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A $2000.00 Dollar Bath! This story is a rewrite from the Pathfinder of May/June of 1996.

But, I feel it is still a story, which should be shared and revisited for the betterment of our health. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with heavy chemical/metal poisoning. Among the many chemicals and metals in my body, mercury from the fillings in my teeth was a major culprit. It was recommended to me that I have dental work to replace all the mercury fillings in my teeth. Other tests included live cell/dry cell analysis wherein blood samples were placed under a powerful microscope and magnified onto a TV/computer monitor. I was told, Lady, you have heavy chemicals and metals in your body. I would recommend a minimum of twenty chelation treatments for you! At the time, I lived in Arizona and chelation therapy was $100 a session so that meant $2000.00 (chelation treatment is a drip intravenous therapy to remove chemicals and toxins in the body.) A frozen sample of my blood had also been sent to a special laboratory in Colorado (to check on the diagnosis) which revealed that there were seven major toxins in my body including dioxin poisoning, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, lead, chlorine, copper, etc., etc., and a number of minor elements as well. On a scale of 1 10 seven registered 7 or more (10 being the highest amount of toxicity)! Having neither insurance nor $2000.00, I began searching for alternative ways to clear these poisonous substances, knowing that they are a major cause of immune system breakdown, and the source of a variety of diseases. I read that certain toxic elements could be removed by taking specific combination of minerals and vitamins. For instance, a receipt for arsenic removal was to take one teaspoon of calcium/magnesium powder a day with the juice of fresh lemons or grapefruit alone with sex magnesium oxide tablets a day. Doing this every day for months would eventually rid ones body of arsenic. This seemed like a long drawn out process to remove just one substance. It would take months or years to clear all the poisons in my body with vitamins and minerals! The continued search led me to a book, Using energy to Heal, by Wendell Hoffman. He found that bentonite clay had magnificent drawing effect of pulling out toxic chemicals/metals through the pores of the skin via a clay bath. In his experiments and test results, he tried various amounts of clay and various lengths of time for the baths. After many experiments, he concluded that the ideal was to use four (4) pounds of bentonite clay in a bathtub of very warm water and immerse oneself in it for twenty (20) minutes. No more. No less. On an impulse, I purchased five pounds of bentonite clay; I used 1 pound of the clay as a mud pack for my head, covering it with plastic to hold it in place. (After all, the chemicals were in my head too, particularly with all the mercury found in my teeth.) The other four pounds of clay I pored very slowly near the faucet, using very warm water and a wire whisk to help blend the clay with the water and prevent it from lumping in the tub. I stayed immersed in the tub for the required twenty minutes, and then stood up to shampoo and rinse the clay from the shower. After this I found 1

myself very tired and took a nap. The clay bath mess was left for 4-5 hours to let the clay to settle to the bottom. (The drain had been previously taped over with duct tape to prevent any of the clay water from clogging the drainpipes. The clay solution should not be left in the tub for more than 4 5 hours.) The water at the top was fairly clear so I skimmed off the water and poured it down the sink. As the clay started to stir in the tub, I carried the remaining water outside. When the cleanup progressed to the bottom of the tub where the clay had settled, I was astonished to find that the light tan colored clay had turned black, sticky, tar-like substance! I could hardly believe my eyes! Grabbing some rubber gloves and a bunch of crumpled newspaper, I put the toxic clay stuff into a heavy-duty garbage bag for the dump! I told some of my friends about my experience, one woman who had a lot of mercury poisoning purchased enough clay for the whole family. The four teenage boys were apparently not very toxic, as the clay residue from their baths was about normal color. The husbands bath resulted in dark-colored sediment. My friends results were like mine-black, sticky, stuff! It may be that the clay has a particularly strong affinity for mercury. Another friend suffered from mercury poisoning took the clay bath, but forgot to use rubber gloves when she cleaned up the sediment at the bottom of the tub. She was astonished to find she got chemical burns on the hand that she was using to scoop up the toxic clay. My curiosity, lead me to send some hair off for analysis; the results indicated no chemicals or metals other than a small amount of aluminum! To satisfy my curiosity even further, I took another clay bath about 5 months later. The clay was the normal light tan color with a few black flecks in it. I knew without a doubt that the magical clay had done its work and saved me literally $2,000.00! Clay has been used for thousands of years and yet no one has been able to pin down what makes it a healer. Most of the users of clay leave scientific explanations aside when they become astounded by the accomplishments of clay, says Michel Abehera, author of Amazing Cures from the Earth Itself-The healing clay. Raymond Dextreit, the French naturopath who popularized the clay cure in his own country says the following One of clays peculiarities is based on its physical/chemical domination. From a thermodynamic point of view, we must admit that clay cannot be the sole source of energy of the phenomena it produces. Clay is effective far more significantly, as a dynamic PRESENCE than a mere consideration of the substance it contains. It is a catalyst rather than an agent itself. This is possible because clay is alive. He also refers to clays negatively charged fields stating, Clay has a negative electrical attraction for particles that are positively charged. In the organism (body) most of the toxic poisons are positively charged. These toxins are irresistibly drawn towards clay. According to an authority on Bentonite (a very fine volcanic clay), clays particles are shaped like a calling card with the wide surfaces negative and the edges of the card positive, and thus have many times more negative charge (good) than positive pulling power. The same authority writes the following: The very minuteness of the particles of Bentonite gives a large surface area in proportion to the volume 2

used. This enables it to pick up many times its own weight in positively charged particles. According to Robert T. Martin, Mineralogist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one gram of this product has a surface area of 800 square meters. The greater the surface area, the greater its power to pick up positively charged particles or toxins! Clay is a powerful agent of stimulation, transformation, and transmission of energy. As everything filing which comes from a magnet keeps its properties, every piece of clay retains a considerable amount of energy from the large and powerful magnet entity of Earth. This natural magnetic action transmits an extraordinary strength to the organism and helps to rebuild vital potential through the liberation of latent energy. The organism has great energy resources, which normally remain dormant, and clay awakens them. This Earth remedy is as primitive and simple as it sounds. Many people now realize that the Earth itself is a healing source. Thank you Mother Earth for coming to the rescue for us once again wish your healing elements. Prior to the clay bath, it is recommended that one eat a lighter diet for one to two weeks: no meat, alcohol, and white flour products, and more cleansing foods such as fruits, and fresh vegetables. The addition of cleansing herb teas such as burdock, milk thistle, is also helpful. Always wait at least two hours after eating to take the bath. Extra vitamins, and minerals (and especially electrolytes) should be taken for several weeks after the bath. Keep the body warm after the bath until the pores of the skin close naturally. Those on prescription medications or with high blood pressure should refrain from participation in this endeavor. For people with more entrenched toxic conditions (for example, for those who picked up heavy metals and other poisons in childhood or some years ago), it may be advisable to use special homeopathic remedies and alternate them with the clay baths. When the body takes in a toxin at first it is present in the muscle and the circulatory system; next, the body removes toxins to certain organs such as the liver and kidneys; finally, these substances are stored as deeply as possible, in areas like the very bone marrow and the brain. Use of appropriate homeopathic remedies can loosen the stored poisons and flush them out into the blood and lymph. This would then be a perfect time to take the clay bath. Therefore in many cases it may be helpful to use homeopathic remedies for 1-2 weeks, take a clay bath, use the remedies for another 1-2 weeks, and so on. (While taking the remedies, be sure to drink lots of water, use milk thistle extract to support the liver along with large amounts of Vitamin C, and take green products such as liquid chlorophyll as well). Please note that a cleansing program using homeopathies should be followed under the care of a competent health practitioner. The material in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. {Note}For those folks who have chronic conditions do not use the full amount specified in this article. Start with one pound a month cutting it in half for two baths. On the Second month then use one pound for each session. And so on.

DO NOT SCOOP OUT THE CLAY AFTER IT HAS SEPERATED WITH YOUR BARE HAND IT WILL BURN YOU! The toxins that this pulls out of you are very real and are just as harmful outside of you as they are inside of you.

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