides protecting the skin from damaging elements and keeping it soft and touched, natural rose extracts also help remove dryness and dullness giving you skin a roselike radiance. Ingredients: Aqua Fragnance (Rooh Gulab) Rose Oil Propylene glycol Methyl Paraben Propyl Paraben Bronopol


Vatika Smooth & Silky Shampoo is a natural shampoo that conditions from deep within, while gently cleansing and

nourishing the hair. It offers the gentle & caring touch of nature that leave the hair soft, silky and radiant. It has the perfect balance of natural ingredients like Henna, Green Almonds and Shikakai that turn dull and lifeless hair into smooth and silky without damaging them.

Ingredients: Aqua containing extract of Henna Yogurt and Honey Sodium Laureth Sulphate Cocamidopropyl Betaine Silicone Conditioners Cocamide MEA Ethylene Glycol Monostearate Perfume

Dabur Red Tooth Paste:

Dabur Red Toothpaste is packed with the power of 13 active Ayurvedic ingredients like Laung, Pudina and Tomar, that keeps all your dental problems away. It is the first-ever toothpaste which keeps all the dental problems away, thereby providing strong teeth.

Its superior formulation that has been scientifically validated has made Dabur Red Toothpaste the preferred oral care brand for millions of Indians. Dabur Red Toothpaste has become an Rs.100 Crore brand with just 5yrs of its birth. Ingredients: Laung: Helps prevent toothache Pudina:Helps prevent bad breath Tomar: Kills harmfull germs

Dabur Hajmola:
Pop a Dabur Hajmola and enjoy the chatpata flavour that stimulates your digestive power. The popularity of this Ayurvedic digestive can be gauged by the fact that almost 2.5 crore Hajmola tablets are consumed every day in India. Ingredients: Sharkara Sauvarchala Lavanu/ Kala Lavar Navasara

Kshudhavardhak churna Nimbu Saar Shveta Jiraka Maricha Shunthi Pippali

As Ayurvedic digestive medicine, Dabur Hajmola was the first to be branded as a product. Dabur Hajmola is a market leader with 60% share of the digestive tablets segment in India. So quit worrying about what all that yummy food will do to your stomach. Keep digestion toned up with Daburs range of digestives tablets and candies. These Ayurveda based solutions aid digestion as well as distressing stomach disorder safely and instantly.

Dabur Pudin Hara:

It gives relief from stomach ache, gas and indigestion. It is a trusted fast action remedy for stomach disorders. Pudin Hara is completely natural and safe.

Ingredients: Each Pudin Hara pearl contains: Pudhina Ke Satva: 180mg Colouring Agents: Tartrazine yellow C.I. no. 19140 and brilliant Blue FCF C.I. no. 42690 Preservatives: Melhvi Parahen



I have collected data from secondary sources i.e. from retailers/wholesalers and also downloaded from Internet. I have analyzed the collected data with the help of Charts/graphs. Data Analysis is a method of analyzing the data which have been collected as a sample out of population in order to analyze whether the data are perfect and sufficient for the purpose or not. The data is collected from Dabur India products sold. 3.1 Analysis of FMCG Growth Rate:

Indias FMCG sector reported steady sales CAGR of 11.2% over FY00-10 on the back of strong annual volume growth of ~8.5%. Growth being driven by increasing consumption led by rise in incomes, changing lifestyles and favorable demographics. FMCG industry expected to grow in mid to high teens going ahead. 3.2 Analysis of Dabur Financial Sales report by CAGR 18%

Sales show a decline in FY04 on account of de-merger of Pharma business. Balsara acquisition added 10% to topline in FY06

Fem acquisition added 3.5% to topline in FY10

3.3 Analysis of penetration of Dabur products in Urban and Rural levels.

Low penetration levels offer room for growth across consumption categories. Rural penetration catching up with urban penetration levels. In Urban, Dabur products are consumed more than rural areas.

In Rural, penetrations for each Dabur products are too low as compared with urban areas.

3.4 Analysis of FMCG Company for Hair Oil.

Market Share
5% 10%




Dabur Dey's Medical Emami


Marico Others

The above pie chart, displays that 43% of total customers use
Dabur products rather than other brand products. 20% of market share is covered by Deys Medical products. 17% of market share by Marico.

10% of market share by Emami. Bajaj covers 10% of the market share respectively.

3.5: Analysis of FMCG Company for Chyawanprash:

Out of total customers 65.8% of market share is for Dabur products. The Baidyanath is preferred by 13.6% of the customers. Few other brand take over 10.5% of the total market share. 7.2% of the total market share is covered by Emami. 2.9% by the brand Zandu.

3.6: Analysis of FMCG Company for Digestives:

55% of customers prefers for Hajmola for digesting foods rather than others. The competitors take over the rest half. Like satmola about 8% and 37% by others.

3.7: Analysis for FMCG Company for Oral Care:

Market Share
10% 35%



HUL Dabur Others


40% consists of Dabur brand oral products Colgate has a very close competition with Dabur with just 35%. Hindustan lever take over 15% of the market share. 10% by few other brands.


The 125 years old company Dabur has made itself successful despite of strong competitors like Baidyanath, Zandu, Himami any many other Ayurvedic companies. 85% of the total domestic market share is contributed by these Ayurvedic companies. The leader in this field is Dabur, which had a 69% market share. Carrying its great legacy of years

and years, Dabur is producing quality Dabur products which match international standards established by various quality control bodies governing quality standards in herbal products. From the above mentioned chapter, we came to know about the companys market share in context to its various products and in comparison to its competitors. The chapters above provide us the information about the sales of the Dabur products. It gives a brief idea about the distribution channels of the product.

Most of the people get aware of a Dabur from TV advertisements which are the most vital media of communication of a brand to the people followed by ads on Newspapers and friends or relatives as per our study. It was found that the overall satisfaction level of customer is very good.

It was also found from our study that about 90% of the total customers have a very good impression on the Brand name of Dabur and only 10% remarks that this brand is of average class. It was found that about 83% of total Dabur customers have recommended either to their friends or to their relatives or to others to buy the same brand which shows a strong brand loyalty towards Dabur and also this shows the satisfaction level of Dabur customers. It was also found that most of the customers about 73% suggest for more advertisements in order to improve market share of Dabur whereas 33% suggest for reduction in price or employment of more attractive gift/offer or any other promotional activity for the improvement of selling or market share.



This survey has revealed that the revealed that the Ayurvedic Industry is very complex industry with a manufacturing process which is sensitive and requires expert supervision. Dabur India Ltd enjoys good brand loyalty. Fluctuating demand of Ayurvedic medicines is a problem with which companies have to contend. Few Dabur products are under constant treat from its competitors and loosing its market share. Dabur emphasizes mass marketing of most products. Dabur focus on expansion, acquisition and innovation.

The Dabur products undergo clinical validation processes. The Dabur India Ltd follows strict Government norms.

After the survey and analysis a lot of information was gathered, this is being presented in the form of suggestions: The company should introduce more new products across the segments. Dabur should phase out the products those are weak. It should be selective and should eliminate the unprofitable outlets. Different types of promotional activities should be involved in the sale of the products like sponsorship to cookery shows, beauty contests etc to increase the publicity and awareness of the brand. The free gift facility should be provided so that with the sale of one product the people get induce to by other products too. The expenditure on advertisement of the product should be increased.

The people of rural areas are still unaware of few products of Dabur. Hence special care should be taken such as providing small sachet of honey so that the children in the rural areas prefer that instead of eating the unhealthy chocolates. It will provide them good health in small price. The involvement of brand ambassadors should be increased because it was found that people get motivated by there sayings and buy the product which there favorite actors and actresses use.

Philip Kotlar : T.N. Chabbra : K Naresh Malhotra : K. Karunakaran : Marketing Management Principle of Marketing Marketing Research Marketing Management


Name: Contact Address: Profile:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Put tick mark in appropriate Box 1. Source of Income: Business Others 2.

Monthly Salary

Monthly Income from Occupation: Rs. 5000 10000/Rs. 10000 15000/Rs. 15000 20000/Rs. 20000 25000/-

Above Rs. 25000/3.


Do you use Dabur products? Yes



Which brands digestive tablets do you use? Hajmola



Which brands Chyawanprash do you use? Himami



Baidyanath Others


Which brands hair oil do you use? Emami Marico Dabur


Which brands toothpaste do you prefer the most? Colgate Dabur

Hindustan lever Others


Whose skin care products do you prefer? Loreal HUL Calvin care Dabur


Which brands Shampoo do you use regularly? P&G Dabur HUL Calvin care

10. Are you satisfied with advertisement of Dabur products?



11. Why do you prefer the Dabur products? Brand name Quality Brand ambassador Herbal nature

12. What suggestion would you like to give about the Dabur products? __________________________________________________

Customer Signature

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