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OBIEE Step by Step Install

On request from readers, I am posting step by step installation of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 10.1.3.X on windows (you can use same steps to install OBIEE on Linux) . Things good to know about OBIEE Installation i) Siebel Analytics from Siebel (acquired by Oracle) is now called as OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition). Siebel Analytics was originally product from NQuire acquired by Siebel in 2001-02 ii) OBIEE is different from Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (OBIA) iii) To download OBIEE software click here iv) Installation Guide for OBIEE is available here v) For list of Supported Operating System check Guide here Page 15-16 vi) There are two top level directory after OBIEE installation OracleBI - aka ORACLE_BI_HOME OracleBIData - aka ORACLE_BI_DATA_HOME More on these two directory, file system for OBIEE and important files in OBIEE coming soon vi) If you wish to use Oracle AS Single Sign-On server with OBIEE, install OBIEE on exiting 10.1.3.X Oracle Application Server (Advance Install) vii) Executable to install OBIEE on Windows is setup.exe and on Linux (under server directory in OBIEE Software) viii) You will need JDK 1.5.0 or higher to install OBIEE. Download JDK 1.5 from here . . Installation Steps 1. Start installation using setup.exe (Windows) or (Linux)

2. Next screen is for information only - OBIEE requires at least 2GB hard disk space and 200 MB temp disc space

3. In this screen you define location of OBIEE top level directory, ORACLE_BI_HOME and ORACLE_BI_DATA_HOME - You also select installation type i) Basic ii) Advance

4. Select components - In this screen you select components you wish to install with OBIEE server

5. This screen displays all components you are going to install

6. Specify JDK Location and Administrator (OC4JADMIN) account password on this screen

7. In this screen you provide windows user detail and option to start BI as windows services (Manual or Automatic)

8. Finally start services (using services.msc) if not already done and access OBIEE from browser Default Web port BI services is 9704 and default username/password is Administrator/Administrator To Access Analytics (BI Analytics ) http : // server name:9704/analytics (Administrator/Administrator)

9. To Access Publisher (BI Publisher aka XML publisher ) http :// servername:9704/xmlpserver (Administrator/Administrator)

How to create user or configure LDAP server (OID/AD/iPlanet) as OBIEE user repository coming soon Previous in series Next in series

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1. Copying the repository file and adding lines in the NQSConfig.ini file, in the Repository section: Copy the repository file on the repository folder. Open the file NSQSConfig.ini under ORACLE BI Home\OracleBI\server\config:

If both the RPD files exist in the repository directory, <ORACLE BI>/server/Repository/, then the server will load all the listed repositories on startup. However, the default installed Presentation Service will only access the DEFAULT marked repository and any request made to the BI Server will be routed to the Star RPD. In order to take advantage of a single BI server running multiple repositories we need to install a presentation service for each repository. These services do not have to be running on the same machine, nor on the same machine as the BI Server. 2. Restart the BI Server service 3. Within the ODBC configuration, create a new entry for the new repository Open the Control Panel and click in Administrative Tools:

Open the Data Source (ODBC) Tool:

On the System DSN, click in the button Add:

Choose the option Oracle BI Server:

Write the Name (as a standard, use AnalyticsWeb<RepositoryName>):

In the Login ID, type the repository owner username (Administrator). Check the option Change the default repository to and type the repository name that you defined on the file NQSConfig.ini:

Click finish to conclude the new ODBC entry:

The new entry will be showed as below:

4. Restart the BI Server service 5. Deploy the analytics.ear using the Enterprise Manager Access the URL: http://<server name>:9704/em:

Go to the Application tab and click in the button deploy:

Browse the file name and location and click next:

Click in the button Deploy:

The screen below shows the deployment results:

The Enterprise Manager will show the new application:

6. Copy the catalog files (if exists) to the catalog folder:

7. Create a new file instance_config.xml: Create a copy of the instance_config.xml (as a standard, use instance_config_<repository_name>_<new_port >.xml) and change the DSN property, Listener Port (define a new port) and Catalog Path:

Note: As a standard, create a new port use the interval of 2, like: 9710, 9712,9714, etc). 8. Edit the file web.xml under the OC4J folder: Open the file ORACLE_BI_HOME\BI Server\oc4j_bi\home\j2ee\applications\analytics_<application>\analytics\WEBINF\web.xml, and edit the port number as you defined in the file instance_config_xxx.xml:

9. Create a new shortcut to start the presentation service for the repository:

10. Start the presentation service (double click in the shortcut):

11. Start the OC4J (double click in the shortcut):

12. Open the Internet Explorer and go to the URL http://<server_name>:9704/analytics_<application_name>

-----Creating an OBIEE repository

Creating an OBIEE Repository for Relational Data Source

March 11, 2009 in 1, BI Reporting, OBIEE, Oracle Hyperion, Planning & Essbase | Tags: OBI Answers, OBI Interactive Dashboards, OBI Publisher, Oracle 10g, Oracle BI Administration Tool, Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Repository, SQL Server | by Michael Duong OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition) In this part of my OBIEE blog, Ill guide you through basic steps to create an Oracle server repository and use it to bring over a relational data source for use in OBI Answers. As of OBIEE version, Essbase is supported as an OBI data source allowing the user to integrate Essbase data with OBI Answers, OBI Interactive Dashboards, and OBI Publisher. The latest version of OBIEE is Refer to my part 2 blog (OBIEE and Essbase Defining OLAP Integration) for importing Essbase content into OBIEE. For the below steps, I will be using SQL Server 2005 relational database as my source but you can use Oracle 10g or older versions of either tool. To create an Oracle repository, open the Oracle BI Administration Tool and select File | New and name your new repository.

Set security by selecting Manage | Security. Assuming you are the admin, select Users | Administrator. Right click Administrator, select Properties to enter an admin password and confirm the password. Close out Security Manager.

To import a relational data source, select File | Import | from Database.

Select a connection type.

Select the relational data source, enter login credentials and click OK.

Enter the relational table to import. Deselect all but Tables, Keys, and Foreign Keys and click Import. If you are using Views instead of Tables, change accordingly.

The relational table will import into the Physical layer of the Administration Tool.

Test the import by right clicking a column (Branch_Name is selected in this example) and select View Data. Values for the selected column should populate in a view data table.

Drag the imported relational table folder from the Physical layer to the Business Model and Mapping (BMM) layer. In the BMM layer, here you can create logical tables and joins to develop the type of model needed for presentation.

Next, drag the relational table from the BMM layer to the Presentation layer to finalize its presentation for the user. Manipulation by presentation can be performed in this layer for Subject Area use in OBI Answers.

For your reference and as a recap from my part 2, here is the significance of each layer: 1. Physical layer imported tables and views come from the relational data source; physical joins can be performed here 2. BMM layer this layer organizes imports from the physical layer into logical categories 3. Presentation layer BMM entities are organized for user presentation

Once your Presentation layer is complete, it can be made available for OBI Answers to create dashboard content bringing both relational and multidimensional data sources into one view. A sample of an Answers view is displayed below combining both relational and multidimensional data sources into a combo box allowing for choice among regions. Any selection of region updates both relational and multidimensional tables for view.

This is just one simple example of the products capabilities. OBIEE is redefining how we approach BI with the evolution of this product improving on how we develop it. There is a great deal of flexibility within OBIEE for relational and multidimensional reporting and those who understand how to leverage this tool will see its impact upon their organization for the better.

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