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ss d ire trange and poetic fi c lm, is ted by Chris Marker, af ps usion of science fiction, phychological fable and o it tomontage, and creates in s unique way a series of poten t imag es of the inner landscapes of t i th me. Apart from a brief yoree-second sequence a ung womans hesitant smile, am ment of extraordinary po o ignancy, like a fragment of a childs dream the thirtyminute film is composed entirely of still photographs. Yet this succession of disconnected images is a perfect means of projecting the quantified memories and movements through time that are the films subject matter.


La Jetee (1962)

T[times travel] istheme hi familiar treated

with remarkable finesse and imagination, its symbols and perspectives continually reinforcing the subject matter. Not once does it make use of the time-honoured conventions of traditional science fiction. Creating its own conventions from scratch, it triumphantly succeeds where science fiction invariably fail s .

J.G. Ballard La Jete: Academy One, New Worlds, 1966.

(Info: La jete (English: The Jetty or The Pier) (1962) is a 28-minute black and white science fiction film by Chris Marker. Constructed almost entirely from still photos, it tells the story of a post-nuclear war experiment in time travel. The film won the Prix Jean Vigo for short film.)

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